Final Fantasy XVI has not started yet?

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Taken from Siliconera.

Square Enix executive producer and Final Fantasy brand manager Shinji Hashimoto had a lot to share on the series during the Lucca Comics & Games 2016 which recently took place in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.
Video here:

On Final Fantasy XVI

With Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix was able to fuse a setting that is both a modern and fantasy world in one. When it comes to main-numbered Final Fantasy games, the directors think of everything from scratch with each installment. That said, it doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily see a modern setting for Final Fantasy XVI. Hashimoto says that they haven’t made anything for Final Fantasy XVI yet, but to keep in mind that just because Final Fantasy XV has a certain setting, it doesn’t mean the next one will follow in the same way.

Hashimoto emphasizes the differences we’ve seen in main-numbered Final Fantasy titles by using VII, VIII, IX as examples on how we saw it go from a very steam punk cyber world in Final Fantasy VII and then back to more of a fantasy world in Final Fantasy IX. He says that this is something that directors might do on purpose to change things up for the series.

As far as the battle system goes, this is also something that is decided by the director, so it doesn’t necessarily mean Final Fantasy XVI will be more on the action RPG side as we’ve seen in Final Fantasy XV. Hashimoto says when they start work on a new Final Fantasy, they set the bar to make the ultimate fantasy of the generation with each installment. So if a director feels that a certain battle system would work best in the current generation, that’s the main system they’ll go with.
According to Shinji Hashimoto they have not made anything for FFXVI yet, so no pre production, no concepts. Do you think its true or is it some kind of misleading PR? Discuss.
Likes: SonOfEtro
Jul 16, 2015
Taken from Siliconera.

Square Enix executive producer and Final Fantasy brand manager Shinji Hashimoto had a lot to share on the series during the Lucca Comics & Games 2016 which recently took place in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.
Video here:

According to Shinji Hashimoto they have not made anything for FFXVI yet, so no pre production, no concepts. Do you think its true or is it some kind of misleading PR? Discuss.
Verendus from NeoGAF who is a well known insider has said that it is in development. We shall see if he is indeed telling the truth. I would think that it will be announced next year if true.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Of course this could change in the following months with Square-Enix finally greenlighting the project in some weeks/months from here now and finally revealing the game next year while it´s still early in development (kinda like FFVIIRemake, which began development somewhere around PSexperience 2014 and finally revealed six months later)


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I think they're at least considering their options. They may be waiting for Luminous to be in a finalized, approved form before they decide to use it for XVI, and perhaps experiment with it by choosing a different battle system to the action-based one of XV.

But still, they didn't say Lightning Returns was in development until it was... six months into its development. Same goes for several of their other projects. With a few exceptions, they haven't been announcing their new games until their well into development and taking a proper form. They've learnt from the Fabula Nova Crystallis debacle about announcing things too early.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Verendus from NeoGAF who is a well known insider has said that it is in development. We shall see if he is indeed telling the truth. I would think that it will be announced next year if true.
Some of Verendus' statements about Squenix games implied that he wasn't really sure which game was actually FFXVI -- he backtracked on saying that one of them way FFXVI to just call it "another FF game," for instance.

I wonder if Squenix might have reverted to its old way of handling FF and opted to create competing prototypes which could either end up as the next FF game or something else depending on their perceived potential. That way, they won't be starting from ground zero after FFXV is finished -- there just isn't an FFXVI in development yet because the FFXVI project hasn't been chosen yet.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Some of Verendus' statements about Squenix games implied that he wasn't really sure which game was actually FFXVI -- he backtracked on saying that one of them way FFXVI to just call it "another FF game," for instance.

I wonder if Squenix might have reverted to its old way of handling FF and opted to create competing prototypes which could either end up as the next FF game or something else depending on their perceived potential. That way, they won't be starting from ground zero after FFXV is finished -- there just isn't an FFXVI in development yet because the FFXVI project hasn't been chosen yet.
Seems to be the case


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I would be very surprised if they, at the very least, don't have a working concept (of the world, characters and the battle system) and are in pre-production. I mean, they should have a sizable chunk of people avaible, as KH3 is made my the Osaka team (the KH team by default now) and VII-R is being outsourced to different companies (it seems as if the grunt work is done by CC2 (and maybe other companies making assets), while the creative tasks is up to S-E).

I actually trust Verendus (that doesn't mean things he get notice of are 100% right/unchangeable), so I'm betting on a FF XVI (initially, I guess, FF XV) having been in the works, with a skeleton team, for at least a while.

It'd be great (and not that impossible, although I'm a pessimistic and wouldn't bet on it) if they could release two mainline FFs (XV and XVI) in the same gen, as well as one game that, ultimately, serves as another main title (VII-R). With the Pro and all, I can see that.

