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SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Diamond Weapon type monsters were cool, I hope we do fight them in game as like optional bosses when we try to infiltrate Niflheim or something. But fighting something that big...I swear it looked bigger than Adamantoise.


Dec 1, 2013
tbh if they have adamantoise in the game anything it's possible xp.

i want ultros, diamond weapon, and KoTR summon.
Those would all be cool, I do admit that.

Diamond Weapon type monsters were cool, I hope we do fight them in game as like optional bosses when we try to infiltrate Niflheim or something. But fighting something that big...I swear it looked bigger than Adamantoise.
Well, fighting something that big would definitely make one feel like a total badass. :D
tbh if they have adamantoise in the game anything it's possible xp.

i want ultros, diamond weapon, and KoTR summon.
Knights of the Round possible will be in the game but they are not a summon because they are not "Astral".
They power came from the Lucii Ring so probably we will only use it in the end of game or something like that.
Maybe they are possible only in a special fight like this one with Diamond Weapon that you are asking for.

But I don't know if this fight will come though... They had put Diamond with a so huge scale in the movie that is impossible to imagine how a fight like that can work. Maybe we can fight a "Small Prototype" version that can at least fit in the screen and has less "massive area destruction" attacks. Another thing that make me wonder if Diamond is in the game is the fact that Iedolas says "Dispose the demons" or something like that when he is leaving to Niflheim like he don't plan using they again now that they have the crystal from Lucis. It's just an theory though.

One interesting thing is that Ultros is in the Genesis Painting so he probably is a Astral Summon but for some reason he is under Niflheim control... Implying the empire has some kind of tech capable of control the Astral Summons like they control the monsters... Or maybe this is just an plot mistake in the movie.

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Likes: Storm
Jul 16, 2015
Perhaps once we obtain all of the Lucian royal arms from the kings tombs be can summon the KOTR despite them not being an Astral. I don't recall anyone ever saying that all the summons were astrals. Carbuncle for example isn't one.
Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Yeah, I think we'll get to use them in some manner, although it might just be in a cutscene.

The whole Kings' "cabinet" was pretty cool, especially when Regis joined. I hope we get some background/lore info about them all. If the game dwells on the origins of Lucis and its royal line, I guess we'll learn about the first Lucis king.

We can surely expect them to be in the game, anyways. Can't wait for Noctis and Regis' interactions, if well handled, they can be pretty emotional, especially if the first time Regis reunites with his son is when he's fucked and old beyond repair.
Perhaps once we obtain all of the Lucian royal arms from the kings tombs be can summon the KOTR despite them not being an Astral. I don't recall anyone ever saying that all the summons were astrals. Carbuncle for example isn't one.
If I remember Tabata said that all summons are Astrals and they power will differ based on their size - the most powerful are huge but we probably see small ones like Carbuncle and maybe Umbra and Pryna too. Where do you get the information that Carbuncle isn't an Astral?

Also I have found this:

[2] (召喚獣, Shoukanjuu?, lit. Summoned Beasts[3]), also known as Astrals,[2]are the summons in Final Fantasy XV. They protect the world of Eos from the activities of its human inhabitants and can only be called upon by Noctis Lucis Caelum after he forges a pact with them.

Archaeans are physical manifestations of the power of the stars.[4] It is hinted in Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae that they are connected to the world's deities and the creation of the world itself. Archaeans are intelligent creatures; they have their own agendas and speak their own language. They play an integral role in the world and lore of Final Fantasy XV[5] but are indifferent to human affairs. Their behavior cannot be interpreted because their thought patterns are far beyond the comprehension of mankind.[6]

But like I said before, I think we will see KOTR in the game but probably they will not work like normal summons as they are related to the Lucii Ring. They are in the cover art of the game by the way...

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Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Except she doesn't have powers in the movie and that is what I keep telling you. The movie is out, the game isn't. So trying to argue about how different Luna is in the game isn't going to change any minds because we don't have either the full context or look at if she gained powers along the way.

And as for Lightning and Serah, they've got more character to them than just fighting, such as their devotion to each other and their willingness to help others despite the risks that might happen to them. Lightning was even willing to sacrifice a chance at her own happiness, not because it was her duty to do so, but because she honestly believed it was for the best and that she needed to atone.

It's not Luna's lack of ability to fight that is the problem. It's that she recklessly jumps into danger without a plan just because it's "her duty". It's that despite being described as clever, if she were truly clever, she would have found another way to get Regis and Nyx to help rather than be captured. The fact that Luna has to rely on others isn't the problem either, it's that we're expected to believe that Luna can take care of herself, despite all evidence to the contrary in the movie itself.

And again, I have an entire thread based entirely around Luna's character. If you want to discuss her, why are you not taking it there instead?
Maybe using her powers takes a tole on her physically like the Crystal's effect on a ruling Caelum monarch, and she's saving herself for when she must help Noctis.


