Things you don´t like from games you like

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
What things you don´t like from games you like? Be it gameplay mechaniques, level design, visual design, sound design, DLC, writing (spoiler tag for this one), etc.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I generally don´t like slow paced gameplay of FFIX. While some may argue that´s a deliverate design choice and that managing the slow time in the game is part of the strategy in the combat (which, I´m totally find that idea) it just simply puts me off more often than not.

I also don´t like the slow gameplay introduction of PERSONA 3 & 4. In P3 you spent 45 minutes (0r more) just reading text with barely any control or direction before finally getting your first fight in the game, then you spent another hour or so before being introduced to the games main dungeon and from that onwards it takes almost another hour to introduce the Social Link System and giving proper managing of the calendar and daily life system.
P4 suffers the same problem but it´s slightly worst in this game, just add some extra 30 minutes to everything I said before and you (imo) a very terrible first 4 hours (from a gameplay perspective).
Jun 7, 2014
The slow intros of Persona 3&4 didn't really bother me. These are both 80 hour long story-heavy rpgs so I'm fine with them taking some time to set up eveything. But I do have one big issue with these games: the dungeons. The randomly generated, boring as fuck, tedious dungeons. I'm acually not sure which of them I hate more. Tartarus floors were much smaller so you could blast through them quickly, but there was waaaay more of them. TV world had more variety in its aesthetics and music, and the dungeons were more thematically connected to the story. But both were terribly boring to traverse though.

On a similar note, I think Kingdom Hearts 2 really dropped the ball when it comes to level design. KH1 got some complaints about clunky platforming and confusing levels, but KH2 instead of improveing those aspects cut them altogether. As a result, the worlds are linear, with no verticality, empty and less interactive.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
The slow intros of Persona 3&4 didn't really bother me. These are both 80 hour long story-heavy rpgs so I'm fine with them taking some time to set up eveything.
My complaint about the slow intros in P3 & P4 was aimed torwards the gameplay (Social Link, Combat, Dungeon Exploration, Time Management of the calendar and other gameplay related stuff), not the slow pace of the story itself.
  • The mine bowling mini-game in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. This is one game I hold in the highest of esteems (for different reasons I give to apotheosise other games like Final Fantasy IX), but this particular mini-game is the very definition of annoying. What you do in this mini-game is stand on a rotating platform and try to aim Bombchus (a mouse-shaped mine that crawls along the floor until it hits something it can detonate - for those of you who haven't played either MM or Ocarina of Time) at targets on the wall. Hit all of them in the time limit given and you'll be rewarded some rupees - and, if you manage to win the other two mini-games in the same location (shooting arrows at targets and playing basketball with bombs), a Piece of Heart. But, either I'm just bad with the Bombchus (keep in mind they are one of the least useful items in both games respectively) or this mini-game blows. Hard.
  • The dialogue in DmC: Devil may Cry (the 2013 reboot). For the love of god, I don't think this is a bad game - heck, I just played it and played the story mode on the regular difficulties to 100% - but the amount of profanity in the dialogue gets to me at times.
Hmmm... That seems to be about it. Probably there are some very minor issues here and there, but none of them come to mind right now.
May 26, 2014
  • The Game Boy only has the A and B buttons, so in the Game Boy Zelda games you have to open your menu every 3 seconds to change your items.
  • The 16th colossus
I generally don´t like slow paced gameplay of FFIX. While some may argue that´s a deliverate design choice and that managing the slow time in the game is part of the strategy in the combat (which, I´m totally find that idea) it just simply puts me off more often than not.
Don't forget the long-ass load times for every single battle and the unskippable intro shot for every single battle. :)


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Permanently losing your ultimate weapons in FF7 because a Magic Pot stole it from your inventory and escaped before you could finish it of (fortunately I only lost Yuffie ultimate weapon but man, what a way to waste time and effort).


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jan 9, 2017
Too many tutorials and instructions. The same type of enemies throughout the entire game (Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 was very boring because of it). The bosses which are too easy to defeat (Darksiders 2, Shadow of Mordor, etc).