I just went back and re read all this and I'm pretty sure both Leon and lucina added some kind of extra tone to my post, and I can sort of see why, with the quotes around some people on the internet. However, those are in quotes because I was trying to make sure I worded it in a way that no one here could think I was referring to them. Literally just popped in to say I had read a bunch of people trashing it's quality on the internet, but that I liked it and thought it was pretty good considering what it was.
But frankly, the way you both reacted to it kind of makes me not really want to be here anymore. I thought this place was different. But you jump to your conclusions and go on the offensive anyway. Good show.
I can add an extra tone to your post because text across the internet lacks tone to begin with. It's true that I may be at fault for misunderstanding, but I can tell you that I tend not to react positively to quotes that seem entitled such as, "'People on the internet' should," and, "People are dumb". I don't know you, just as you don't know me. If you think I have beef with you, it's because of the way you've been wording things and how my values perceive them.
Which has happened again in you saying, "But frankly, the way you both reacted to it kind of makes me not really want to be here anymore. I thought this place was different." Again, you try to propose this notion that someone should react to something in a certain way and should be representing the board in a certain way. This is a key thing that I've seen surrounding most of your posts that I don't like.
I think this one lacks snide, yes? I'm being outright honest with you this time. Speaking of honesty, I wasn't trying to be rude to you until you started saying, "People are dumb." If you want to say that I was the one to drop the snide comment, I can tell you, "Right back at ya."