Dec 1, 2013
Maybe using her powers takes a tole on her physically like the Crystal's effect on a ruling Caelum monarch, and she's saving herself for when she must help Noctis.
It could be, or it could be that it was just a dumb plot point they wrote into the movie for whatever reason. Either way, it is sad that she doesn't have magic in the movie. Plain and simple.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
It could be, or it could be that it was just a dumb plot point they wrote into the movie for whatever reason. Either way, it is sad that she doesn't have magic in the movie. Plain and simple.
I agree with you there. I just don't think they would have made such an omission like that without good reason. I'm also remembering that this is supposed to be a tragic FF story, even after the rewrites, so having something like that would make sense.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Maybe she needs her trident. Or maybe she needs Gentiana, who was nowhere to be seen or even mentioned in the movie, kinda weird considering Luna and her have been friends/allies/whatever ever since she was 17 or so (Brotherhood).

Anyways, I very much disliked her character in the movie. But I'm very positive that the game is not going to portray her in the same manner, mainly due to the difference of writers, the fact that it's a game (they encourage battle, especially since she has a weapon at least) and the situation she's going to be in. Although that wouldn't mean she's going to be a great character, mind you; I've liked what we've seen of her in-game, though, especially with her newer in-game model: she doesn't look that much like a plastic doll anymore and is much more natural.

Same goes for Ravus: he was featured for what? 3 or 4 short scenes? And then he's never seen again. I expect him fullfilling a better or at least meatier and not as petty role in the game. He's got the design, so let's see if he uses it to be a good antagonist, main villain or whatever he's written as.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Summons like they control the monsters... Or maybe this is just an plot mistake in the movie.
Pretty sure its tech for the higher beasts, or at least obvious tech for the higher beasts. Although I didn't really see it on Ultros (I'm rewatching the movie atm, I'll try find it)? Maybe implanted rather than this external thing.
Likes: Leonhart


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I had high expectations to that scene of the signing of the peace agreement too... But in the end it was just a gun fight when the robots were dropped in the room. I was expecting an epic fight with magic versus guns but Regis created just a shield and meh... I was a bit disappointed because the Versus XIII version looked soo badass...

Looking back in hindsight this scene is kinda dumb (still awesome), I´m not sure how the flying swords would have protected them from the bullets (and the movie is aware of said flaw by going with the logical conclusion), Regis shielding was the most intelligent course of action to take in that moment.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Possible reasons why she doesn't display her powers in the movie maybe:
-While in captivity of Nifleheim she doesn't want them to know of her powers lest they manage to take advantage of it
-Since she IS the youngest ever oracle her powers are still unstable. She needs something else to keep them in control. A trident of the gods perhaps?
-Her powers take a huge toll on her so she restricts them for use in the most dire of dire situations she has already foreseen taking into account the guidance the Gods have given to her. She is powerful beyond imagination but she is restricted.

If any of these are the case they should have been addressed in the movie.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Can confirm, looks like Ultros is being controlled. Its slightly hard to see but look near the right fun, that circle thing. This makes me thing that Ultros, despite being the Genesis pic isn't a higher being like an Archean/Astral, but more like a higher beast like the weapons or Adamantiose. Maybe its something more, but that would mean that Niflheim has a way to control Astrals
which might be the reason as to why Ardyn wants to take Noctis to an Astral
Likes: Leonhart
Looking back in hindsight this scene is kinda dumb (still awesome), I´m not sure how the flying swords would have protected them from the bullets (and the movie is aware of said flaw by going with the logical conclusion), Regis shielding was the most intelligent course of action to take in that moment.
I don't think the purpose of the swords was protect them from the bullets but to say "If you try to shoot we will f***** kill you with these flying blades".
BTW Don't forget that in the Versus XIII era Noctis used the phantom swords as shield against bullets... These little crystals flying in the air looks like to have this power.

Maybe they had to change it because it was too much overpowered and King Regis would probably killed Iedolas and put an end to the war. :kefkalol: :kefkalol: :kefkalol:


Clan Centurio Member
Jun 13, 2016
I mentioned it in my 'Ask My Abs Anything.' Spectacular!!

It's called Genesis. The painting this time didn't have all the monsters and summons.

Speaking of Easter Eggs: saw the Bank of Spira.
There were tablets called Libratablet - a nod to the ability.
There is also a Bar called 'Seven Soldier'. Clearly a little VII reference.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Finished watching the movie a few hours ago, some bulletpoin thoughts:

  • The story is pretty straightforward, which is not a bad thing on itself but I agree that the movie drops plot points that clearly are meant to be explained to have a deeper explanation in the game.
  • The editing in the fights was not as hard to follow as I was anticipating, I would say the opening warfare is the only part in the movie were the editing is quite messy, the rest range from fine to good.
  • Luna is ok in the movie, nothing bad.
  • While not having very deep characterization Nyx, Regis, Luna, Libertus & Titus had just enough characterization in the movie to make them somewhat interesting.
  • The CG is GOD GORGEOUS!!!
  • Seeing and hearing Iedolas talking more just 2 or 3 sentence during the whole run feel strange after having so little of him prior to seeing the movie.
  • Ardyn´s flamboyant mannerism were delicious.
  • I´m hesitant to call Ravu´s motivations stupid since Luna herself calls him out for hating on the wrong person, the movie should have expanded a bit more, thought.
  • "Knights of the Round" warp striking was dope.
  • Not standalone enought (from a scale of 1 to 10, I´d say KINGSGLAIVE stands as a 5 on the standalone scale, it had the potential to be standalone enough, it just needed some writing adjustments)
Final score: