Honestly a Versus sequel/remake I wouldn't call it going backwards nor showing that they didn't learn anything, hell the FF7 Remake being what it is shows that they learnt from that silly mistake, just doing what should have been done in the first place, but somehow tying it to the original in some way shape and form(or not at all), and actually having a plan this time, and hell it might be a pretty good way to test a finished and improved Luminous Engine before they actually commit to a FFXVI, maybe if this Versus thing is sucessful a bigger budget for FFXVI. Then go onto a FFX-3, Type-Next(ok nevermind about this announce Type-Next before you do Versus XV), then a Final Fantasy XVI under Ito, Nomura, don't know as long as it's good, as it's an Action RPG that builds upon the base of FFXV, I'll be happy. Honestly if this Versus whatever is possible, and ends up happening and a great game that's not mired by the WTF that was FFXV's development cycle by using it's assets that includes all the stuff from the 2011 to 2013 trailer(LEVIATHAN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU), and those trilogy hopes and promises(Nomura said multiple direct sequels when he was still director), then go for it, I'd pick it up when it reaches Steam. Honestly I understand why the fanbase isn't flexible about this and tbh they shouldn't have to be the game took 10 years to get to the hands of the people(I'm aware it took only 3 years to develop that's not the point), if this game came out on the PS3, or very early in the PS4 cycle, then I don't think people would have been that disappointed, I would argue a lot of the interest came out of the 2011 trailer, showing off the gameplay, characters, and story elements, as well as the 2013 trailer where it actually became a product. People have been waiting for this game for 10 years now when it was Versus XIII, and it seems that some of the most important parts about Versus XIII were ripped out from FFXV, and it barely even resembles it's original vision that people were shown and hyped about, and were interested in, in fact Versus XIII was probably one of the only reasons people got hyped about FFXV, because a lot of people it was Final Fantasy Versus XIII becoming a real game, coming into existence, and as time goes on it's barely what you get hyped about for all those 10 hard years? and what's worse is the stuff that they replaced it with isn't really good enough of a replacement, and some of the flaws with this game, probably wouldn't have been there in the first place if they just made it into a trilogy like FFVII Remake or FFXIII. Also before you say story patches, those shouldn't be a thing in the first place, and we don't really know how good those would be, and we know they are just cutscenes. If they had done a trilogy of games like Nomura wanted, they could have properly told elements of the story better, actually could have focused on parts of each game, and making them great instead of 1 half begin amazing and the other side being a mix of WTF(Chapter 13), lackluster(Chapter 9(That Leviathan fight oh god), and we would have had a much more explorable dark world.