A Counterargument: A criticism of FFXV (before release)

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Seeing how much many of you are looking forward to FFXV on September 30 this year and have plenty of positive things in light of the revelations in the Uncovered event, I felt that I wasn't too thrilled with the many changes that came the moment Tabata entered the project. And I became more concerned with FFXV's direction the moment the announcement was made about Nomura's departure from the project back in 2014.

My expectations weren't as high as it was with FFXV like it used to be with the direction FFXV is heading and Tabata helming it. This may look like nitpicking at all the changes I don't like about FFXV but hear me out. For me, it doesn't look like a Final Fantasy game anymore. For starter, everything (aside from Noctis and the gang, and a few elements) looks as if they're from a western game and don't get me started with the aesthetics of Kingsglaive. Granted, from many elements like the music, sponsorships from American companies and its gameplay, FFXV's catering towards the western market but there's something missing in FFXV that makes it a Final Fantasy game despite familiar elements (chocobos, Cid) and until the game is released and I've played it, I still think that Tabata might have overlooked at knowing what makes an FF game as it is. That isn't to say he's a bad director; he did a great job with Crisis Core and Type-0, but I felt that his direction with FFXV is kinda lost with what kind of FF game it wants to be as a result from fan feedback, and to some fans like myself who still envisioned a story that is closer to Nomura's original vision. You could say that Nomura's days are over with anything related to FFXV since Tabata took over, but in the end, you can't deny that Tabata's promise in keeping Nomura's vision has been compromised.

Anyways, this will be a starter. I could have list all the elements I wasn't happy about, but that's for another day. I have plenty more things to say about FFXV and its current direction and whatever criticisms I have with it will sound more personal in my future posts.
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Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I don't think you realize that Nomura's vision for this game was catering to a more Westernized style. It was Nomura himself who stated that he doesn't feel that there should be a distinction between WRPG and JRPG. While I disagree with this to an extent, I understand what he means by this.

Yes, Kingsglaive is very much westernized, that doesn't mean it's any less Final Fantasy. As for the music, I'm not sure what you mean? Shimomura is very much Japanese. If you mean the Stand By Me tie in, it feels very much like a Final Fantasy rendition, so I don't really know what you mean by music at all. The sponsorship stuff is the only thing that you might say is "western", but that is more real world than western, just because they are western brands, doesn't make it Westernized. The concept of Westernizing something has more to do with its story/art/gameplay focus, not with brand identity.

Ultimately, I disagree with a lot of core points in your arguments against the direction of this game. Final Fantasy really shines with it's charm and story telling and those magical moments that can only happen in game. I feel like you really need to play a Final Fantasy game to know if it feels like a Final Fantasy game or not.

Visually speaking, yes you can say that trailers or gameplay can say a lot about the vision for a game, but I would argue that the game looks just as it did back when it was called Versus XIII, only much better, so ultimately, nothing has changed from Nomura's original conception of how this game identifies itself in regards to being Western or Eastern or whatever; it's very much a Final Fantasy game in my opinion.

but there's something missing in FFXV that makes it a Final Fantasy game despite familiar elements (chocobos, Cid) and until the game is released and I've played it, I still think that Tabata might have overlooked at knowing what makes an FF game as it is.
This is my major complaint with your post. You say that you feel like Tabata has missed something, but you don't know what it is, you haven't played the game, so you don't know for sure, but you know that it must be something.

This makes no sense to me... If you can explain more what you mean by this, unless that's just the embodiment of your sentiments throughout the post, then I understand.

Regardless, I appreciate your post, and would like to hear from others as well on what they have to say to you, me and their own individual thoughts as well. After all, like your post, mine is just of my own opinion, so me being opposed to you is not at all personal. (I feel like making this disclaimer because sometimes people take it the wrong way)


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I'm glad you bring this subject up, because we hear this a lot, this lack of a "feel". And trust me, I know what you are talking about. This happens every FF game. It starts off not feeling like a FF game, then sooner or later wins me over every time. Even XIII, but you really gotta squint. I actually got what they were trying to do, they just did it wrong, but the point is, I got there. I got there on XII, too, and that wasn't until my second playthrough. But I got there. The same thing with X. And so on, with one exception. Which I'll come back to.

