I don't care whether it's delayed or not, I just want to know why people create fake pictures for the release date being changed like the one shot at an odd angle of a TV. I guess people feed off of this sort of reaction.
As for the photoshop thing of the sticker thing, I don't think anyone would photoshop the picture of the paper, they would actually photoshop the print out, which means using any sort of contrast checking to tell if the image is edited wont result in any evidence supporting the claim of a photoshop.
I've seen an image of the actual display assembly instructions, and they don't match up with the image used for the sticker, but that again doesn't really mean anything. Only that, I've seen people who have posted about the display and shown proof that they have assembly instructions haven't heard from anybody about a sticker.
Again, I think the reason why people aren't willing to believe this is because of the amount of shit that's being thrown around while this is going on. You have a possibly very real image of the sticker thing, then a fake "disappointment" image. The image of the TV that was photoshopped with the date. You have multiple people working on GS as managers of their store who've looked through their marketing materials and don't see anything about stickers, they've also called corp and haven't heard anything. You have people like one of the editors of GameInformer checking the weeks worth of GameStop marketing materials and not seeing anything about the sticker (but does clarify that doesn't mean the delay isn't still real).
So, with a lot of fake stuff circulating, GameStop managers, EBGames managers, and even an editor at GameInformer providing their input, you can see why a lot of people are still just holding out. Like I said before, the whole rumor started about marketing materials, then became something about a sticker overnight, and now people are just scrambling to find out what's real or not. All anyone needs to do is show a picture of the sticker or another shot at the sticker instructions and most people would be satisfied I'd imagine.
I really don't care at all, nor do I really have an opinion on this whole thing. I would like to hope that the sources from APZ and others aren't just somehow all wrong, otherwise that would be extremely confusing. I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but it's probably because people are beating this topic to death.
As for the whole "five stages of grief thing", cut people a fucking break. Yes, some people are being belligerent, others are just confused.