Yes three games was supposed to happen but for some reason didn't and insteas we get this XV poorly made not knowing the definition universe hopefully after KH3 they let Nomura take another crack at it a XV Universe 2.0 if you will 3 games as intended with DLC interlinking them think requiem of the Goddess
"1.Why did they change Regis' design
2.Why did Nomura leave FFXV
3.How long is the game (playtime) and is the map really as big as they say?"
1.Because they had to rewrite a lot of story to cut it down from a trilogy to one game and the dad character got changed a lot. Also to make him look more like the Kingsglave design
2.Because of said Nomura trilogy hopes, and because Square would rather have him on KH3 and FF7 remake. With Nomura it would have been good, but would have taken way more time just to get part 1 out, like an extra 2 years
3.~40 hours right now, but they're trying to bump it to about 50 by strongly encouraging more fetch quests. The map isn't done in a playable form, it's segmented levels right now, some of which work and some don't