Final Fantasy Newbie

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Clan Centurio Member
Jul 25, 2014
I've just started playing the final fantasy franchise and have started at crisis core and just finished it am going on to ff7 what am I too expect and do they get better going through 7-13


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 18, 2013
Did you like Crisis Core?
Every Final Fantasy is very unlike the other, you will likely enjoy some a lot and not so much others.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
It varies from 7-12 11 is a mmo and the series takes a huge nosedive at 13 the opposite of getting better. And i suggest playing the 2d ones as well like 4 5 and 6.
May 26, 2014
Like others already pointed out, each one is different, so just cause you like/hate one doesn't mean you'll like/hate another. Everyone has their own personal favorites. IX is the best one in my opinion, but VII is a good place to start, especially if you just played Crisis Core I guess. They're all worth a try in my opinion, and you definitely don't need to play them in order, so you can jump around if you want.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 18, 2013
I loved crisis core a lot of people have been telling me 9 is good and 12
Glad you liked it, I also really like Crisis Core and feel like the game is a bit underrated by the fandom. Crisis Core kinda spoills FF7 though, you should have played 7 first ahah, but you should be ok, there are still plenty surprises.

9 is actually my favorite (not only Final Fantasy, but game in general) just a heads up that you should be patient with the game because the battles are, well, slow, otherwise its great! I wish I could be in your position and play everything again for the first time :p


Clan Centurio Member
Jul 25, 2014
il just have to put aside the graphics in 7 having just played crisis core n just play it to move on with the story


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Yes. you can jump around. Definitely play VII but I recommend checking out V and VI as well from the 2D FF's. The latter being my favorite.

Just ignore the XIII trilogy and you'll be fine. You might wanna skip X-2 too. :kefkalol:
I'd play X-2 just because it has some of the best gameplay in the franchise.
I wouldn't let anyone's opinion sway you on which entries to play and which ones to avoid. One man's turd can be another person's treasure, so they say, and I've seen plenty of people play and love FFXIII despite plenty of insisting from others that it's an irredeemably poor game. I personally would not ever recommend FFXIII to someone as a must-play game due to my own subjective bias, but on the flip side I would never dissuade someone from wishing to give it a shot. Go have a short preview of a game online and if you're interested in what you see, give it a shot.

And the MMO games allow you a free month trial (there's a limited 2 week trial for FFXIV on PC, and I'm not too sure what FFXI has) before they coerce you into subscribing. You can easily sink in a hundred hours in a month if you so wish.

I'd play X-2 just because it has some of the best gameplay in the franchise.
Listen to this person. FFX-2 immediately following the ending to FFX is quite the tonal shift to stomach, and I know plenty of fans have ever been able to wholly adjust, but if you can look past its veneer, there's plenty of the story to get invested in after the first couple of chapters. Then you have a brilliant job system that you can change on the fly, and one of the best battle systems in an RPG.

Yeah, I'll defend FFX-2 until the day I die.
Likes: Takoyaki


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Listen to this person. FFX-2 immediately following the ending to FFX is quite the tonal shift to stomach, and I know plenty of fans have ever been able to wholly adjust, but if you can look past its veneer, there's plenty of the story to get invested in after the first couple of chapters. Then you have a brilliant job system that you can change on the fly, and one of the best battle systems in an RPG.

Yeah, I'll defend FFX-2 until the day I die.
Yes. Another FFX-2 defender. The game is great no matter what people think of the tone. So fun.

I've also seen people say ARR (XIV) is a good start to the franchise but I think otherwise. That should be after you play a number of FF's. Seeing the "fanservice" stuff just makes me smile.

Squirrel Emperor

Sep 26, 2013
Play the 2D games first. That way you won't have trouble getting into them after being spoiled by all the things the 3D games offer and you can appreciate them better.

If you seek greatness though, just play FFVI. :kefkalol:

I think I would personally go in order just so that you can see how the IP has evolved and how they've changed the world of gaming.