People get to it at different points or sometimes not at all. People just like these games for different reasons. As one of those who has ended up getting that vibe from every single title from IV to XIV, I'm already there. If that's any hope. Not just there, but there with a vengeance. There has only been one other title that had this same effect. Just one release that had me as enthralled prior to its release, absolutely positive it would be something totally new and amazing, and that was FFVII.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 28, 2014
XV's world is taking heavy inspiration from Italy, France, and USA. Which I have no issues with at all. Final Fantasy has always mixed several cultures from around the world, this is really the first time they've mixed cultures this Western. It's a refresher from 7, 8, 9, 10, and the 13 trilogy, which let's be honest, pandered more to the anime loving audience. The creative cultural mix was completely gone. So actually, to me, XV definitely feels like a Final Fantasy game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
how this isn't a Final Fantasy game?

it have the 4 warriors of light (they come from "Lucis" right?) cruising the world with multiple vehicles (car, trains, chocobos, boats, flyingfriggincar) to fight an evil mechanical empire (sounds familiar?) to retrieve a crystal (lol).

you can use summons and fight monsters directly inspired from Yoshitaka Amano arts, you can even camp (old titles had many camp spots in dungeons).

it's just the presentation that makes it feel all different and that's exactly the point of the franchise. FFVII/FFVIII had all the basic elements but felt very different than the older ones with it's setting. FFXV hit the right spot where it brings all the old elements in a way that feels new and fresh imo.
XV's world is taking heavy inspiration from Italy, France, and USA. Which I have no issues with at all. Final Fantasy has always mixed several cultures from around the world, this is really the first time they've mixed cultures this Western. It's a refresher from 7, 8, 9, 10, and the 13 trilogy, which let's be honest, pandered more to the anime loving audience. The creative cultural mix was completely gone. So actually, to me, XV definitely feels like a Final Fantasy game.
But what's wrong with pandering to the anime-loving audience? Granted, I grew up and lived through the period from 7 onwards so I don't really grew up with the older games until I played them much later (mostly in the recent 3DS remakes). You have your preference, and same goes to me and everyone else as well. But I feel that the aesthetics of Noctis and his friends along with the rest of the characters and environment don't clash very well together. It's like Tabata is trying to please everyone (and I don't mean it in a good way) and since he has total control over the project he might as well change whatever things that remained in Nomura's original vision or anything Japanese. And yes, the FF games have been influenced greatly from Western games or WRPGs in its beginnings and FFXV is somewhat returning to that vision.

Maybe FFXV isn't the game for me after so many years of waiting and after so many changes that I'm not very fond of. I've come to realize that the moment I made my first post in this topic and let's leave it at that. Maybe I need to rethink what really makes a Final Fantasy game the way it is in the first place. Sorry I'm in the wrong here and being in the dark about everything and I should seriously reevaluate my thoughts of this series so far.
But what's wrong with pandering to the anime-loving audience?
Honestly? It gets boring after a while. When you ran through multiple characters whose arcs can be summed up as "starting off as a lonely wolf who wants to solve problems on their own but eventually sees that teamwork is better" (examples of pov characters: Cloud, Squall, Garnet to a lesser degree, Lightning), you want something else. "Serious" anime writing these days is so spectacularly repetitive I often wonder how people can't get bored with it. There's the odd one out where this arc is actually well-made, but so many works have these kinds of characters as a focal point, even people like me who do enjoy anime get turned off.

