Square Enix President: “We Must Reform With Urgency”

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PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
One of the comments on that link already expressed something that I feel a lot of game companies need to be told.

Stop chasing the Call of Duty dollar.

When an Executive Producer at Infinity Ward actually says that people who play CoD aren't interested in gaming culture or "gaming as an art form" as he puts it in this video.


Yeah, you're not going to get the CoD Dollar, it's just highly unlikely.
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Red Wings Commander
Sep 26, 2013
Ottawa, On
COD Has done its very best to destroy games in this way, and yet its not even a good fps anymore. Its an awfully boring game, terrible stories/lame characters, and box sized maps. ERGH the culture it and EA sports have made is puke inducing.
Oct 5, 2013
I know we're all probably past the point of believing, but the guy mentions 'balance' in the article.

Matsuda said:
“The former core was ‘standardization’ and now it has become ‘personality’. It is similar to bringing up a fashion brand. An especially important index is ‘asset-turnover ratio’. When making something, developers want to spend more time and money. However, that can be related to lowering the asset-turnover ratio, so the key point is to find a good balance,”
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2013/10/04/square-enix-president-must-reform-urgency/#zASQgCA330x2MRxu.99
However, his article strikes me as completely money based/centered. It was confusing (maybe a translation issue) and it talked a lot about crunching numbers and what not---hardly about the games. He mentions online and compares it to arcades cashing in on the coins of people.

I agree developers can't bloat their budgets or left to their own devices (look at how that's turned out--tomb raider not meeting expectations, XV, ect.) but with the whole mobile craze, this article seems more negative than positive.

We all know where the easily changing happens, and that's mobile and micro-transactions.


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 26, 2013
I agree that they have be a lot more consistent with their releases of their games.

Square has had a massive exodus of talent over the years which has left them in a tough position now
Not as much I will say as Capcom, they lost Hideki Kamiya, Shinji Mikami & Keiji Inafune, and they all left Capcom and made better versions their Capcom created series, Bayonetta (HK), The Evil Within (SM), & Mighty No. 9 (KI).

Square still has game leaders in the company such as Nomura, Tabata, Yoshida. The main problem that I see, is that SE also has people like Toriyama & and I would hazard to say Kitase, that have lead teams with mixed results.

So we need to wait see where this is going as we are just reacting at this point and need to watch where this goes, they need to refocus their company and get things done. We also have to remember that Crystal Tools was a failure as a graphics engine and they needed to start from the beginning again when they made the Luminous engine, and FF14 which in 14's case people like it and that seems to be working for them at the moment from now, shown by the fact that there is a thread on this site for FF14.



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PSICOM Soldier
Sep 26, 2013
The real problem is Square has no idea how to be a good game company anymore
You can say that about a lot of people, I am a bit positive as they need to remake themselves or die as company. Which is what happen to SEGA's Console market and to the THQ company, and to what happened to the Kodak Company. They need to change or die, which is the nature of the business.
You can say that about a lot of people, I am a bit positive as they need to remake themselves or die as company. Which is what happen to SEGA's Console market and to the THQ company, and to what happened to the Kodak Company. They need to change or die, which is the nature of the business.
Yeah I can. Unfortunately many of them dont talk so I cant quote them