you guys will never forget if you keep hoping, there's a term saying move on for a reason.
I don't really care if it happens tbh, if it does great if it doesn't then hey at least I have the PC release of FFXV to look forward to, and I'm someone that has been following XV since 2011, watched all the trailers, and even stored some of them.
For me I thought it was a complete impossibility, but from what I've heard I think it was from a developer Versus XIII only turned into FFXV because of demand, kept resurrecting the project even when it was originally meant to be scrapped.
Me I don't have any hopes that it will happen, ok I sorta do, but not like the OP more like it will be cool, but I'm fine with it not happening, but thinking about it, it does have some financial viability, some would argue moreso than a FFXVI(If it's a trilogy, if it's a singular game then oh hell no, but as a trilogy with demand as oppose to FFXVI), whether it happens time will tell.