To the question of whether or not XV will "feel like a Final Fantasy" - I don't think you can properly judge that until you've actually played it.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 28, 2014
But what's wrong with pandering to the anime-loving audience? Granted, I grew up and lived through the period from 7 onwards so I don't really grew up with the older games until I played them much later (mostly in the recent 3DS remakes). You have your preference, and same goes to me and everyone else as well. But I feel that the aesthetics of Noctis and his friends along with the rest of the characters and environment don't clash very well together. It's like Tabata is trying to please everyone (and I don't mean it in a good way) and since he has total control over the project he might as well change whatever things that remained in Nomura's original vision or anything Japanese. And yes, the FF games have been influenced greatly from Western games or WRPGs in its beginnings and FFXV is somewhat returning to that vision.

Maybe FFXV isn't the game for me after so many years of waiting and after so many changes that I'm not very fond of. I've come to realize that the moment I made my first post in this topic and let's leave it at that. Maybe I need to rethink what really makes a Final Fantasy game the way it is in the first place. Sorry I'm in the wrong here and being in the dark about everything and I should seriously reevaluate my thoughts of this series so far.
I'm not trying to come off as a nostalgic junkie, and I apologize if I just gave off that feeling, but as AnGer put it, it gets old way to quickly because there's nothing inspirational or new about that concept or those worlds. The clothing designs that Noctis and crew have weren't even made by Nomura but by a professional fashion designer that SE hired to help with character designs.

Since the Lucis family is a mix between royalty and Mafia influences as the devs stated, their urban look actually makes a little bit of sense.

Gladiolus has a biker punk look, which fits the American aspect, Prompto has an urban grunge thing going on, Ignis is full on European corporate looking and Noctis......honestly I don't even know where they were going with that. He's got Asian bed hair, but dresses like he came out of the slums of 1950s Italy.
Likes: LeonBlade


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
Maybe FFXV isn't the game for me after so many years of waiting and after so many changes that I'm not very fond of. I've come to realize that the moment I made my first post in this topic and let's leave it at that. Maybe I need to rethink what really makes a Final Fantasy game the way it is in the first place. Sorry I'm in the wrong here and being in the dark about everything and I should seriously reevaluate my thoughts of this series so far.
To my understanding, there's no right or wrong here --just likes and dislikes, and in this case, you've just not liked what you've seen. And that's a very fair thing.

In my opinion, it's also a shame really. because I'd really like everybody to enjoy every FF game out there, but with a series with so many, different games, that's something almost impossible to achieve. Even I, who considers himself to be a very receptive person, have problems playing some tittles sometimes (eg XIII), but in the end I always tend to enjoy something in them.

I won't tell you you are wrong, because you aren't. What I'd tell you is, when the due time comes, try giving this game a chance. Final Fantasy has always been a series that likes experimentation, and sometimes it has worked while in others it has failed; but if you try (giving the game a chance), you might surprise yourself.



Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
But I feel that the aesthetics of Noctis and his friends along with the rest of the characters and environment don't clash very well together. It's like Tabata is trying to please everyone (and I don't mean it in a good way) and since he has total control over the project he might as well change whatever things that remained in Nomura's original vision or anything Japanese. And yes, the FF games have been influenced greatly from Western games or WRPGs in its beginnings and FFXV is somewhat returning to that vision.
I have NO idea what you're trying to say...? Also, did you misspeak here? Didn't you mean to say they do clash based on your opinions here? Also, how do you support these claims? Personally, I think these characters fit together better than a lot of previous FF casts and characters. The sense of camaraderie between the main four party members is palpable, you see it in their dialog and how they joke around together. The main cast definitely feel connected with each other and you can tell they rely on each other.

The new rendition of "Stand By Me" played alongside showing the four guys helping each other out in moments of need is a perfect example of this. It's not at all forced either, even in Duscae I saw their connections with one another.

I don't understand what you mean by what things Tabata has changed from Nomura's vision? If you can elaborate on that, I could try and respond to this, otherwise, it's just an empty statement.