PS: let Ito get out of his janitor duties and make him direct and design the battle system. I swear, dude is a beast (directing or co-directing two of my favourites -VI and XII- and, by far, my most beloved game of all times -IX-).

I'd also love a totally different setting. It being more classic shouldn't necessarily mean medieval times. You can play with it and be inspired by the Classic era (Rome and Greece), a Nordic-like world, a civilization inspired by prehistorical times... Also, a brand-new main artist would be refreshing too.
Likes: Bunansa


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I'd also love a totally different setting. It being more classic shouldn't necessarily mean medieval times. You can play with it and be inspired by the Classic era (Rome and Greece), a Nordic-like world, a civilization inspired by prehistorical times... Also, a brand-new main artist would be refreshing too.
So far, they've done Steampunk/Industrial (VI, VII), modern/sci-fi (VII, XIII, XV) Medieval fantastica (I to V, XI, XIV), pseudo-Asian (X), and Blended settings (IX, XII). For XVI, they could easily decide to blend some distinctive European settings/mythologies, or use an exclusively Japan-inspired setting like the old Type-Next concept project, or even dive into Native America. Or another blended. Either way, they'll want it to stand out from the crowd in the modern market, so it's got to be distinctive at least.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
So far, they've done Steampunk/Industrial (VI, VII), modern/sci-fi (VII, XIII, XV) Medieval fantastica (I to V, XI, XIV), pseudo-Asian (X), and Blended settings (IX, XII). For XVI, they could easily decide to blend some distinctive European settings/mythologies, or use an exclusively Japan-inspired setting like the old Type-Next concept project, or even dive into Native America. Or another blended. Either way, they'll want it to stand out from the crowd in the modern market, so it's got to be distinctive at least.
Oh, right, I meant the... I don't know, "predominant" setting or feeling. I can't really see a FF that doesn't mix some elements there and there, especially not now, anyways. A Native American inspired one, with different tribes/nations and cool lore and mythology would be great. Or some African cultural/historical/visual inspiration.

Who knows, but I definitively want something totally new, which also goes for the kind of aesthetic they're going to follow. I'm tired of this Nomura artstyle (even though I love the art itself -the designs... well, some are amazing, some others not really-), and wouldn't mind a big shift in that regard. Might be misremembering, but Verendus said something about the setting being totally different compared to XIII and something that they haven't done before.

I fucking hate the fact that we've spent 10 years since we last had a new world/set of characters/battle system introduced to us. It's actually the reason why I hate the XIII trilogy that much (even though they're not bad games, as many flaws as they might have). I really want to see what kind of world awaits us, what kind of main character(s) we're going to have to stick with, what kind of battle system they've chosen this time...


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
It's actually the reason why I hate the XIII trilogy that much (even though they're not bad games, as many flaws as they might have).
Talking of XIII, the thing that stood out for me in that article was how SQEX sees the XIII trilogy as having performed within expectations, and that if fan reaction had been different they would have handled them differently. It makes me think that if there had been more of a push for new stuff from fans, then XIII would probably have stayed as a standalone title, and we might even have gotten Versus XIII as intended, with XV being something entirely different. Mind you, probably wouldn't have saved XIV's original form, but it's interesting to think based on what they said.
I'm tired of this Nomura artstyle
I'm a little worn out with his style too. But they've got plenty of other character designers. Out of those they've used, they could contract to Akihiko Yoshida or Yusuke Naora, or actually have characters designed by Yoshitaka Amano like in the SNES days, now they have the technology to render them properly. For new artists, they could bring in Kimihiko Fujisaka (Drakengard, The Last Story) for some totally epic designs, give Raita Honjou (Valkyria Chronicles) free reign, they might choose Yusuke Kozaki (No More Heroes, Fire Emblem) provided they reign in the high heels. So many possibilities...
Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Talking of XIII, the thing that stood out for me in that article was how SQEX sees the XIII trilogy as having performed within expectations, and that if fan reaction had been different they would have handled them differently. It makes me think that if there had been more of a push for new stuff from fans, then XIII would probably have stayed as a standalone title, and we might even have gotten Versus XIII as intended, with XV being something entirely different. Mind you, probably wouldn't have saved XIV's original form, but it's interesting to think based on what they said.
Yeah... I mean, the whole FNC+FFXIV fiasco is pretty sad when you think about it. It's why I so hated that period of time: we had to stuck from 2006 all the way to the 2010 decade without nothing new, just Lightning and friends' adventures and Noctis' CG videos.

I mean, before (well, prior to XII, as that game had its problems too) it was: "you don't like VIII's gameplay/looks/whatever? Don't worry, we've got IX for you". "Don't like that one either (you fucking uncultured degenerate)? Here's X for you." "Tired of single-player games? FF XI has your back".

