@1Truth2Lies I respect your gusto to dig up info and look for the deeper meaning behind their words, but maybe it's time to stop viewing the game industry this way. It's not a mystery that needs to be crack. Don't drive yourself crazy looking for answers of when a game made by a loved director will come out. What if, and I'm not saying it won't, but what if it doesn't? What if 16 is not even a glimmer in Square's eye yet? I think it's better to focus on things that are confirmed than then the may or may not be. I hope for great JRPGs all the time especially in the wake of games like Compile Hearts' soft-core hentai moe games. But I learned that sometimes you can wait for years for something and it won't go away and the thing you want won't always replace it. And when that happens it's not a conspiracy. Is 16 being developed behind the scenes? I don't know, I flat out don't know. It's possible. But why fixate on it? That game, even if it was near done, is not gonna come out till Type-0, FFXV, and maybe KH3 hits the shelves first. I just don't want to see people slowly becoming obsessed over games. Even great ones aren't worth it. We'd all just become slaves to the industry if we obsess. I once knew a gamer girl who'd buy anything she loved even when she was broke. It was like an addiction. No job, no allowance, yet trying to beg for money just to buy games. Sad.
Wow. That was hyperbolic. Some fans may do that, but I know more than a few who wouldn't.
As long as those two things stay high quality, fans will continue to gobble it up no matter how shitty, or how “un-Final Fantasy" like everything else is.