FFXV: Who is Luna??

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Red Wings Commander
Sep 26, 2013
I'm already confused, who is Luna? is this girl looks like Stella? Is it her nickname? her sister?


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Maybe she is that black-haired girl they showed during that E3 trailer? I doubt they changed Stella's name. On a side note, in this trailer, Stella was wearing a moon necklace. Luna means moon in my language, so there's that. :/

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/...ters?file=Final_Fantasy_XV_Unknown_Female.png . Luna is the black haired girl with green eyes. Stella is Stella. Yes there are other females out there since the entire cast hasn't been revealed lol. It was a concept trailer, so dilouge doesn't match up with the current image. For example it can be Regis talking about his son while showing a bunch images of Promto. Luna was not referring to the next scene with Stella in it. A whole other character
Likes: LeonBlade


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 15, 2013
http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/...ters?file=Final_Fantasy_XV_Unknown_Female.png . Luna is the black haired girl with green eyes. Stella is Stella. Yes there are other females out there since the entire cast hasn't been revealed lol. It was a concept trailer, so dilouge doesn't match up with the current image. For example it can be Regis talking about his son while showing a bunch images of Promto. Luna was not referring to the next scene with Stella in it. A whole other character
And you know all this because...?

Not saying that you're wrong, but as of now we don't have any reason to think that this black-haired girl is Luna. Given how cinematic the trailer was, it wouldn't make sense to mention this Luna person while Stella is being shown AT THE SAME MOMENT. Unless it's a trick or something, but it would make more sense to show that black-haired girl if she is indeed Luna... So confusing.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I also think Luna is the black-haired woman/Stella's nickname/a new character. I don't think they'll changer her name, it wouldn't make much sense. As for Stella's moon necklace? Well, she also has a star there.

I've said this before (as well as many others), but if the black-haired girl were to be Noctis' fianceé or something like that, some good interactions and relationships could be born with that.

I basically want them to have a considerable focus on royal families, protocol and such, it has loads of possibilities and adds a lot to the game's universe.
Likes: Orenji


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Stella Nox are two Latin words that would mean, albeit incorrectly inflected, "Night Star". Fleuret is the French name for a fencing foil, a reference to Stella's weapon of choice.
Stella Nox = Night Star, the necklace seen by Stella is a Moon with a Star in the middle... night star anyone? The eye color matches, the purplish blue eyes, it's definitely Stella we see in the trailer... Noct's name is "Night Sky", and Luna's name is relating something to the Moon. These names are all very similar to each other, it's very likely that the black haired girl is Luna, but it's certainly not Stella... and that WAS Stella we saw.

Again, as people have said, it's just a trailer, they mentioned Luna, then Noctis' date, and then showed Stella. Should I infer that the weird creature flying around in the red sky was Noct's date because that's what was on screen when they mentioned his date...?

Stella is still Stella... please don't over react.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Again, as people have said, it's just a trailer, they mentioned Luna, then Noctis' date, and then showed Stella. Should I infer that the weird creature flying around in the red sky was Noct's date because that's what was on screen when they mentioned his date...?
What if... what if it actually is his date??

And yeah, developers (especially Japanese) are huge fans of assembling trailers with unmatched scenes/voiceovers, something that has been already present in both the 2011 and the 2013 trailers.

Who knows, though. I'm still on Luna being the dark-haired girl. Maybe we'll know next week in the Famitsu/Dengeku stories, I've read we might get more info about Stella.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
And you know all this because...?

Not saying that you're wrong, but as of now we don't have any reason to think that this black-haired girl is Luna. Given how cinematic the trailer was, it wouldn't make sense to mention this Luna person while Stella is being shown AT THE SAME MOMENT. Unless it's a trick or something, but it would make more sense to show that black-haired girl if she is indeed Luna... So confusing.
I should have said Luna MIGHT be the black haired girl. However, she is not Stella obviously. Trust me. I am good at understanding this stuff. The references to Luna and the next scene of Stella are not the same person. There are plenty of trailers were voice overs don't match up with the scenes. However, if it is Stella than that would support some people's theories for the 2011 trailer where Noc talked to Stella and seemed disconnected from her as if he never met her before. Overall the words and scenes don't always go hand and hand. Stella's name also relates to the cosmos and she has a moon necklace. However, Nomura said he doesn't favor love relationships and made XV about friendship than romance. Stella is not another Yuna. The characters of XV also have nick names, starting with Noc. If Noc and Stella knew each other since childhood then would he have called her Luna?

