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UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
Little by little former forum members are trickling in. I don't know if everyone will come back due to the fact that the UFFsite forums more or less ran its course for the fandom but, I'm sure a lot will at least drop by for a hello. I'm trying to be active but, life is keeping me away from a lot of computer time and sadly general gaming these days.
Had my first three-hour exam this morning on East Asian political economy. When you resort to making things up in an exam on POLITICAL ECONOMY, you know you're screwed. :(

They're throwing me another one tomorrow on European Union law and I've barely the breathing room. I'm also extremely tired right now, but I can't rest yet. Uggggggghh.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
I kind of dropped off the face of the planet for a few months. Lots of crazy stuff happened but most notably I'm moving to Kanagawa in September. Greater Tokyo area.
Does anyone else here live (or has lived) in Japan?


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
I've been to Japan but it was only for 2 weeks or so. And it was only Tokyo which is a really different experience than living in the middle of nowhere (though I'll be in the city) but I felt like I fit in in a weird way so I liked it. But I have the advantage of being short and thin and dark-haired so I don't stick out too much (plus I grew up seeing Japanese hand motions and stuff); I know people who look distinctly different from the average can have an awkward experience there so I dunno.

It's going to be a tough transition though, I don't know if "excited" is the right word to describe how I feel about it. Anxious maybe. Trying to look at it like an adventure but I kind of want to have a normal boring life there, aside from easy access to the latest games and getting to read One Piece and stuff.

The craziest thing to me is that it can rain 12 inches/300mm in a month. Over here we don't even get that much in a whole year; I can't even comprehend it.
RIP, Robin Williams. =(

Absolutely did not expect him to have been fighting depression. Thoughts go to Zelda and the rest his family and friends.

Incidentally, I just happened to watch Mrs Doubtfire the other week. Here's a toast to a great actor, comedian and the man who Headmaster Cid (FFVIII) was probably based off of.
Likes: Azuardo


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Local movie theater is doing a tribute tonight to Robin Williams; all proceeds go to charity, so I'm going. They're only showing Hook here, though. Hollywood locations have a lot more options. I grew up watching his movies and standup, so... yeah... :(

Submitted my application for a homestay yesterday, hopefully all goes well and I can get a place close enough to Yokohama. Kanagawa is pretty big so it would kinda suck if I live 90 minutes away from school or something-- Tokyo would be way closer in that case even though it's technically a different prefecture.

Gonna bring See's Candies as souvenir gifts, hopefully they like chocolate. It costs $80/box at their Tokyo shop but it's only $22 here! And I don't think they sell lollipops at all. Wtf haha