I was so excited to explore this place, they modeled it and everything and now its locked away. This makes me so sad I lost my hype for this game hearing that the second half wont have many fantastical environments either. Even though Tabata said that the game starts more grounded and gets more fantastical later on, now im hearing the most fantastical place is Altissia. I wanted this games world to be huge since 2015 playing Duscae I was frothing at the mouth to see so many different type of environments and a huge open world. But now im hearing the world is a lot smaller. Also what im hearing about the story is not so great either chapters 1-8 has virtually no story then 9-13 its just set pieces and dungeons. This went from my most hyped game of all time to something that now I have very little interest in anymore. I think Tabata lied about alot of things. Also the fact that it is not Versus anymore. This post (Ignore that its a 4chan post for a bit and actually read the it) This shows how great The Versus intro was and if the game was anything like this intro it looked like the rest of the game would of had masterful story telling, but they fell short with XV. I think this is because they used the Dissidia writer. They shouldve hired a more competent writer for this project.
In Conclusion this feels like a betray all that Hype I had. Feels like Ive wasted 10 years. I dont think a game will get me more hype that versus had it was my dream game. When Versus was cancelled in 2012 it was really cancelled. XV is just trying to make a game using its assets and I think it fails miserably for it. Versus couldnt be completed because Square was having hardships at the time and Nomuras team needed to be put on finishing 13 and fixing 14. Because of this Nomura had a skeleton crew. Its squares fault Versus wasent finished, dont blame Nomura. After that they took him off the project and put Tabata on in his place cause they wanted Nomura to work on FF7 remake instead. They used the Versus assets and made a brand new mainline entry in XV. I dont think they should have done this becuase Nomura made those characters and only he could Finish it and make it the right way. Tabata also only made psp games in the past I dont think he was ready to make a mainline game, with XV it shows. XV uses Versus characters and elements but it bastardizes them becuase I think the Dissidia writer is incompetent and didn't know what to do with Nomuras world and characters. Also The game is definitely incomplete seeing as the needed to cut so many things out. (Like complete areas like Solhiem and Tenabre) Shows me that Tabata is incompetent as well in making console game. IMO they shouldnt have used Versus assets to make XV, but I guess they had to to save money. XV should have been a brand new thing. Either that or put better writers and a better director on board to turn Versus Into XV. In the end Squares problem's in gen 7 with the failure of XIII and XIV continues to haunt them as it ruined this project. I hope XVI is good but as I said again I don't think another game will hype me as much as Verusus did.