SPOILERS/SPECULATION: Final Fantasy XV Spoiler and Speculation Thread

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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
We've seen Noct with the ring before the timeskip, so if he's missing it in Chapter 0, he'd have had to have lost it at some point either way. For all we know, the reason he doesn't have the ring in Chapter 0 might be because of whatever he did when the ring exploded everything.
Yeah, I know. I'm guessing he might lose it during the timeskip (and later recover it in Insomnia) or, as you said, the loses it after making it explode.

However, I'm betting on those scenes happening after you clear out the entrance to the palace in Chapter 0.

The only thing I can find in relation to voice sounds is a comment from Tabata that the English recording for ED was done and he felt it didn't suit the character, but it was too late to re-record.

We can't even be sure Chapter 0 isn't like the "Omen" trailer, a kind of weird premonition of what might happen.
I remember him talking about that during this interview (can't check it right now, so I don't know when exactly). And I'm almost 100% positive he also mentioned it before.

As for Chapter 0 being a premonition, I could see it, although I don't think it is. I think that that might where you finally recover the throne and then you have to fight whoever the final boss is in the palace or wherever (the crystal? Ardyn? Ravus? A previous King?).

Man, I wonder what Ardyn is up to. Also, considering he's the Chanchellor of Niflheim and that Luna has basically been a prisoner as a princess of a conquered country, I wonder if they know each other well and, if so, what kind of relationship they've developed. Especially considering Ardyn seems to live by under a facade most of the time.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
As for Chapter 0 being a premonition, I could see it, although I don't think it is. I think that that might where you finally recover the throne and then you have to fight whoever the final boss is in the palace or wherever (the crystal? Ardyn? Ravus? A previous King?).
My bets are definitely on the Crystal, or some grand manifestation of a god of some kind, perhaps possessing another person as their avatar to further the Plague of the Stars/end of the world.
Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
My bets are definitely on the Crystal, or some grand manifestation of a god of some kind, perhaps possessing another person as their avatar to further the Plague of the Stars/end of the world.
Would be a very FF-esque thing to do, no doubt. Killing gods/semigods that emerge out of nowhere is basically a rutine now.

I really like XV's take on the crystals too, btw. I don't know if it's this one specifically (as in, it was broken or something), but has an interesting shape and texture.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Would be a very FF-esque thing to do, no doubt. Killing gods/semigods that emerge out of nowhere is basically a rutine now.
Well, I routine I suppose. Just for the heck of it, let's see what they've done up to now:
  • FF1; Chaos, a being granted effective immortality through a time loop.
  • FF2; The Emperor, someone whose magic renders them godlike.
  • FF3; 11th hour kegare-esque embodiment of entropy.
  • FF4; A powerful non-human who sees humans as beneath consideration as their own beings and seeks to colonize their world.
  • FF5; A tree that has gained an evil sentience due to the confluence of wicked souls within.
  • FF6; Aman driven insane by a procedure that infused him with magic, eventually becoming god-like after absorbing the power of the world's deities.
  • FF7; The twisted offspring of a powerful alien parasite.
  • FF8; A sorceress desperate to cheat death.
  • FF9; 11th hour embodiment of death.
  • FF10; The lingering hatred of a summoner and the vessel of his hatred.
  • FF11; The various servants of a dark deity born as a counterbalance to the world's benevolent goddess.
  • FF12; A man whose concept of freedom, while understandable, clashes with the party - fused with a god-like being who shared his dreams of freedom.
  • FF13; The god-machine servants of cold-hearted deities.
  • FF14; The dark fragment of a splintered world crystal.
I see what you mean; they're not all deities by any stretch of the imagination, but they are all powerful and large. But FF protagonists have never actually fought a crystal before. That would be a nice change. But perhaps it will be just a human.
Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Just noticed in the Judgment trailer, in Luna and Ardyn scene (probably BIG SPOILER)

