It's fine. So long that it makes sense to play as a single character and it works really well that way, that is all you need to care. So long its an amazing experience, that's all you need to focus on!
I don't really care about that, they weren't able to introduce a mechanic that was basically described as essential and was my most hyped one in the fucking game.
I'll play the game, sure, I haven't been waiting so long for nothing, but between this and more things, my excitement takes a dip so hard that it goes from my most hyped game ever (by a loooong margin) to slighly under games like The Witcher 3 or MGSV. Seriously.
A joke, that was SE is. Not that I didn't know that before, but this just confirms it for me.
And sorry if I'm coming off as rude, but I'm so pissed about this. Don't let my anger diminish your hype