Anime is way more popular today than it was back then. Just look at how much more gets localized now and how much cheaper it is. Not to mention how many people download tons of it for free or stream it. Back in the day you'd see the same stuff on shelves for years at $20-$30 per volume. Today, you can buy entire series on blu-ray for that, and it wouldn't be so cheap if it weren't selling well. It's a lot more accessible now. I have friends who kind of think anime isn't as popular now, too, but it just appears that way to them because they haven't been into it like they used to be for many years now, and most of their friends have moved on from it, too. Looking back, I feel like anime was a niche thing in those days. It just seemed big to me at the time because all of my friends were into it and Japanese games were a huge deal, but the video game industry was smaller then as well.