Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Interesting and could very well be true. Hopefully when Final Fantasy XV is finally released, they'll include it in the main menu as a free bonus! I suspect the CG movie to be around 30 minutes long just like Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
I should have said I think it's plausible not that it's true. I think it's a little ridiculous to think it is true, but a lot of things seemed to all come together at once to make it sound believable.


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
Hmm.. that's a strange rumour. Maybe it could happen if XV is succesful and popular enough but I can't see it happening in that form atm. A book/novel? Sure why not but these Visual Works movies are damn expensive.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
I should have said I think it's plausible not that it's true. I think it's a little ridiculous to think it is true, but a lot of things seemed to all come together at once to make it sound believable.
Oh! no problem at all. I believe it's plausible as well, safer to take any "rumors" online as a grain of salt before official confirmation. I loved Square Enix's CG a lot therefore this would definitely be a "bonus" plus if it were true.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
What do you guys think the big surprise is going to be Tabata will announce in March?
Candidates :
  1. Release date (the big deal)
  2. Another demo to please the audice while they wait for the final game.
  3. XV merchandise like manga, CG movie(?), Play Kai Art figures.
  4. Collectors Edition announce
I hqve seen some people throwing the possibility of the next FF being announced but, why doing it on XV's spotlight ?


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
It has to be something other than the release date/tech demo, since they've already said those will be there and thus, wouldn't qualify as surprises. I can't honestly think what it could be. The CG movie could be cool, although I hated AC in many regards.

And yeah, a XVI tease would be lovely, but lol, no way (I still remember IX/X/XI announcement, though. Those were the days).

Tbh, one of the main reasons I want XV to release ASAP, apart from obviously having wanted this game since forever and being excited, is because I want to move on. It's been almost a decade: gimme a new world, new characters, new artstyle (pls)... Hopefully they've been working on it for a while (if you trust Verendus from GAF, they have).


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
And yeah, a XVI tease would be lovely, but lol, no way (I still remember IX/X/XI announcement, though. Those were the days).
I much prefer them to announce 1 game at a time rather multiple entries at the same time.
Tornak said:
(if you trust Verendus from GAF, they have).
GAF is very hard to trust for me. Is S-E working on XV's successor ? Probably but it might be on early stage.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Provided the movie rumour is true (which I'm not so sure), I wonder whether they'll use CGI they might have scrapped, like (if events aren't radically different or told in a different manner) everything from Insomnia's invasion as the ending of that movie to set the tone for the final game.

It sucks that we have to be waiting until March, but FF XV's marketing from then on could be great: there's a huge amount of things we've heard them talk about that we've got yet to see, like gameplay in cities, battles with magic and big enemies, summons, COR... Hopefully they don't spoil the game to much, but the road 'till lunch could be pretty nice.
I much prefer them to announce 1 game at a time rather multiple entries at the same time.
As long as they aren't delayed and you don't have to wait 4 years minimum between games, I loved what they did with IX, X and XI, since those games were handled by different people and so they were ready in a very short period of time.

But hey, that's just me being tired of having to watch Lightning and Noctis as the only "new" faces of the series for 9 years lol. The feeling of excitement when a new mainline FF is unparalleled, even if I've been rather dissapointed with the series for quite some time.

GAF is very hard to trust for me. Is S-E working on XV's successor ? Probably but it might be on early stage.
Yeah, that's why I don't like the insider thing. However, he's been spot on in many things and GAF is pretty strict when it comes to this, so at the very least I'll give it some thought.

Nevertheless, they have to be working on something, even if it's just pre-production. Even with FFVIIR, I don't think they'll want such a big wait between two mainline single players FFs happening again (come to think of it, a XVI speculation/talk topic would be great, especially to avoid polluting this thread with no XV-related comments lol).
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Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
btw.. I really don't get the story timeline after the new information.

"Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae."
"Luna and Noctis's marriage ceremony is supposed to take place in Altissia."

So if Noctis was heading to Altissia for his wedding with Luna.. Doesn't that mean that Luna was in Altissia the whole time?

then who is this?

Likes: Noctis_Caelum
Oct 19, 2013
btw.. I really don't get the story timeline after the new information.

"Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae."
"Luna and Noctis's marriage ceremony is supposed to take place in Altissia."

So if Noctis was heading to Altissia for his wedding with Luna.. Doesn't that mean that Luna was in Altissia the whole time?

then who is this?



Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
btw.. I really don't get the story timeline after the new information.

"Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae."
"Luna and Noctis's marriage ceremony is supposed to take place in Altissia."

So if Noctis was heading to Altissia for his wedding with Luna.. Doesn't that mean that Luna was in Altissia the whole time?

then who is this?

Good question.
I also think it's a little bit confusing, but if you look closer to Luna in Lucis, she carries a ring.
As we now know, King Regis wears also a ring and if he a king dies, his son Noctis will take it and will be the new king and gains special power.
I think that's why Regis is crying for his son or he carries a much more darker destiny.
Anyway I read somewhere, I don't know if it was official, but Luna was supposed to take Regis' ring and bring it to Noctis to Altissia.

But still there's something that doesn't make sense, because during the Invasion in Lucis, Noctis and his friends are traveling to Altissia.
Luna instead is in Lucis in that time, so how can she be arrieved earlier in Altissia than Ncotis?
A possibility is that the scene where Luna is surrounded by Niflheim soldiers was before the Invasion in Lucis and than she travelled to Lucis to take the ring or meet Noctis.

Or I'm completely wrong. :D
But is would be cool that Stella appears some way, like Luna twin sister.^^
Unfortunately Tabata already confirmed that Stella is no more, am I right? :>