Maybe FFXV isn't the game for me after so many years of waiting and after so many changes that I'm not very fond of.
What changes? I don't understand what you're even taking about. You just keep saying "I don't like these changes" but I don't see what changes Tabata has made that you oppose to. Changes with Stella to Luna were already in place when Nomura was still in charge. Also, the initial story direction also changed under Nomura, based on the E3 trailer he directed, the entire party for the signing ceremony was removed by Nomura, not Tabata, you can tell simply by the fact that Stella (Luna) and Noctis were kids running through a field, something that didn't make sense at the time, as they were supposed to meet at the signing ceremony. Proof of both changes took place before Tabata took full control.

Again, I'd love to hear you elaborate on the things you don't like that Tabata "changed", but you need to actually mention them if you want to have any sort of conversation about it.
Nov 17, 2014
it have the 4 warriors of light (they come from "Lucis" right?) cruising the world with multiple vehicles (car, trains, chocobos, boats, flyingfriggincar) to fight an evil mechanical empire (sounds familiar?) to retrieve a crystal (lol).
EXACTLY! I thought about it back then. Completely forgot about that reference after the plethora of infos surfacing in the last 2 years. Maybe the reason I forgot about it is because of their black clothes. It's misleading since it represents the opposite of light. But the fact that they're from Lucis sealed the deal, for me that is.

you can use summons and fight monsters directly inspired from Yoshitaka Amano arts, you can even camp (old titles had many camp spots in dungeons).
Again, you're right! One of the things I'm most excited about FFXV is that Amano's monster and summon design are being fully realized and gives off the nostalgic vibe.

'm not trying to come off as a nostalgic junkie, and I apologize if I just gave off that feeling, but as AnGer put it, it gets old way to quickly because there's nothing inspirational or new about that concept or those worlds. The clothing designs that Noctis and crew have weren't even made by Nomura but by a professional fashion designer that SE hired to help with character designs.
Fantasy based on reality, buddy. That's all I'm gonna say.

Gladiolus has a biker punk look, which fits the American aspect, Prompto has an urban grunge thing going on, Ignis is full on European corporate looking and Noctis......honestly I don't even know where they were going with that. He's got Asian bed hair, but dresses like he came out of the slums of 1950s Italy.
You don't have to. Nomura's character designs was always like that. Each were very much varied and diverse, but we've grown to like them. As for the case of FFXV, Fantasy based on reality, pal.
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Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
I have NO idea what you're trying to say...? Also, did you misspeak here? Didn't you mean to say they do clash based on your opinions here? Also, how do you support these claims? Personally, I think these characters fit together better than a lot of previous FF casts and characters. The sense of camaraderie between the main four party members is palpable, you see it in their dialog and how they joke around together. The main cast definitely feel connected with each other and you can tell they rely on each other.

The new rendition of "Stand By Me" played alongside showing the four guys helping each other out in moments of need is a perfect example of this. It's not at all forced either, even in Duscae I saw their connections with one another.

I don't understand what you mean by what things Tabata has changed from Nomura's vision? If you can elaborate on that, I could try and respond to this, otherwise, it's just an empty statement.

What changes? I don't understand what you're even taking about. You just keep saying "I don't like these changes" but I don't see what changes Tabata has made that you oppose to. Changes with Stella to Luna were already in place when Nomura was still in charge. Also, the initial story direction also changed under Nomura, based on the E3 trailer he directed, the entire party for the signing ceremony was removed by Nomura, not Tabata, you can tell simply by the fact that Stella (Luna) and Noctis were kids running through a field, something that didn't make sense at the time, as they were supposed to meet at the signing ceremony. Proof of both changes took place before Tabata took full control.

Again, I'd love to hear you elaborate on the things you don't like that Tabata "changed", but you need to actually mention them if you want to have any sort of conversation about it.
As much as I've argued how much this project is still based on the original project, I'm still (slightly) up in the air about that and I think this is what OP is trying to put into words. There have obviously been some aesthetic changes, which really don't matter (that much) in the end, although I find it a little odd that Kingsglaive characters all look "euro" but in the game they still look Japanese, that is a bit jarring, but eh? whatever, I guess... Also, we can now intuit for certain that story changes to the game were solidified in 2013, maybe right when Nomura was removed, because SE said that's when Kingsglaive entered production.

