FFXV: Who is Luna??

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Jun 7, 2014
Oh boy, I think Luna is someone else and Stella is Stella but someone else made this...

EDIT: And if they aren't the same then she must have a twin because they look the same!

I KNEW it! Stella and Luna are twins. One of them is evil but later joins Noctis and the other one dies.:chocowalk:

EDIT: Or maybe Luna is Stella's nickname. Like Dagger/Garnet in FF9
Likes: Crystal Power


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'm going to tear my own hair out... why does EVERYONE insist that Luna was even shown...?
During the interview, some names were mentioned, like King Aegis, Emperor Aldercapt, Luna, the city of Altissia...any news on the matter? Tabata: "No comment".
- Not even Luna? Tabata's answer: "The others are no comment, while Luna is...tabula rasa" (laughs...), then "I'd love telling you more, but right now I can't, still she'll be a key character like Noctis!"
To call Luna "tabula rasa" meaning blank slate to me says that she is something we don't know anything about. What would be the point of hiding something insignificant as a name change...? It's not like people are going to go crazy because they changed Stella's name from Star to Moon...
Likes: Crystal Power


Red Wings Commander
Oct 23, 2013
You guys remember that dragoon lady from 2011 trailer? It was speculated that she's Stella in disguise. But maybe SHE is really Luna - Stella's evil twin sister! :shockedwarrior:

Or maybe the black haired girl. These two and Stella are pretty much all female characters revealed in this game, so there's not much place to speculate.
But the dragoon lady is blonde.



Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
To be honest, something like this should not be discussed yet. We are so limited on information.
If go that route, we basically wouldn't discuss almost anything, since we know very little about the game and some of those things we know might have changed (like the combat, if only a bit).

And unless things have changed greatly, the Dragoon woman is a minor boss, one of many enemies with different jobs (I'm very excited to see XV's take on classic jobs like black mage or white mage if there are any).

I'm sticking to Luna being the black-haired woman, and I'll go ahead and say that she's Noctis' fianceé or at least she's a princess/noble whom he has a close relationship with You know it's true!


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Reminds me of many anime plots I've watched.
Really? I don't know, I used to love anime some years ago, but nowadays I'm just sticking to a couple of mangas (basically One Piece), although I'm not as excited about them as I used to be.

I say that because... well, he's a prince lol. So him having a fianceé already wouldn't be shocking, and I think it would give lots of possibilities to the story and the characters' relationships.

That said, I don't want XV to have a love triangle (I'm assuming lots of things, sure, Stella is likely just a friend/enemy), or at least not a prominent one. If they go there, I want at least some subtlety, and it being more of a side thing.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Usually, having a prince from one kingdom/family marrying to a princess from another kingdom/family means the forming of peace between the two kingdoms. I would be really interested to see some romance in XV because that would result in many emotional moments within the game (considering how FF games are really story driven), thus making memorable moments within the game.

This isn't the first time an FF game has romance in it and considering how XIII lacked romance, I would love to see it come back to XV. Everything looks like as if there will be emotions flying all around like heartbreaking moments and such. If they do go for a love-triangle kind of thing in XV, it can't be cheesy, thats all I ask.
That's my take on it as well, I love some political and royal intrigue, and it would also boost characters' personalities and create different kinds of conflict.

And yes, I usually like love in a book, film or game, it adds to the plot and the characters. Of course, only as long as it's well done, more of a side thing that doesn't overshadows the plot and isn't cheesy; I can't stand when they get corny.

Zidane and Garnet's story in IX should be the way to go if they're gonna do that, they're the best couple in the series imho. It made sense, was sweet, but not too sweet, important to the game, but not too important to the main plot and gradual.
Likes: Wazi the pa

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
Really? I don't know, I used to love anime some years ago, but nowadays I'm just sticking to a couple of mangas (basically One Piece), although I'm not as excited about them as I used to be.

I say that because... well, he's a prince lol. So him having a fianceé already wouldn't be shocking, and I think it would give lots of possibilities to the story and the characters' relationships.

That said, I don't want XV to have a love triangle (I'm assuming lots of things, sure, Stella is likely just a friend/enemy), or at least not a prominent one. If they go there, I want at least some subtlety, and it being more of a side thing.
Nomura said he doesn't favor romance though the writer for XV is known for strong romance. Everything I heard about Stella implies she is not standing at the forefront of Noc's destined lover like Yuna x Tidus. She's written as a strong female, so she should subvert the typical romance tropes. I doubt there's any love shape tropes. Prompto is a womanizer, so nagging Noc about Luna might be a joke. A forced marriage makes the most sense since yes Noc is royalitly and the Fleurets are rich. If Stella has a twin sister then I guess she can be Luna? It can't be a clone LOL. Then there is the black hair female and other females that never appeared.

idk. I'm gonna stick with Luna is not Stella because we need to see more characters than showing the same old ones


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 25, 2014
Okay... Well we do know that Tetsuya wrote the story based off Hamlet. So 2 siblings come to mind when I think of Hamlet: Ophelia and Laertes. So I believe that Luna and Stella are siblings, and that what will occur is that Luna is going to be a representation of Ophelia, whom through some way will get killed and that will be possibly connected to Noctis, and then Stella being the elder loving sister will want to enact revenge on the person responsible for her sister's death like Laertes in Hamlet. Thus, comes the scene of the confrontation between Noctis and Stella, sort of like the final confrontation between Laertes and Noctis.


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 15, 2013
Okay... Well we do know that Tetsuya wrote the story based off Hamlet. So 2 siblings come to mind when I think of Hamlet: Ophelia and Laertes. So I believe that Luna and Stella are siblings, and that what will occur is that Luna is going to be a representation of Ophelia, whom through some way will get killed and that will be possibly connected to Noctis, and then Stella being the elder loving sister will want to enact revenge on the person responsible for her sister's death like Laertes in Hamlet. Thus, comes the scene of the confrontation between Noctis and Stella, sort of like the final confrontation between Laertes and Noctis.
Yeah I prefer the Nobodies theory :kefkalol: