"Market doesn't equal worth" you say... that statement is beyond stupid from a business perspective.
If I ran my marketing company with a "market doesn't equal worth" mentality I'd be broke ass by now with people demanding refunds left and right.
Developers have trouble with creating games because of the limitations consoles bring, yes. This is true. However, that's not related at all to the market for people who want and buy consoles.
Two very different things. Consumers don't care about the difficulties developers experience. They're there to buy games and play them. That's it.
They have to play games on something right? That's what consoles are for. Whether people choose to play games on a console or PC is a personal choice and preference. No right or wrong here.
For example, as someone who doesn't care about graphical power, I prefer consoles because I can sit far away from the screen and not kill my eyes, the screen is bigger, and I can sprawl comfortably on my couch while I play.
"I agree gaming is about fun first and foremost this is why I think consoles are worthless, because they reduce the fun"
Well... if playing games on consoles wasn't fun.. I wouldn't have been a gamer for 20+ years. No diminished enjoyment here, same goes for thousands, or millions of other gamers.
All I can say is it helps to expand your point of view and realise not everyone wants the same things as you do, they don't see things the same way that you do, nor do they place the same value on things as you do.
Your comment "I mean it's ok if you don't want a gaming PC, I don't know why you wouldn't want one" is extremely one sided and narrow minded. Refer to my last paragraph on this.
Point is - consoles are still great and relevant gaming platforms. You don't like them? That's fine. There are plenty of other people who do. Myself and all of my gaming friends own consoles and we rarely, if ever, game on PC's.
There is no right or wrong here, so d*** measuring to see who's got the biggest this, or the most powerful that, or the fastest whatever, is beyond idiotic.
Open your mind young man and you might learn something valuable.
Fair point. That's a good argument and I can see the point of why FPS is importance in this context. If it makes sense like this, then I have no problem with it.
>Market doesn't equal worth" you say... that statement is beyond stupid from a business perspective.
Ain't talking from a business perspective, merely artistic the standpoint that benefits gamers that is where consoles as is are aggressively worthless they can't sell on there own merits as hardware, they need to lock exclusive titles to keep them relevant thus holding the game back from what can really be achieved if it didn't have locked technical standards, the PC doesn't need to do this games that are exclusive to PC are that way because of actual design(look at Star Citizen), hell I don't think the Nintendo Switch needs to do this it has a meaningful innovation that can allow it to sell on it's own merits the PS4 and Xbox One do not.
>Well... if playing games on consoles wasn't fun.. I wouldn't have been a gamer for 20+ years. No diminished enjoyment here, same goes for thousands, or millions of other gamers.
I'm talking about it objectively no mods = reduced fun, and lack of options means reduced fun, I'm not talking about subjectively, you can call playing a fighter FPS at 10FPS having fun may true for that one person out there, but I'm looking at the bigger picture, that goes beyond that one man, and for gamers as a whole. I'm talking about people that defend these anti-consumer exclusive practices, and say I'm having fun playing this particular game at 24FPS, no mod support, low graphical detail, that means everyone is going to have fun with low graphical detail, stop bitching and buy a machine with inferior hardware, then get mad when the game is featured on Steam feeling entitled to a claim on the game as if they own the IP, and that it's there special baby no one can touch it. Worse of all they can smart consumerism entitlement. "You have a system that is far superior to the consoles spec wise therefore you can run this game on your system, so therefore you believe it's a waste of money to buy a console to play a specific game you want to play, because it can run on your PC, and the console version has issues that you don't want to deal with? Well boo hoo entitled man, consoles for life." Or some stupid shit like that, as if being a smart consumer, and not buying into these bad practices is a bad thing.
>Your comment "
I mean it's ok if you don't want a gaming PC, I don't know why you wouldn't want one" is extremely one sided and narrow minded. Refer to my last paragraph on this.
Well considering the costs, the options that you are afforded, etc, etc, I can't see why you wouldn't want one, I mean you already know how to use a computer, I myself started out on consoles, yet I know how to operate a gaming computer, it's the same as operating any other computer. You want to play a game click icon, and it loads, if it's a Steam title, log in to Steam, go to game library, it loads. Also in this modern world you need a computer anyway, so I don't see why you wouldn't want one that can run games, and do all that you want, especially when the current gen consoles aren't that much different. Last gen I could see why, some people don't like game installs, you know what understandable.
>For example, as someone who doesn't care about graphical power, I prefer consoles because I can sit far away from the screen and not kill my eyes, the screen is bigger, and I can sprawl comfortably on my couch while I play
A couple brain cells have just died man come on don't do this to me
http://hookpctotv.com/, please don't do this
http://hookpctotv.com/, I beg of you
http://hookpctotv.com/, I really beg of thee
>All I can say is it helps to expand your point of view and realise not everyone wants the same things as you do, they don't see things the same way that you do, nor do they place the same value on things as you do.
Oh I understand not everyone wants the same thing as me, I mean I understand that not everyone wants the FF7 Remake to be an Action RPG, I mean I understand that not everyone likes Kingdom Hearts, but objectively I scratch my head when someone goes I don't want a gaming PC, then proceeds to list misinformation, after misinformation, after misinformation, and my brain cells die every time.
>Point is - consoles are still great and relevant gaming platforms. You don't like them? That's fine. . Just let people enjoy gaming however they want.
It's not that I just don't like them if consoles didn't do this
Then you know what I wouldn't care about them, if they didn't sell on anti-consumer practices, and were about convenience, then you know what fine, they can do as they wish, and I wouldn't care in the slightest.
>There are plenty of other people who do. Myself and all of my gaming friends own consoles and we rarely, if ever, game on PC's
That's nice but I don't see how that h
+as anything to do with my arguments against consoles being aggressively worthless as they are right now, but ok if your having fun that's fine.
>Just let people enjoy gaming however they want.
I don't see how my opinions on consoles are going to delete them from existence, but whatever, I mean is me typing this right now going to send Confuse to your PS4 causing it to brick and spontaneously combust?
>There is no right or wrong here, so d*** measuring to see who's got the biggest this, or the most powerful that, or the fastest whatever, is beyond idiotic. Did you not read my post? I feel like you just skimmed over it
I agree though the performance dick measuring is pretty stupid, but I think it's worth pointing out in comparison to consoles when they tout themselves as 4K boxes, even though the GPU of the PS4 Pro is weaker than that of a AMD Radeon RX 470. I believe any PC vs Console debate must deal with the ethics first and foremost and how console affect the hobby of gaming as a whole, not ZOMG my GTX 1080 Ti PWNZ the XBOX SCORPIO