The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Review

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Mognet Newsbot
Jul 26, 2013
Before I start this review, we should make two things plain. First off, we're fully aware that the Zelda games aren't really RPGs. Not by a proper, strict definition, anyway. We love the games, though, and when readers began to request we cover them, we were happy to oblige.

Second, you all should know that as far as I'm concerned, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is one of the finest games ever made. Sure enough, the original release, now over a decade ago in all territories, had...

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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Yeah, I ended up watching a stream of someone running through WWHD last week; I was so enthralled that I practically watched the entire game being completed. WW is one of my favourite games - right alongside Majora's Mask in terms of my fave 3D Zeldas - and I was fascinated to see what was so different about the game. Managed to get hands-on time myself at Nintendo's post-E3 event in London in July, so I had played it, but seeing the whole game being run through I got to see a lot of other smaller changes that improved the overall experience greatly. With the sailing aspects being sped up and streamlined, as well as the Triforce quest being shortened, it really makes playing through over and over much more tempting, and will likely mean more people won't put it down at that Triforce quest this time!

Character models still use the same number of polygons by the looks of it (just an HD coating on them), and the game shouldn't really be the price it is, to be fair, but definitely a great port and great game overall. One to pick up at a cheaper price when I get a Wii U eventually!