Yea, I'm gonna go with INSERT PICTURE of Luna, which is not a picture of Stella. Different characters. Doesn't make sense they would keep on rehashing the same ones over and over when they know we want more information about everything, including new characters.
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Likes: LeonBlade
Jun 7, 2014
You guys remember that dragoon lady from 2011 trailer? It was speculated that she's Stella in disguise. But maybe SHE is really Luna - Stella's evil twin sister! :shockedwarrior:

Or maybe the black haired girl. These two and Stella are pretty much all female characters revealed in this game, so there's not much place to speculate.
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Jun 7, 2014
For all we know, she could just be a mini-boss or an early design concept of a key character in XV.
For all we know she could be King Regis' lover, the mastermind behind the invasion and the game's main villain.
Seriously though, I was just jokingly alluding to the fact that FF15 features so few female characters :(
Jul 29, 2014
You guys remember that dragoon lady from 2011 trailer? It was speculated that she's Stella in disguise. But maybe SHE is really Luna - Stella's evil twin sister! :shockedwarrior:
My assumptions exactly. Maybe Stella's sis works with Aldercapts group, as he instructs his troops to kill the son of Regis on site. But I would think that would make for a somewhat messy (potential) relationship.

I'll say this: The whole girlfriend attempting to kill her boyfriend bit is not so farfetched.:p

Huh. Now I'm even more excited for this game now.:D


Red Wings Commander
Oct 23, 2013
So...so far we have 4 possible female characters.

1. Stella
2. Luna
3. Dragoon Lady
4. Black haired girl in E3 2014 trailer

Maybe 2, 3 and 4 are the same girl though :p


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
The Dragoon was confirmed to be a mini-boss, since apparently, bosses and enemies will have different jobs, unlike the main cast.

Maybe she's a prominent character, sure, but I really doubt it.

And BTW, when I first watched the trailer, I also thought Stella was CG, but yeah, once you look closer it's obvious she isn't. But wow, even if it's a prerrendered model, wow.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Yeah, it seems that they've really advanced in its integration with XV (I was/am a bit worried about the main programmer leaving a while ago). Maybe they've reach a point in which they don't need him anymore, but that's wishful thinking.

Anyway, the game looks like a beast. Yeah, not the best looking game around at all, and you can see several problems (it seems to be sub-1080p :(, has aliasing, weird car movement...), but fuck, it has to be one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, from the textures, lightning, animations, pyshics (dat hair). They have at the very least a year to work on it, so I expect it to be even better (basically remove or minimize most technical problems and specially, the resolution).


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
You guys remember that dragoon lady from 2011 trailer? It was speculated that she's Stella in disguise. But maybe SHE is really Luna - Stella's evil twin sister! :shockedwarrior:

Or maybe the black haired girl. These two and Stella are pretty much all female characters revealed in this game, so there's not much place to speculate.
My assumptions exactly. Maybe Stella's sis works with Aldercapts group, as he instructs his troops to kill the son of Regis on site. But I would think that would make for a somewhat messy (potential) relationship.

I'll say this: The whole girlfriend attempting to kill her boyfriend bit is not so farfetched.:p

Huh. Now I'm even more excited for this game now.:D
This is a bit ridiculous... first off, why would Stella have a twin sister randomly and why would she be working for the Aldercapts and also wanting to kill Noctis for some reason...?

They said in the car that Luna was at Altissa, with Ignis remarking "I trust she's well". What would be the reason to inform the others where Luna is and that she would be safe? What is she in danger from? It seems that Luna is likely someone from the Lucis Kingdom, or someone they know from another city that suffered from the attacks of the Aldercapts and went to find a safe place to escape to.

She is most certainly not someone that wants to take the life of Noctis, at least not at first glance, and certainly wouldn't be something to infer from the little we know. Hell, for all we know, Luna could be someone's mother! Luna is most certainly somehow related to the Moon, which means that they could be related to Noctis or to Stella given that they both share a name dealing with the night.

We may learn more about who Luna is if there is a follow up interview or subsequent event to hear more about the game.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
Yeah, it seems that they've really advanced in its integration with XV (I was/am a bit worried about the main programmer leaving a while ago). Maybe they've reach a point in which they don't need him anymore, but that's wishful thinking.

