With new videos showing people glitching their way past Cartanica and exploring Niflheim, I thought I'd start a thread and get a discussion going about the extent of how much content SE should add to the game, and the reception for said added content.
There are 2 ways SE could go about this now:
1/ Add in 1-3 hours of extra story scenes.
Not much changes in the overall game save for additional cutscenes.
2/ Massive overhaul of the current game.
Niflheim is explorable (looking at the Cartanica videos Storm posted in another thread), Tenebrae scenario changed so that it gets destroyed AFTER the gang arrive and do some exploring there for story purposes, Leviathan battle has additional stages, World of Ruin chapter is greatly extended and we have to find the bros instead of them being at Hammerhead etc etc.
Now here's what I've been thinking.
If SE did a massive overhaul to the game and introduced extensive additions, and changed some scenes around a tiny bit to accommodate said changes but still keeping to the structure it has now to a degree, how would fans receive that?
Would it damage the FF brand?
I'm been reading some comments online, and I can definitely see that the demand for a "complete" game with Insomnia, Tenebrae, Niflheim, and World of Ruin being explorable is insane. Heck a lot of people said they'd gladly pay for another copy of the game if it was the fully complete version.
I can see some people being absolutely thrilled if the game went through a massive overhaul with it's updates (I know I would be), but then I can see people saying SE dropped the ball on quality, they should've done all of this to begin with, they feel cheated buying the game day one. and would probably blast the brand for "falling from grace."
It's a double edged sword in that SE are going to be cautious with adding TOO much because they know there will be massive backlash if they do, yet they probably do want to add in a shit tonne of stuff because all the material is there and they wanna do it for the fans.
So what are your thoughts on this?
Should they play it safe with minor additions, or go full out? Also what do you think the reception for either situations will be?
There are 2 ways SE could go about this now:
1/ Add in 1-3 hours of extra story scenes.
Not much changes in the overall game save for additional cutscenes.
2/ Massive overhaul of the current game.
Niflheim is explorable (looking at the Cartanica videos Storm posted in another thread), Tenebrae scenario changed so that it gets destroyed AFTER the gang arrive and do some exploring there for story purposes, Leviathan battle has additional stages, World of Ruin chapter is greatly extended and we have to find the bros instead of them being at Hammerhead etc etc.
Now here's what I've been thinking.
If SE did a massive overhaul to the game and introduced extensive additions, and changed some scenes around a tiny bit to accommodate said changes but still keeping to the structure it has now to a degree, how would fans receive that?
Would it damage the FF brand?
I'm been reading some comments online, and I can definitely see that the demand for a "complete" game with Insomnia, Tenebrae, Niflheim, and World of Ruin being explorable is insane. Heck a lot of people said they'd gladly pay for another copy of the game if it was the fully complete version.
I can see some people being absolutely thrilled if the game went through a massive overhaul with it's updates (I know I would be), but then I can see people saying SE dropped the ball on quality, they should've done all of this to begin with, they feel cheated buying the game day one. and would probably blast the brand for "falling from grace."
It's a double edged sword in that SE are going to be cautious with adding TOO much because they know there will be massive backlash if they do, yet they probably do want to add in a shit tonne of stuff because all the material is there and they wanna do it for the fans.
So what are your thoughts on this?
Should they play it safe with minor additions, or go full out? Also what do you think the reception for either situations will be?