Where I think we the fans and OP are still confused about is Tabata stated in a translated intereview that a major lore element from Versus XIII, reaper worship, was "removed" from XV to assure ratings restrictions would be met. What does that really mean? Just de-emphisized or actually eliminated from the world? We still don't know because they wont show us anything meaningful about Insomnia. What is stranger still is there ARE reaper statues clearly depicted in the destroyed Insomnia artwork and the lore painting, and the Big Bang Amano artwork (at least we think, that last one has not been confirmed)!!

I wish they would just be more clear about this, but I think (hope against hope) that they are keeping the story under wraps, and this is why we can't answer this question. The irony is that I think answering this question would once and for all, show whether or not there are real fundamental differences. We know Lucis was supposed to be based on modern Japan (obviously it still is) but the cultural aspects of that society, ie that everyone worshiped death (Etro from FNC) is being held back. (I don't buy that "black is a special color to Lucians" line--WHY is it a special color!?) In Versus....Nocis's near death experience, ability to see "the light of expiring souls" ie. DEATH, was very significant to the world and where he came from. The main reason things still dont add up now, is because (almost) every piece of media or interview we have got since Tabata took over, have contained tiny story bits, but have almost entirely lacked lore inclusion for the world of Eos, especially as pertains to the Lucian people (outside the royal family itself). We had a hint of the coming danger
the Plague of the Stars
in the TGS 2014 trailer, but there has been no consistency or really sequence in story scenes as what we got under Nomura.

A final thought which I admit is conjecture, but without the explanation, I am left in speculation territory, which again is where the frustration of OP is stemming from: We were originally promised gameplay of events that were moved to Kingsglaive, so in the game maybe we wont really even see Insomnia at all untill it is destroyed, at which point the culture that flourished there before the games story began wil be rendered moot anyway. I think for people like Reverse Vampire, our own Kagari, myself, and for many others, looking around in and exploring Insomnia-which was the first environment teased for so many years-likely is gone, and, the (seeming) ramifacations for the games plot that stem from that, are disappointing.

It is one thing to change character appearances (Regis), it is something else entirely, to drastically alter the lore which surrounds the main protagonist. Have they really done that? Would they really change not just some event, but a fundamental idea about a part of Eos AFTER Episode Duscae was made??? That seems insane, but then again they showed the OG old Regis all the way until Gamescom 2015! I am almost convinced that this is still partially an elaborate SE troll, like how they kept the Regallia being the airship a secret. While I appreciated that reveal, this is one where I wish SE would shine some *Lucis* on the situation;)
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Jan 17, 2016
Worcester, UK
I disagree. I don't think there is anything missing that makes XV a Final Fantasy game - Quite the opposite, I think it has a lot of elements that make it a real Final Fantasy game and I think in many aspects it's quite close to FFVIII (I don't mean with the story or anything, but the general style).

FFVIII I think was also a ''Fantasy based on reality'' as well to degree because of the overall style of the world and the characters. All the main characters were human, the world was closer to our own than the others (7, 9, 10, 12, 13) so I definitely think XV is a real FF game.

I think it's a little odd saying that it's got something missing that the other FF's had when no one has played the game as yet. I think we are all going to be pleasantly surprised with the scope of this game and all the stuff in it that makes Final Fantasy what it is.


fal'Cie Goddess
Site Staff
Mar 6, 2016
A huge part of my personal thoughts has been addressed by some good people here already, so if there's anything else I have to say: to be honest, XV so far has emitted vibes that were familiar with the atmosphere of the classic games (I-VI era especially) had, combined with the modern realistic elements of today, which on the other hand were similar to the atmosphere that VIII had.

Final Fantasy's original concept in regards to its art direction has always been majorly influenced by Western elements (castles, villages, the main jobs, etc.), but the characters will always have Japanese traits, no matter how Western they look. It's one of Final Fantasy's trademarks, to create a distinctive hybrid by combining all these cultures together.

