Hajime Tabata wants to make Final Fantasy XV "more casual, one button action"

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I think the problem is he can't go into detail about anything and has to build his answers around PR buzzwords. >_>

Or I'm just grasping at straws!
You'd be amazed how much pre-preparation goes into talking points to answer with during these sorts of things. Half the challenge with being an interviewer in this scenario is nudging them off script so you can get some interesting, unsanitized tangent.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
I'm just going to post what someone else said.

"There is a difference. No matter what game, you always want the controls to be as easy as they can get (at least in my opinion). The challenge does not lie in controlling your own character, that's just frustrating. The challenge is in the enemies and the world itself. You read it in the wrong context."

Taba simply means the game is player friendly, which shouldn't be a surprise because Nomura said that for years. Taba said he cannot go into full details over mechanics such as defend action other than if you hold down the button, Noctis will quickly evade though players still retain control over him. I already saw what he briefly described in the live footage. So the evidence of it is there. I will reserve judgement until it the demo. It doesn't sound like your standard auto action where you leave the controller down because it does for you.
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Likes: Starlord


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts

We can see it in action here. Looks pretty cool. He doesn't want people remebering overwhelming combos, but still wants to make an action game, seems to me like a nice compromise for a game aiming to sell 8M+
Yeah, that's what that part of the interview was about He doesn't want us to remember crazy combo in most Action games like this: XOXXXOOXXOXOOXTriangle TriangleXOOOOXXXO To do the ultimate combo. I believe what he is trying to convey is if you juet hold/tap the button 4 times (XXXX)<---- 1 button you get this awesome combo.

All these buttons I am about to guess on is revolved around his "1 button" statement:

Attack- XXXX= Attacking combo<--- The more you hit X the longer the combo
Defend- Hit or hold O to just defend
Magic- R2 or L2
Items- D-pad Right
Summons- D pad right

There will be no XOXOXXOXXO like combos, only XXXXXX to attack and OOOOO to defend. the fun part about the system is "knowing your enemy".

I believe this is what Tabata is trying to convey to us!
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SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
You'd be amazed how much pre-preparation goes into talking points to answer with during these sorts of things. Half the challenge with being an interviewer in this scenario is nudging them off script so you can get some interesting, unsanitized tangent.
Yeah, I thought as much. I remember watching Giant Bomb E3 and the Sunset Overdrive team talked about how the PR team gives them keywords and they have to build the answers around that. Unfortunate on both ends.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
All these interviews are contradicting regarding the battle system,

This interview is talking about using a single button

This interview: http://squareportal.net/2014/09/22/...-five-interviews-and-tons-of-new-information/

Talks about a combination of buttons...

The basic idea is to build the battles upon a continuous flow of movements; this continuous flow is based on the combination of buttons you press and each action is chained into another in a seamless way.
Likes: LeonBlade


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
All these interviews are contradicting regarding the battle system,

This interview is talking about using a single button

This interview: http://squareportal.net/2014/09/22/...-five-interviews-and-tons-of-new-information/

Talks about a combination of buttons...

The basic idea is to build the battles upon a continuous flow of movements; this continuous flow is based on the combination of buttons you press and each action is chained into another in a seamless way.
That's why I say they're overreacting a little too much.
Sep 26, 2013
I wonder if he's saying this because the cost to make this game is so bat shit insane now that selling only 5-6 million isn't acceptable? Usually this casual focus developers talk about implementing into their games has to do with the AAA market not being sustainable anymore. Can't just target the hardcore gamer.
Likes: Takoyaki


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
I wonder if he's saying this because the cost to make this game is so bat shit insane now that selling only 5-6 million isn't acceptable? Usually this casual focus developers talk about implementing into their games has to do with the AAA market not being sustainable anymore. Can't just target the hardcore gamer.
Probably. No other reason to pull out the "casual" card.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
All these interviews are contradicting regarding the battle system,

This interview is talking about using a single button

This interview: http://squareportal.net/2014/09/22/...-five-interviews-and-tons-of-new-information/

Talks about a combination of buttons...

The basic idea is to build the battles upon a continuous flow of movements; this continuous flow is based on the combination of buttons you press and each action is chained into another in a seamless way.
So like Remember Me Memory?

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014

We can see it in action here. Looks pretty cool. He doesn't want people remebering overwhelming combos, but still wants to make an action game, seems to me like a nice compromise for a game aiming to sell 8M+
Is this the real lay out. Sounds resoanble. You time this stuff and each one is set the one button isntead of all over the place like a hack n slash. I'm not pressing traingle square circile to do combos , escpially if it's just mashy and the AI doesn't put up a good fight. I vision what that picture has


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
Is this the real lay out. Sounds resoanble. You time this stuff and each one is set the one button isntead of all over the place like a hack n slash. I'm not pressing traingle square circile to do combos , escpially if it's just mashy and the AI doesn't put up a good fight. I vision what that picture has
From that gif aside from the buttons could be different, the actions are the same. From this demo gif it's clear that you can time attacks/dodges. It just makes too much sense to deny this.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Whats preventing them from just making the battle system like kh2?
I think I like how Aeana put it:
Aeana said:
I think it's kind of weird to assume that the combat was amazing before. A company doesn't change something that was really good and turn it into something worse just because. That doesn't make any sense. I don't really think there was any evidence of the combat being great in what we'd seen so far, either. It looked like KH1, without the benefits of the stuff added to later KH games.
Also, Versus is dead. XV is different (combat-wise).

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
Ok. NOW I get it. While you move, you hold the defense button enabling you to defend on the fly. The person who updated the wiki just made it clearer.

with that over I want to hear about attack actions and healing. The footage looks like only one action at a time


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
If i cant hold my weapon at all times and and theres only 1 botton to attack and do not get to choose the weopons I use on my own I will not buy this game. The deck system just sounds horrible to me I want to freely use my weopons how I want to use them not by the context I want to use whatever weopon on whatever monster I want.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
One button combat is fine, that's exactly what KH is, it's all about the execution... something we haven't seen in action yet. I just really would like to be able to chose my weapons on the fly, and not have it done on its own, as well as being able to time my combos how I want to... these are my only gripes with the battle system, and may even change in the future.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
At its core, FFXV is an RPG and the point of an RPG is not to remember any attack keys to preform combos, otherwise it's like playing DmC which is something that I'm not looking. Having one attack button is fine. All the in depth combos and such will be when cycling through the weapons and hitting hotkeys for casting magic and such.

It' just HOW you attack that is the reason I'm complaining. Meaning, holding a button to attack does not feel satisfying.
When tapping a button to attack, we are able to measure the time we take on how fast we want to preform those attacks at an enemy whether slow or fast.

Everything else in the combat is fine.
This gif here basically tells you you can button tap.


Attacks twice ( stops the combo, because the text next to Nocts name disappears for a split second then he attacks again), Confirming that he did let go mid combo before doing 1 additional attack, and then dodging.

One button combat is fine, that's exactly what KH is, it's all about the execution... something we haven't seen in action yet. I just really would like to be able to chose my weapons on the fly, and not have it done on its own, as well as being able to time my combos how I want to... these are my only gripes with the battle system, and may even change in the future.
During the course of the whole demo, The weapons came up in the exact order and timing.

1) Start combo- Big Sword ( 1 swing)
2) Middle of Combo- small sword with a flurry of attacks)
3) Finisher move- Spear ( 1 swing)

and every time finisher move is what kills the monster.

So if you want to use your favorite weapon ( like Katana for me) I would do:

1) Axe ( Starter)
2) Katana ( Middle of combo, and where most of the weapon will be used)
3) Great Sword- Finsher
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