That's why I hope they're working concurrently (and have been for a while) in mainline SP FFs. At least they got the right idea and ditched any potential XV sequel or spin-off (or, at least, they're not a priority for now). That's why I (maybe too naively) assume that they have to have started development on XVI.

I'm a little worn out with his style too. But they've got plenty of other character designers. Out of those they've used, they could contract to Akihiko Yoshida or Yusuke Naora, or actually have characters designed by Yoshitaka Amano like in the SNES days, now they have the technology to render them properly. For new artists, they could bring in Kimihiko Fujisaka (Drakengard, The Last Story) for some totally epic designs, give Raita Honjou (Valkyria Chronicles) free reign, they might choose Yusuke Kozaki (No More Heroes, Fire Emblem) provided they reign in the high heels. So many possibilities...
Yeah, I know. I actually really like what Naora seems to have done in XV, but it's kinda hypocritical as that had to fit the style I want a long break from. Yoshida would be great, as always, but I'd love a new one.

Now, a Yoshitaka-designed modern FF? That'd be fucking great, whether they try to fit his gorgeous artstyle or adapt it in a different way (similar to what happened in I-VI).

I really like Fujisaka, now that you mention him. Actually, this guy here was my avatar before I got the current one (man, does it suck this wasn't for an actual game):

Literally my ideal look for what a FF main character should look like (I mean, not that there is one look, but you get what I mean). His other work is lovely too, as are the others' you listed.

As you say, lots of possibilities. I think new FFs needs a huuuuge break from Nomura (and I guess he might appreciate it too) and start anew there too.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I really like Fujisaka, now that you mention him. Actually, this guy here was my avatar before I got the current one (man, does it suck this wasn't for an actual game):
But it may be. Mistwalker and Silicon Studio are at this moment co-developing a new game with Kujisaka as character designer. The above concept art, while it's quite old (that sword was reused in the design for Two, one of the characters in Drakengard 3), it was attached as part of it, so we may yet see that artwork turned into game assets. Even though it's from a failed project, wouldn't be the first time art assets from failed/unmade projects were recycled into a new project.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
But it may be. Mistwalker and Silicon Studio are at this moment co-developing a new game with Kujisaka as character designer. The above concept art, while it's quite old (that sword was reused in the design for Two, one of the characters in Drakengard 3), it was attached as part of it, so we may yet see that artwork turned into game assets. Even though it's from a failed project, wouldn't be the first time art assets from failed/unmade projects were recycled into a new project.
Actually, that concept was seemingly repurposed for a Terra Battle character afaik:

It could show up in that future project, though, but I'm not really counting on it considering the above. Also, very curious to see the Gooch's next game (two concept art images were released already iirc). Absolutely adore that guy.

Ahh, man, I hope that once XV is out, not much time has to pass for them to announce XVI. I'd love to speculate having some basis :cactuar:.

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
For FFXVI I hope they go for a more Multicultural setting/Theme, and for them to return to using all jobclasses(Upgraded like Dragoon+Dragonborn, ALchemist+Secret Of Evermore, Thief+THIEF the game/dark brotherhood,etc.) and Crystals/Crystal tower. I would love for them to use more African(Egyptian and Non-Egyptian)/Arab/South Asian Architectures/Mythologies/cultures/Characters(Cid=Siddhartha, Sarah=Sarai, etc.) It would be a completely fresh and unique style(since people in the Industry can't do it,This could be their 1up) They could still set it in medieval times.Open-World.
Oct 19, 2013
Some of Verendus' statements about Squenix games implied that he wasn't really sure which game was actually FFXVI -- he backtracked on saying that one of them way FFXVI to just call it "another FF game," for instance.

I wonder if Squenix might have reverted to its old way of handling FF and opted to create competing prototypes which could either end up as the next FF game or something else depending on their perceived potential. That way, they won't be starting from ground zero after FFXV is finished -- there just isn't an FFXVI in development yet because the FFXVI project hasn't been chosen yet.
The FFXVI he talked about in that post from 2013 you referring to most likely turned out to be World of FF, but he afterwards started talking about the actual FFXVI:



Sep 27, 2013
Always take these statements with a grain of salt, it would cause too much a stir if he said "yeah FFXVI's development has started".
I understand from a certain p.o.v. why he doesn't want to say they're already making it - he wants the public to focus on projects that have a more "concrete" air about them, like KH II.8 and FF VII R (he himself says something similar in the statement regarding X-3), and considering they were somewhat seen as delivering empty promises with the decade-long delay of FF Vs XIII/FF XV, it is even more understandable. I don't like it (esp. when he's talking about considering doing more things with Lightning (probably a XIII trilogy re-release) and making X-3 simultaneously), but I get it. :/