omg, best cactuar
I downloaded the demo and this was too good not to post.
I have been doing nothing but exploring, and the sun quickly set. The eerie night music showed up, and I was running trying to find the little items scattered about.
All of a sudden, a HUGE Iron Giant phased into existence out of the ground.
I suddenly flashed back to when I was 10 playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. That sense of Hyrule Field at night, the Stalchild enemies rising up from the dirt. It used to scare me so much that I'd avoid going into Hyrule Field at night unless absolutely necessary.
There was such a feeling of lack of safety associated with OOT, and games these days often feel too safe.
Yet here I am, playing the FFXV demo, and running for my life. Incredible. It elicited that same feeling that there's something so much bigger than me, that I am not safe, that I need to survive.
This game is going to be historical."
didn't tabata said zelda inspired him? either way, that was good to read.