Anyway, the game looks like a beast. Yeah, not the best looking game around at all, and you can see several problems (it seems to be sub-1080p :(, has aliasing, weird car movement...), but fuck, it has to be one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, from the textures, lightning, animations, pyshics (dat hair). They have at the very least a year to work on it, so I expect it to be even better (basically remove or minimize most technical problems and specially, the resolution).
your picky. it looks like the best ff ever viusally and most fluid jrpg out there to this date. final product i doubt would become a choppy slow ugly mess


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Anyway, the game looks like a beast. Yeah, not the best looking game around at all, and you can see several problems (it seems to be sub-1080p :(, has aliasing, weird car movement...), but fuck, it has to be one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, from the textures, lightning, animations, pyshics (dat hair). They have at the very least a year to work on it, so I expect it to be even better (basically remove or minimize most technical problems and specially, the resolution).
Anti-aliasing is definitely a problem, and should be easily resolved. The HD trailers have all been in 1080p, but this could be upscaled, however... where do you get the idea it's sub-1080p? As for the weird car movement, not sure what you're talking about, but given the fact that this was actual gameplay, it's likely the result of them manipulating the car themselves for the demo.

The aliasing is the only thing that was a problem that I saw, everything else looks fine.
Likes: Wazi the pa


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
your picky. it looks like the best ff ever viusally and most fluid jrpg out there to this date. final product i doubt would become a choppy slow ugly mess
Yeah, I'd think SE REALLY wants this game to be very polished, and in my opinion, this has been a big improvement compared to E3 target render (and no FPS problems!). Hell, if this was they game they'd release, I'd still be really happy about how it looks.

Anti-aliasing is definitely a problem, and should be easily resolved. The HD trailers have all been in 1080p, but this could be upscaled, however... where do you get the idea it's sub-1080p? As for the weird car movement, not sure what you're talking about, but given the fact that this was actual gameplay, it's likely the result of them manipulating the car themselves for the demo.

The aliasing is the only thing that was a problem that I saw, everything else looks fine.
I don't have the best eye when it comes to this, but I think the official pics released by SE aren't of a 1080p build. Again, I'm sure I'm wrong lol. I wouldn't be surprised to see some upscaling in the final game, though, because of how ambitious and good-looking everything is. At least in XBO.

Regarding the car, it's that in some scenes it feels kinda flat and floaty. But yeah, I'm just being extremely nit-picking, since it's probably the game I like the most in terms of visuals (even if like I just said, it's not the best looking one at all) and definitely a big ass improvement from last year (obviously, but it even surpasses the target render and no longer looks PS3-ish).
Jul 29, 2014
This is a bit ridiculous... first off, why would Stella have a twin sister randomly and why would she be working for the Aldercapts and also wanting to kill Noctis for some reason...?

They said in the car that Luna was at Altissa, with Ignis remarking "I trust she's well". What would be the reason to inform the others where Luna is and that she would be safe? What is she in danger from? It seems that Luna is likely someone from the Lucis Kingdom, or someone they know from another city that suffered from the attacks of the Aldercapts and went to find a safe place to escape to.

She is most certainly not someone that wants to take the life of Noctis, at least not at first glance, and certainly wouldn't be something to infer from the little we know. Hell, for all we know, Luna could be someone's mother! Luna is most certainly somehow related to the Moon, which means that they could be related to Noctis or to Stella given that they both share a name dealing with the night.

We may learn more about who Luna is if there is a follow up interview or subsequent event to hear more about the game.
Probably should have preferenced my statement by saying this is all tongue-in-cheek speculation on my part. My bad. :p

I have no idea who Luna is, & I imagine none of us could truly identify her from such small context. With that said, Hamlet (the Shakespearean Classic the game is based off of) has tons of betrayal in the story, so we shouldn't just jump the gun & automatically assume "She is most certainly not someone that wants to take the life of Noctis". Plus, it would seem as if the demo takes place before the Aldercapt attack on Lucis, so we again don't if she's under the protection of Noctis's Kingdom, nor do we know who her allegiances lie with.

Like you said, perhaps we'll learn more from that interview next week or so.
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Probably should have preferenced my statement by saying this is all tongue-in-cheek speculation on my part. My bad. :p

I have no idea who Luna is, & I imagine none of us could truly identify her from such small context. With that said, Hamlet (the Shakespearean Classic the game is based off of) has tons of betrayal in the story, so we shouldn't just jump the gun & automatically assume "She is most certainly not someone that wants to take the life of Noctis". Plus, it would seem as if the demo takes place before the Aldercapt attack on Lucis, so we again don't if she's under the protection of Noctis's Kingdom, nor do we know who her allegiances lie with.

Like you said, perhaps we'll learn more from that interview next week or so.
No, I know what you mean, sorry if I came off strong at all, I knew you were just joking around, I was just speculating myself of course! Let's hope for some more information soon. :happymog: