Another interesting read:
So i had a random conversation with a girl who has done alot of research about Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XV , and she had alot of intresting information to share ( at least in my opinion). but due to the lack of english skills i have , i couldnt discuss things the way i wished i could. ( because english is not my native language) The thing is when i read in english i totally understand like 95% of it but i cant talk
so i copy and paste what she said . WORTH THE READ (i guess?)
I have written, personally, the longest post possibly in Youtube history lol, just for you. It is not bad. This is actually a post I wanted to get out there that contains a lot of very important, 100% accurate information about the game, its real story, and something I NEED to get out there for the FF community as a whole. It would be wrong if I didn't. In the future I am simply making videos where I just talk to explain what I want to say. With that being said, go ahead and read all of this, because it will probably answer any question you will ever have regarding the latest FF, and basically FF in general. On with it then: Let me say this directly to you, for you: This is all truth, so you don't have to worry about opinion or fan interpretation or any of that, this is just straight from the original story. OK here it is:
It was called The Plague of the Star, and what it originally was written as is that what they call the star is actually the moon. I don't really know why they call it the Plague of the Star, but I think they are talking about a disease or great scourge or sickness that "came down from the heavens" and was punishing their world. What would happen originally is that people would become infected by weird gray looking blotches on their skin, and then slowly lose their memories of everyone they loved and become more aggressive and more animal like, then the final stage is that their 'soul' would be 'sucked' into the Void (also called the World Beyond in FFXV) and their bodies would then be inhabited by demons (lets call them what they really are, not daemons or whatever they used due to sensitivity. They are straight up Demons.) Well, anyway, back on track. The original story is that when the Plague of the Star reached its final stages or peak, after a certain amount of time, the moon began to grow in size and color every day, until finally, the star or sun itself would literally be sucked into the Void and vanish and be replaced by this huge Red Moon that was more like somekind of gate for all the monsters and demons from the Void to pour into the world and completely take it over, kind of like the Legion from World of Warcraft. This exact story is actually explained a lot, but in a slightly different way, in a wonderful game I highly recommend called Final Fantasy TYPE-0 HD for PS4 (they took the handheld game and redid it for PS4 and updated the graphics, music, etc.) It is one of my favorite FF's and has this great story that was originally going to be a part of FFXV, back when it was called FFXIII Versus. I am so sorry I had to type such a long post, it is just A LOT TO EXPLAIN! lol Anyway, the Scourge of the Star was pretty much the main overreaching theme that was used as a plot device to carry on what was to be the final invasion of the world. For example, if you watch even some of the slightly older FFXV videos on Youtube, even close to release, you will see scenes where the sky is blood red, the huge moon that is blood red, and gigantic flying demons in the sky. It is shown quickly for a second, because you could tell it was near the end of the game and they didn't want to spoil anything. As for the story of Ardyn being a great healer and Oracle or whatever, all of that was actually new content that was changed. The original story was that Ardyn was simply a person that was the arbiter from the Void, who speaks on behalf of the Power behind the Void (we don't know what it is, or who) just like the Oracle was an arbiter or liaison between humans and the huge Espers, which they call Astrals or Astral gods or whatever now.
So to sum it up, it was originally the Astrals and humans VS the darkness, which was the power of the Void. There was a good Crystal, that shined white and gave humans our power, and the Crystal of the Void was actually called, well, a Void Crystal, which is simply an evil Crystal that gives all the Void and demons their power and allows them the born gift of magic, and that black burning sulfur you would see in Kingsglaive whenever Nyx or any other member of the Kingsglaive was warping, you would see that black cloud of ash and smoke for a second, and they would cough. Do you know why? Because the secret was going to be that the Crystal that Insomnia has was actually meant to be a Void Crystal! That is the truth, the big secret, and that was that Insomnia was always meant to be shrouded in night forever and actually more of a city of Chaos, only at a truce with only one line of humans, which was known as the Lucius (yes, it was originally called Lucius, like Lucifer) family. They were allowed to use the power of the Void Crystal that was gifted to them (we don't know when, how, or why) in a Pact, also known as a Covenant, where the agreement was the life of every King as a sacrifice after that King used as much of the Void power as long as his body would withstand it. Do you know why? Because humans were never meant to use magic, and it actually prematurely ages us and you can even see pictures of King Regis growing a horn out of his head. You finally end up becoming a demon at the very end and your soul becomes a part of the Void, which was the agreement. It was pretty much a deal with the Devil, metaphorically speaking, "unlimited power" with the only price being, well, your soul.....which was everything. So yes, the original story was meant to be very, very deep, dark, mature, way more interesting and coherent (because of its connection with Fabula Nova Crystallis). Also, lastly, I want to say that the original design was that the House of Lucius worshiped a shunned and feared 'goddess' who was considered evil. Her name was Etro, and that is why the world itself is called Eos, because the originally story is that Etro created man in her image, and Insomnia and the Lucius line was her chosen, royal family, or leading family that she bestowed the Ring to. And to blow your mind even more, do you know the ring that Noctis wears is actually based on the so-called real life biblical Ring of Solomon (type in Seal of Solomon in Google and read the Wiki on it, it will blow your mind). This ring gave whoever wore it direct power to the Chaos Crystal's full power, the power to CONTROL and summon demons to do your will, and all sorts of incredible super-human abilities.
So i had a random conversation with a girl who has done alot of research about Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XV , and she had alot of intresting information to share ( at least in my opinion). but due to the lack of english skills i have , i couldnt discuss things the way i wished i could. ( because english is not my native language) The thing is when i read in english i totally understand like 95% of it but i cant talk
I have written, personally, the longest post possibly in Youtube history lol, just for you. It is not bad. This is actually a post I wanted to get out there that contains a lot of very important, 100% accurate information about the game, its real story, and something I NEED to get out there for the FF community as a whole. It would be wrong if I didn't. In the future I am simply making videos where I just talk to explain what I want to say. With that being said, go ahead and read all of this, because it will probably answer any question you will ever have regarding the latest FF, and basically FF in general. On with it then: Let me say this directly to you, for you: This is all truth, so you don't have to worry about opinion or fan interpretation or any of that, this is just straight from the original story. OK here it is:
It was called The Plague of the Star, and what it originally was written as is that what they call the star is actually the moon. I don't really know why they call it the Plague of the Star, but I think they are talking about a disease or great scourge or sickness that "came down from the heavens" and was punishing their world. What would happen originally is that people would become infected by weird gray looking blotches on their skin, and then slowly lose their memories of everyone they loved and become more aggressive and more animal like, then the final stage is that their 'soul' would be 'sucked' into the Void (also called the World Beyond in FFXV) and their bodies would then be inhabited by demons (lets call them what they really are, not daemons or whatever they used due to sensitivity. They are straight up Demons.) Well, anyway, back on track. The original story is that when the Plague of the Star reached its final stages or peak, after a certain amount of time, the moon began to grow in size and color every day, until finally, the star or sun itself would literally be sucked into the Void and vanish and be replaced by this huge Red Moon that was more like somekind of gate for all the monsters and demons from the Void to pour into the world and completely take it over, kind of like the Legion from World of Warcraft. This exact story is actually explained a lot, but in a slightly different way, in a wonderful game I highly recommend called Final Fantasy TYPE-0 HD for PS4 (they took the handheld game and redid it for PS4 and updated the graphics, music, etc.) It is one of my favorite FF's and has this great story that was originally going to be a part of FFXV, back when it was called FFXIII Versus. I am so sorry I had to type such a long post, it is just A LOT TO EXPLAIN! lol Anyway, the Scourge of the Star was pretty much the main overreaching theme that was used as a plot device to carry on what was to be the final invasion of the world. For example, if you watch even some of the slightly older FFXV videos on Youtube, even close to release, you will see scenes where the sky is blood red, the huge moon that is blood red, and gigantic flying demons in the sky. It is shown quickly for a second, because you could tell it was near the end of the game and they didn't want to spoil anything. As for the story of Ardyn being a great healer and Oracle or whatever, all of that was actually new content that was changed. The original story was that Ardyn was simply a person that was the arbiter from the Void, who speaks on behalf of the Power behind the Void (we don't know what it is, or who) just like the Oracle was an arbiter or liaison between humans and the huge Espers, which they call Astrals or Astral gods or whatever now.
So to sum it up, it was originally the Astrals and humans VS the darkness, which was the power of the Void. There was a good Crystal, that shined white and gave humans our power, and the Crystal of the Void was actually called, well, a Void Crystal, which is simply an evil Crystal that gives all the Void and demons their power and allows them the born gift of magic, and that black burning sulfur you would see in Kingsglaive whenever Nyx or any other member of the Kingsglaive was warping, you would see that black cloud of ash and smoke for a second, and they would cough. Do you know why? Because the secret was going to be that the Crystal that Insomnia has was actually meant to be a Void Crystal! That is the truth, the big secret, and that was that Insomnia was always meant to be shrouded in night forever and actually more of a city of Chaos, only at a truce with only one line of humans, which was known as the Lucius (yes, it was originally called Lucius, like Lucifer) family. They were allowed to use the power of the Void Crystal that was gifted to them (we don't know when, how, or why) in a Pact, also known as a Covenant, where the agreement was the life of every King as a sacrifice after that King used as much of the Void power as long as his body would withstand it. Do you know why? Because humans were never meant to use magic, and it actually prematurely ages us and you can even see pictures of King Regis growing a horn out of his head. You finally end up becoming a demon at the very end and your soul becomes a part of the Void, which was the agreement. It was pretty much a deal with the Devil, metaphorically speaking, "unlimited power" with the only price being, well, your soul.....which was everything. So yes, the original story was meant to be very, very deep, dark, mature, way more interesting and coherent (because of its connection with Fabula Nova Crystallis). Also, lastly, I want to say that the original design was that the House of Lucius worshiped a shunned and feared 'goddess' who was considered evil. Her name was Etro, and that is why the world itself is called Eos, because the originally story is that Etro created man in her image, and Insomnia and the Lucius line was her chosen, royal family, or leading family that she bestowed the Ring to. And to blow your mind even more, do you know the ring that Noctis wears is actually based on the so-called real life biblical Ring of Solomon (type in Seal of Solomon in Google and read the Wiki on it, it will blow your mind). This ring gave whoever wore it direct power to the Chaos Crystal's full power, the power to CONTROL and summon demons to do your will, and all sorts of incredible super-human abilities.