Luna has bloodstain wound :(
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Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Well, I routine I suppose. Just for the heck of it, let's see what they've done up to now:
  • FF1; Chaos, a being granted effective immortality through a time loop.
  • FF2; The Emperor, someone whose magic renders them godlike.
  • FF3; 11th hour kegare-esque embodiment of entropy.
  • FF4; A powerful non-human who sees humans as beneath consideration as their own beings and seeks to colonize their world.
  • FF5; A tree that has gained an evil sentience due to the confluence of wicked souls within.
  • FF6; Aman driven insane by a procedure that infused him with magic, eventually becoming god-like after absorbing the power of the world's deities.
  • FF7; The twisted offspring of a powerful alien parasite.
  • FF8; A sorceress desperate to cheat death.
  • FF9; 11th hour embodiment of death.
  • FF10; The lingering hatred of a summoner and the vessel of his hatred.
  • FF11; The various servants of a dark deity born as a counterbalance to the world's benevolent goddess.
  • FF12; A man whose concept of freedom, while understandable, clashes with the party - fused with a god-like being who shared his dreams of freedom.
  • FF13; The god-machine servants of cold-hearted deities.
  • FF14; The dark fragment of a splintered world crystal.
I see what you mean; they're not all deities by any stretch of the imagination, but they are all powerful and large. But FF protagonists have never actually fought a crystal before. That would be a nice change. But perhaps it will be just a human.
Yeah, it's a staple at this point. I'll be surprised if the final boss isn't something similar (or an Astral, which are basically gods in XV universe).

Actually, if it were the crystal, considering Lucis' powers are death-related, I could see some similarities with Necron (called Tiniebla Eterna here in Spain, or "Eternal Darkness"). I actually liked him as a concept quite a bit (although I understand the hate), so I would like something like that, the crystal representing Death. Maybe with its death, magic stops being a thing in that universe.

Just noticed in the Judgment trailer, in Luna and Ardyn scene (probably BIG SPOILER)

Luna has bloodstain wound :(
Oh, boy. At least we know what the rating thing talked about. I don't think that's the last we'll see of her, though.

I mean, when is Altissia suppose to happen? Around chapters 5-8? It was mid-game iirc. Could be, who knows. What I do know is that we won't be seeing much of her for whatever reason. Hopefully she still has some big scenes with the guys.
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Likes: SonOfEtro


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Actually, if it were the crystal, considering Lucis' powers are death-related, I could see some similarities with Necron (called Tiniebla Eterna here in Spain, or "Eternal Darkness"). I actually liked him as a concept quite a bit (although I understand the hate), so I would like something like that, the crystal representing Death. Maybe with its death, magic stops being a thing in that universe.
In XV's basic lore (building block of the world), magic is the gift of deities to humans, generally with a catch or a hook, so magic dying out at the end wouldn't surprise me. The thing I'm feeling though is that the "True King" whose supposed to purify the planet seems a lonely figure. Maybe the key to defeating the final major threat is Noctis' bonds with his friends and Luna. Remember the Omen trailer, where he was depicted alone? Maybe that's what should have happened, and Noctis' friends being there stalled it (I'm sure some cruel god's behind it, maybe even the Crystal itself)
Likes: Tornak


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Actually, if it were the crystal, considering Lucis' powers are death-related, I could see some similarities with Necron (called Tiniebla Eterna here in Spain, or "Eternal Darkness"). I actually liked him as a concept quite a bit (although I understand the hate), so I would like something like that, the crystal representing Death. Maybe with its death, magic stops being a thing in that universe.
I really hope they don't pull a magic-goes-away kind of thing. That's one of my least favorite tropes ever. =/

Oh, boy. At least we know what the rating thing talked about. I don't see that's the last we'll see of her, though.

I mean, when is Altissia suppose to happen? Around chapters 5-8? It was mid-game iirc. Could be, who knows. What I do know is that we won't be seeing much of her for whatever reason. Hopefully she still has some big scenes with the guys.
Altissia is definitely supposed to be a mid-game event rather than a late game event. My understanding was that we'd get to Altissia from Caim, which is probably part of the Cleigne region. IIRC, the Titan setpiece is at the end of Chapter 4, with the Ramuh quest following in Chapter 5, so I'd expect to earn our passage from Caim to Altissia in Chapter 6 and reach Altissia in Chapter 7. Then again, I'd be shocked if we didn't get a chapter focused on the power plant in Lestallum given the amount of focus it gets, so that could push everything back a chapter and make Altissia Chapter 8. (It seems unlikely that it'd be anything other than 7 or 8 based on what we've seen so far.)

