Mognet Updates: Jan '16

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Hello everyone! Thanks for sticking around on Mognet. I've pushed some updates to the boards. Not much to write home about this time, but here's what's new:

  • Improvements to User Log In/Registration via Facebook, Google and Twitter.
  • Better compatibility with the new Microsoft Edge Browser, for you Win10 Users.
  • Several theme fixes.
  • Changes to the notification system, including the 'call to action' guests see asking you to sign up.
  • Less ads for registered users.
  • Better link shortener and things, including Amazon Affiliate Link integration, meaning if anybody clicks an Amazon Link here and buys something, we get a small cut, which helps us keep the lights on.
  • Changed the countdown to point to the March Event.
  • Fixed some issues and made some improvements to the Radio Page.
I have some free time coming up, so: Suggestions? Changes? Post 'em and I'll try to make it happen.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I was thinking about adding some music from other non RPGs titles to the mix, more variety of music ! (though I never used very often the radio page so it´s probable that it already has some of it).

Another thing that I was thinking for sometime was about having (or turning the Radio into) a general music player, where we could select any track from any CD OST that is avaiable here.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I was thinking about adding some music from other non RPGs titles to the mix, more variety of music ! (though I never used very often the radio page so it´s probable that it already has some of it).

Another thing that I was thinking for sometime was about having (or turning the Radio into) a general music player, where we could select any track from any CD OST that is avaiable here.
On this, so, to the first point: There's quite a bit already in there! There's stuff like Starfox, Zelda, Mario, Sonic, Smash Bros, Mega Man, Uncharted, Animal Crossing, Halo, Jet Set Radio, Metal Gear, Outrun... a lot. In total, on the radio rotation there are currently a total of 17,039 tracks totalling over 29 days of playtime if everything were played back to back(!). All of this is from my personal CD collection (hundreds of OSTs), and I'm constantly expanding it.

On a general music player, I want to explain why we can't do that, but also what e might be able to do instead:
  • In order to do a general music player, the music files have to be stored somewhere. If we're storing MP3s server-side to serve to you, that brings up an interesting piracy question. We obviously work with companies like Square Enix and EA on Nova Crystallis and RPG Site, so it's challenging to do this. Internet radio itself isn't entirely above board - there's licensing fees involved, but for small fringe cases, like Mognet's Radio, companies are prepared to ignore it. If we start providing downloads, that's a problem. Direct streams edge closer to downloads, so we won't be offering that, as such. HOWEVER:
  • First, I want to say I think there's an advantage to the radio format. There's an incredibly broad range of music in there, and if you tune in for FF, Kingdom Hearts and Chrono but then here a track from Dragon's Dogma or Mass Effect and decide to try those games as a result, that's a good thing. We like the radio format. It's ad-free, and it serves up a more random selection of music.
  • However, we do have the ability allow requests. This would allow users to browse the entire catalogue of music in the radio database and put in requests (a limited amount per day or so) to hear a specific song. the song would be checked against the database rules - so you couldn't request a track that'd already been played in the last hour or so, etc - and then it'd play. Not just for you, but for everyone. Would this sort of thing be of interest as an addition to the stream?


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
On a general music player, I want to explain why we can't do that, but also what e might be able to do instead:
  • In order to do a general music player, the music files have to be stored somewhere. If we're storing MP3s server-side to serve to you, that brings up an interesting piracy question. We obviously work with companies like Square Enix and EA on Nova Crystallis and RPG Site, so it's challenging to do this. Internet radio itself isn't entirely above board - there's licensing fees involved, but for small fringe cases, like Mognet's Radio, companies are prepared to ignore it. If we start providing downloads, that's a problem. Direct streams edge closer to downloads, so we won't be offering that, as such. HOWEVER:
  • First, I want to say I think there's an advantage to the radio format. There's an incredibly broad range of music in there, and if you tune in for FF, Kingdom Hearts and Chrono but then here a track from Dragon's Dogma or Mass Effect and decide to try those games as a result, that's a good thing. We like the radio format. It's ad-free, and it serves up a more random selection of music.
  • However, we do have the ability allow requests. This would allow users to browse the entire catalogue of music in the radio database and put in requests (a limited amount per day or so) to hear a specific song. the song would be checked against the database rules - so you couldn't request a track that'd already been played in the last hour or so, etc - and then it'd play. Not just for you, but for everyone. Would this sort of thing be of interest as an addition to the stream?
I see, if this is a big problem then I drop the request.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Hi. Thanks for the update, but the timer doesn't seem to be working for me. Also, do newly created threads pop on the "Latest Replies" box now?


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
However, we do have the ability allow requests. This would allow users to browse the entire catalogue of music in the radio database and put in requests (a limited amount per day or so) to hear a specific song. the song would be checked against the database rules - so you couldn't request a track that'd already been played in the last hour or so, etc - and then it'd play. Not just for you, but for everyone. Would this sort of thing be of interest as an addition to the stream?
This is what I had in mind, so, yes, it does interest me!

I remember in high school there was some FF radio site ( I used to listen to in IT lessons, and you used to be able to put requests in from a huge list of FF tracks, which would go straight into a queue and play through each one in order. I think it would go into random mode when no requests were in the queue.

The same sort of thing here would be cool.