Final Fantasy has ventured away from its original roots and explored different areas, such as varying from the modern-looking universes of VII and VIII, to the oriental world of Spira and the futuristic design of Cocoon; what XV is doing right now is to attempt bringing back that atmosphere the first games in the series had whilst catering to old and new fans with a modern and realistic looking world, and personally they're doing a great job in doing so.

As for what's wrong with catering to just the anime audience... well, my best friend is a huge Final Fantasy fan like me, but he hates watching anime and wouldn't do it even if I plead for it. That should be telling enough.
Then maybe I just don't like some of the changes they made with the characters and story even though you may say that things were not set in stone till the start of XV's development. Let me list down some of the things I'm not particularly pleased with, since some of you want me to clarify what I'm trying to say:
  1. I'm not happy with Stella's removal and then being replaced with Luna. Seriously, I can't pinpoint exactly, but I think I've seen someone, or a similar character archetype with Luna before in another FF game. And from what we know about her currently, I'm not very pleased as of how she's being portrayed as if she's some sort of sacred cow and can do no wrong, urg.
  2. I'm upset with Regis's appearance to make him more Western and I'd prefer the one from the 2013 trailers and older, thank you very much. Seriously, he looks so boring in his new appearance and doesn't resemble Noctis one bit. Maybe there's a story reason for this, but I still do not like his new look.
  3. Say what you want about FNC in general, but I'm distraught with the removal of the FNC lore (or most of it) in FFXV and I have yet to recover with all these changes announced over the past two years after so many years of expecting a different perspective of the FNC lore and suddenly being told that almost none of it will be retained in the final game. It's like being told you're going to a vacation somewhere far and refreshing that is different from your country's usual climate and you've already set plans to head there, only to be frustratingly shocked at the last minute that you're going to a place that you don't even remembered agreed of even going and there's nothing you can ever change about it.
I know many of you have stated that if it makes the game better, it's okay but I don't. I'm very upset over these changes and there's nothing for you to stop me from thinking that way. What some of us were promised that will be in FFXV/Versus XIII were not realised in the end (e.g. playing as other characters other than Noctis) and fine, you may say that's a decision made by Nomura that we can only play the game as Noctis. But having said that, previous FF games allow you to take control of a number of playable characters besides the main one (except for Lightning Returns, but that's an exception) but in FFXV? Only Noctis. No one else, other than controlling their battle behaviours before encountering a battle. You may argue it's because of story reasons and he's compensating it by having a large arsenal of weapons. You may argue that it's a refreshing take of the battle system from what we've seen in previous games. But the experience isn't the same anymore and I was hoping I could take control of Prompto and Ignis and Gladiolus so that I can get a feel of how these characters play out in a fight. I've played the Duscae Demo and I still feel that I can't connect with the characters even with the idle dialogue with each other even if you're paying much attention.

Note: I feel like I'm putting myself in a corner for admitting that you guys were right about a lot of things. I can't really argue my way out of this. Fine, my arguments are flawed for dissing some of the aspects that I strongly dislike.

