FFXV: What types of locations/areas would you like to visit in the game (be specific as you want!)

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SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
-I mad scientists laboratory(I believe one of Nifleheims top dogs is like a researcher of magitek?)
-A witches grotto hidden in the murky woods(a twisted version of the Magus sister)
-Moogle village that is basically a towering hollow tree interconnected with other smaller hollow tree houses
-A somewhat lengthy(not too long)story related train segment ala FFVIII where you get to freely explore the large train meeting interesting passengers that may play a pivotal role in side quests later in the game
-An airborne island shrouded by clouds completely isolated by the rest of the world. A place inhabited by warriors of the Dragoon School who do things the old fashioned way and live a simple way of life(Aranea has some origin here)
-The summon Alexander as a fully explorable castle. Fight mini-bosses insides and solve puzzles to unlock Alexander as a summon
-A lengthy but not too lengthy trip on a ship that follows cues from the ship section in FFVII

And finally....space. Yep, I'm dead serious. If they can do it correctly and make it relevant to the story in a smart way then it'd be a really cool thing to experience. I absolutely love the space sections in FFVII and VIII. It just elevate the scope and sense of adventure further!


PSICOM Soldier
Aug 3, 2016
I just want more than one nice looking city, some field, and then an icy location. Everything else will be a bonus. From what I've seen in the WoW trailers we'll be going to some interesting abandoned locations.

I'm also hoping that the random farm houses or just the shacks out in the woods will be explorable.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
This is something that I haven´t gave a thought until recently:

Visit Niflheim, more specifically its citadel: At one point in the story the party would have enter in enemy territory (although, they technically already are by the time they leave Lucis at the beggining of the game...) and fight Iedolas, Ravus and Ardy.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Assuming you're talking about FFXV, I've gone ahead and added some clarity to the name of the thread.

As for locations, I've got plenty in mind:
  • Grand or master library containing encyclopedias and other resources that provides stories, facts and other pieces of lore that exists within the world of Eos. Think of the libraries from FFIX and Type-0 but on a much grander scale with a design fitting within FFXV's world and culture.
  • Not really a location but something fully shows the gap between modern technology and magic. While we do see the two go hand-in-hand on multiple occasions, we don't necessarily know how they came to be. In this case, what led to the people of Eos discovering and utilising the essence of magic, technology and the combination of the two. This could be represented as old ruins, a city dedicating the birth of the use or something else.
  • Architectures and locations that sparks fantasy more so than modern reality. I've seen plenty of cities, pit stops and locations that do resemble to our world but not much on things which sparks the thought "This is something I will not have seen before". Think of Luca, the Macalania Woods and Guadosalam from FFX; while the locations have characteristics to ours, they also contain an element that makes them unique (Luca has the blitzball stadium and arena, Macalania with the glowing and some crystal plants teeming with unique wildlife and Guadosalam holding the farplane)
  • Vistas. Yeah, like in the Duscae region, you see all the arches made of stone and it would be a wonder what would the view be like if players could get up there. I hope to see various opportunities for that only just to appreciate the landscape and overall structure of the game's world.
That's all I'm particularly craving for in the game. Besides those, I hope for locations, environments, cities and towns that are just generally interesting or act points of curiosity for me and players to venture in.
Haha, thanks for the title edit. For some reason my brain processed this as a FFXV sub forum xD

A grand library would be awesome. I'd spend hours reading up on lore and maybe find some bestiary entries for legendry monsters or map markers for hidden areas. Maybe even a nee dish or two could be learnt by Ignis?


PSICOM Soldier
Jul 17, 2016
  • Fantastical/Mystical areas: I'd actually like to see that. I know this is a fantasy based on reality and all, but it would be kinda cool to explore some deep mystical forest with fantastical elements all around.
  • Mountains: Yeah, I'd love to be able to get up on a mountain high, maybe explore some volcano areas. Would be very cool to fight some mini-boss in there.
  • Dungeons: I really really love dungeons! It would be cool to explore a variety of them, I really enjoyed this aspect in Skyrim so I would love to see it in FFXV too (I hope it isn't repetitive like Skyrim though).
Other than that I just want a vibrant and colorful world, with interesting cities and places to see and explore. There is a lot of potential here, I really hope SE gets it right!
Aug 13, 2016
-Return of kingdoms ala FF games i.g. Linblum in FFIX, multiple districts per kingdom. I hope we get to explore the empire and Tenebrea inch by inch.
-Libraries! (A lover of books here) i.g. Daguerro in FFIX (one of my all time favorite places in a video game)
-Fully intractable buildings, allowing gamers to go in and out shops and houses, chat with NPCs and trigger side quests as in FFVIII and FFIX.
-Maximise status via side quests and outside battle activities as in FFXIII Lightning Returns.
-A very rich world as the one in FFVII with very vibrant and memorable areas.
-Rewarding sidequests, tell us more about the main characters, the plot and Eos.
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