To answer the OP, I will just repost a comment a user made on an article on the official Square Enix blog about a London FFXV community event where Tabata personally asked 16 fans what they want from FFXV. I 100% agree with the user's views on the matter. Long story short: this pursuit for feedback is just proving that Tabata is an incompetent director of AAA, home console games.
I'm just going to be honest. IMO, hosting an event like this with only 16 people "representing" the FF fanase is absolutely pointless. The FF fanbase is one of the most divided and polarised fandoms in entertainment history. One person's fave FF could be another person's most hated. Therefore, there's no way 16 people would be able to represent what the entire fanbase thinks. Every individual has their own fave FF, and even the top 3 FF games differ widely amongst FF players. If Tabata-san is attempting to cater to every FF fan with FFXV, he's wasting his time. The fanbase is too divided at this point. Heck, I already know people IRL who have already written off the game due to the "boyband" party.
Again, I hate to sound pessimistic on this matter, but all this pursuit for user feedback on FFXV is more damaging than helpful. FFVI and FFVII, two of the most beloved FF games, never relied on user feedback and surveys during their creation. The teams behind them made what they wanted to make and put it out to the masses. The same can be said for FFIX and FFX, which are also both really popular FF games. FFXII isn't as popular, but it also never relied on user feedback during development. The game never resonated with some FF fans, but it still went on to create an entire JRPG sub-genre due to games like Xenoblade following in its footsteps.
My point is a simple one. This seemingly unrelenting pursuit for user feedback and surveys to shape FFXV needs to either stop outright or be greatly toned down. With the way Tabata-san is directing this game, I can honestly say he's not a visionary director. A visionary director would never rely on feedback to shape any part of their work. They'd stick to their guns and trust their own instinct with what they want to make and then put it out and let people judge it. I'm not seeing that at all with Tabata-san, which is a shame, as he rolled like this when directing Type-0. I get the impression that he's selling out with FFXV. He's tailoring his work to the public in pursuit of making it the best selling FF ever. That's no different to a musician selling out their artistic integrity for more sales. A big shame if I ever saw one.
I hope that FFXVI has not even a sand grain of user feedback to influence its creation, especially if Hiroyuki Ito is directing it.