Is there anything else you want me to clear things up? I know I'm being very vague with my previous statements and I hope I can try to clear any misunderstandings. One thing to take note: I've read your posts, and it's not going to change my mind about what I think about FFXV with only a limited amount of released information available until the game is out.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 28, 2014
Then maybe I just don't like some of the changes they made with the characters and story even though you may say that things were not set in stone till the start of XV's development. Let me list down some of the things I'm not particularly pleased with, since some of you want me to clarify what I'm trying to say:
  1. I'm not happy with Stella's removal and then being replaced with Luna. Seriously, I can't pinpoint exactly, but I think I've seen someone, or a similar character archetype with Luna before in another FF game. And from what we know about her currently, I'm not very pleased as of how she's being portrayed as if she's some sort of sacred cow and can do no wrong, urg.
  2. I'm upset with Regis's appearance to make him more Western and I'd prefer the one from the 2013 trailers and older, thank you very much. Seriously, he looks so boring in his new appearance and doesn't resemble Noctis one bit. Maybe there's a story reason for this, but I still do not like his new look.
  3. Say what you want about FNC in general, but I'm distraught with the removal of the FNC lore (or most of it) in FFXV and I have yet to recover with all these changes announced over the past two years after so many years of expecting a different perspective of the FNC lore and suddenly being told that almost none of it will be retained in the final game. It's like being told you're going to a vacation somewhere far and refreshing that is different from your country's usual climate and you've already set plans to head there, only to be frustratingly shocked at the last minute that you're going to a place that you don't even remembered agreed of even going and there's nothing you can ever change about it.
I know many of you have stated that if it makes the game better, it's okay but I don't. I'm very upset over these changes and there's nothing for you to stop me from thinking that way. What some of us were promised that will be in FFXV/Versus XIII were not realised in the end (e.g. playing as other characters other than Noctis) and fine, you may say that's a decision made by Nomura that we can only play the game as Noctis. But having said that, previous FF games allow you to take control of a number of playable characters besides the main one (except for Lightning Returns, but that's an exception) but in FFXV? Only Noctis. No one else, other than controlling their battle behaviours before encountering a battle. You may argue it's because of story reasons and he's compensating it by having a large arsenal of weapons. You may argue that it's a refreshing take of the battle system from what we've seen in previous games. But the experience isn't the same anymore and I was hoping I could take control of Prompto and Ignis and Gladiolus so that I can get a feel of how these characters play out in a fight. I've played the Duscae Demo and I still feel that I can't connect with the characters even with the idle dialogue with each other even if you're paying much attention.

Note: I feel like I'm putting myself in a corner for admitting that you guys were right about a lot of things. I can't really argue my way out of this. Fine, my arguments are flawed for dissing some of the aspects that I strongly dislike.

Is there anything else you want me to clear things up? I know I'm being very vague with my previous statements and I hope I can try to clear any misunderstandings. One thing to take note: I've read your posts, and it's not going to change my mind about what I think about FFXV with only a limited amount of released information available until the game is out.
Stella was not replaced with Luna. Stella's design was simply changed and her name changed to Luna. It's no longer a part of the FNC lore, because Nomura wanted nothing to do with that originally, and when Tabata took over he agreed with that evidently. So basically to sum this up you're mostly just upset because the developers refined their vision so the game will fit the true spirit of Final Fantasy.

No one is telling you to like the change of the game's development. Some of us are trying to help you understand that considering how the franchise has always been a mix of Western and Eastern culture since the very first installment, the change in XV's development is nothing worth getting worried about. Final Fantasy is returning to being itself again.
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
United States
A lot of Tabata's changes were definitely done to cater more toward the Western market. He pretty much said so himself when he finally gave his reasoning for altering Regis - who was perfectly fine by the way - and getting a British actor to model for him instead.

I'm not happy with Luna so far either since she seems to be nothing more than a Yuna clone along with a few other common tropes.
My personal stance on the questions surrounding the changes from the original concept(s) in Versus XIII (and maybe Nomura's days as head of development for XV) to what will be in XV can be pretty easily summed up: XV is a thing that is going to be - Versus is a thing that isn't.

Maybe this will sound cynical, but I am rarely as invested with games that are in the early stages of development (which admittedly Versus was) as I am with games that can be seen as coming together and are nearing their release. It is easy to fall into the trap of feeling let down when things that you hear are floating around may make it to the end product and then don't, but it is far better for oneself to not see such concepts as "promises". Doing so is probably much harder in this day and age, when lots of developers push for transparency throughout development (XV is a prime example of this) and try to show off games as early as possible, but in the end, concepts are just that and a lot of commercial art (and sometimes "high art" as well) will inevitably undergo changes for various reasons - be they a result of market research or be they the result of budget constraints. A lot of developers may want to make a product they deem "perfect" and delivers on the "promises" they made. But, in the end, it's a business after all and developers will likely not be happy as well if company execs and producers make the call that something needs to be changed - or the product needs to be finished ASAP.
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