Anyway, the impression I get from the Judgment trailer is that Luna goes AWOL after the attack on Altissia, for whatever reason, and Niflheim tries to hunt her down (with Ravus taking the lead in the search for his own reasons). There's every reason in the world to think the scene where Noct is furious at Ravus for going after Luna takes place after Altissia -- most notably, Noct knows that Ravus was hunting Luna, which would make more sense if the scene where Ravus cornered her in Altissia had already happened -- and that scene strongly implies that Luna's still out there evading capture. And then there's the scene between Luna and Ravus in Tenebrae, which feels like it belongs even later than that.

So whatever becomes of Luna eventually, I think we're going to spend most of the game chasing after her. And that means, of course, that the injuries she has in that trailer aren't fatal (and might not even slow her down all too much).
Likes: SonOfEtro


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
We already knew that Luna had a bruise in this scene from before.
It's not a bruise, though. I grabbed a few more screencaps to show what Slaintimez is talking about:


I don't know why it's not letting me insert the image directly (even copying the attachment code =/ ), but the three circles should make it easy to see that her dress has blood on it.
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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
It's not a bruise, though. I grabbed a few more screencaps to show what Slaintimez is talking about:


I don't know why it's not letting me insert the image directly (even copying the attachment code =/ ), but the three circles should make it easy to see that her dress has blood on it.
That's because Tinypic is god awful... Use Imgur next time.

Oh... I couldn't really see that before... Looking back I see the arrow that was supposed to point at it, but I completely missed it lol.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016

It's not a bruise, though. I grabbed a few more screencaps to show what Slaintimez is talking about:

View attachment 599

The three circles should make it easy to see that her dress has blood on it.
That's because Tinypic is god awful... Use Imgur next time.
Tried that first, actually. Not sure what happened, but the URL it gave me wouldn't bring up the image. >_>;

Oh... I couldn't really see that before... Looking back I see the arrow that was supposed to point at it, but I completely missed it lol.
I can't really fault you there. It's right at the bottom of the image so it's easy to overlook.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Can't believe how much I've grown to like Luna's design (face, particularly) now compared to her initial appeareance in 2014 and during Dawn.

Those small tweaks to get rid of the doll-ness have done wonders. Hopefully she's as good a character from a personality and role impact standpoint as she is to me from a visual one.

In XV's basic lore (building block of the world), magic is the gift of deities to humans, generally with a catch or a hook, so magic dying out at the end wouldn't surprise me. The thing I'm feeling though is that the "True King" whose supposed to purify the planet seems a lonely figure. Maybe the key to defeating the final major threat is Noctis' bonds with his friends and Luna. Remember the Omen trailer, where he was depicted alone? Maybe that's what should have happened, and Noctis' friends being there stalled it (I'm sure some cruel god's behind it, maybe even the Crystal itself)
Yeah, that was part of my reasoning, too: the fact that it is something that seemingly doesn't belong to humans and, rather, is a loan the planet itself and the Six were kind enough to give us.

And the point you bring up later is interesting as well. I know what Tabata said, but I'm betting that there are going to be some moments in the game that will mirror parts of the Omen trailer. And even though it's just a tale that doesn't happen in the game, at the end of the day, it seems as if it's a canonical omen Regis has, so it talks about the role magic, the crystal, Lucian Kings, Regis, Luna and, more specifically, Noctis have.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Can't believe how much I've grown to like Luna's design (face, particularly) now compared to her initial appeareance in 2014 and during Dawn.

Those small tweaks to get rid of the doll-ness have done wonders. Hopefully she's as good a character from a personality and role impact standpoint as she is to me from a visual one.
Luna's design changes are really interesting, honestly.

Her design as Stella in Versus XIII was pretty doll-like, but it worked in context because Noct and his friends shared a similar style.

But when the game changed to FFXV under Nomura, everyone else gained a ton of human imperfections while Stella... didn't. And early Luna was just a continuation of that. Her hairstyle might have changed but her face didn't.

Then Kingsglaive came along and surprised everyone by pushing characterization over traditional beauty, and the game itself started to... not quite match that, but to at least pursue a similar effect within the more stylized look of the game.

The end result is that Luna feels much more grounded in the world than she did before, which is really refreshing given how games can be about valuing female characters' appearances first and foremost.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I'm locking this thread as the age of absolute innocence is over with the final game out there.

We now have a new spoiler-specific forum. Please feel free to make a new take on this thread or threads for any more specific spoiler discussion over there:
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