[Completed] Famitsu Interview Translation February 23rd 2018

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Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Thought more people should read this.

Translation is in progress. I am doing this while at work in my free time, so there may be some mistakes. Though I will try go over them again when I get back home.

It has been about one year since release. How about we look back on everything up until now?
Tabata - We sure came a long way. The Royal Edition was originally planned to be the conclusion and finale to FFXV, so for now it feels like we have accomplished what we had set out to do at first.

――本編発売後に配信されたDLCの中でも、昨年の12月13日に配信された“エピソード イグニス”は、エンディングの分岐があり、とくに話題になりましたね。
Even among the DLC that were released after FFXV, Episode Ignis that was released last year on December 13th introduced a divergence in the ending, which became quite a topic.
寺田 “エピソード イグニス”では、本編の内容を補完するだけではなく、運命に抗い、戦うイグニスを描きたかった、という思いがありました。
Terada - In E.Ignis, we didn't just want to add to the story of the game, we wanted to illustrate Ignis where he refuses and fights against destiny (fate).
田畑 単に本編の裏側をなぞるのではなくて、“イグニスのゲーム”にするためですね。イグニス自身の運命を描ききるために。本編はひとつの結末に向かって進むゲームとして作っていますが、“エピソード イグニス”は、プレイヤーがイグニスとなって、その運命に立ち向かうゲームにしようと。
Tabata - It's not simply looking into alternate possibilities, it was to make it ''Ignis' game''. In order for Ignis to define his own destiny. FFXV was created with the intention to run towards a single conclusion, but with E.Ignis we wanted to make a game for players to become Ignis and fight against fate.

So as a result, the alternate ending was born.
寺田 ええ。“運命に抗う”という内容にすることは早い段階で決まっていたので、その結果、どのような結末を迎えればユーザーの皆さんにいちばん喜んでいただけるのか、何度も筋書きを変更してたどり着いたのが、あのエンディングなんです。
Terada - Yes that's correct. The ''opposing thy fate'' theme was decided early in the development and with that we thought about what kind of ending would make the users most happy. Along with many revisions to the script, it became ''that'' ending.

So that means the conclusion wasn't decided from the start?
寺田 “どこまで描くのか”というのが難しくて。ユーザーの皆さんの想像に任せるのか、こちらで描ききってしまうのか、というさじ加減が悩ましく、最後の最後まで調整しました。
Terada - ''Where do we draw the line'' was the difficult part. Do we leave it to the imagination of the fans? Do we do everything? Such considerations became a hurdle and we made adjustments and changes until the very end.

As a result, there were much praise from the fans. There are even some who say, ''This is the true ending'', but in the official perspective, where and how does that conclusion stand?
田畑 あくまで本編が正史で、あのエンディングは“if”の展開です。
Tabata - Simply, the main game is canon and 'that' ending is a 'if' scenario.
寺田 シナリオの分岐を2周目からの要素にしていることが、それを示唆しています。イグニスは本編で、ノクトが命を懸けて世界を救うことを支える選択をしました。もうひとつのエンディングは、その展開をもしプレイヤーが変えられたら……ということに重きを置いて作りました。
Terada - This is shown in the split of the scenario. In the main game, Ignis chooses to support Noctis who put his own life on the line to save the world. But what if the player chose to change that fate... and so we made E.Ignis with emphasis on that.

In the 'if' scenario, the final confrontation with Ardyn isn't depicted. How does Noct save the world without paying the price?
田畑 あー、そこね(笑)。それはですね、今後の展開のためです。
Tabata - Ahh... that (laughs) That, is for the development to come. (What? What?? WHAT!!!!??!!?)
寺田 そこは意図的にフワッとさせていたところで……(苦笑)。“if”のルートでも、世界を救うためにノクトの力が必要なことに変わりはないのですが、あのエンディングに焦点を当てるために、アーデンに関してはあえて語らなかったことがあるんです。それについては、今後配信する“エピソード アーデン”などの展開で、踏み込んでいこうと考えています。
Terada - We intentionally left that part ambiguous........ (bitter laugh) Even in the 'if' route, the fact that in order to save the world Noct's power is needed, hasn't changed. In order to focus on the theme of the episode, we purposely decided not to focus too much in regards to Ardyn. In that regards, we are thinking about furthering the development in that part around Episode Ardyn that will be released soon.

So that means the story updates from now will expand?
田畑 はい。アクティブユーザーの皆さんが、これ以上の本編の穴埋めを求めているかというと、そうではないと思いますし、作る側としてもそれでは『FFXV』は完結させられないと思うので、これまでのエピソード配信とは異なる、新しい展開を考えています。その先駆けとなるのが、ユーザーアンケートでもっとも希望が多かったアーデンのエピソード。それから、ATR(『FFXV』の配信番組)で言っていた通り、ルーナのエピソードもあるかもしれません。2019年にかけて、4つのエピソードを制作することにしました。
Tabata - Yes. If I were to say that the fans wanted more and beyond to fill the gaps of the main story, I don't think that would be the case. Even in the development point of view, I think if we did that, FFXV will never be able to come to a conclusion. So we are thinking about new developments that are different from the DLC's up until now. The spearhead of this goal is Episode Ardyn which was highly sought out for in the survey. And as so, as mentioned in the ATR, there might also be a Episode Luna. Continuing up to 2019, we have decided to make 4 episodes.

That is great news!
寺田 今後の追加シナリオでは、キャラクターをもっと好きになってほしいですね。“エピソード イグニス”では泣いてくださった方も多いそうなので、つぎは笑顔になれるようなエピソードをお届けしたいと思っています。
Terada - In the story updates from now, we want players to love the characters more. It seems like there were many who cried in Episode Ignis, so we want to make the next epsisode where people will smile.

What is the intention behind the release of the Royal and Windows Editions?
田畑 『ウィンドウズエディション』は、『FFXV』をPCで遊ぶために再構築したもので、『ロイヤルエディション』は、これまでの開発の集大成。これまで配信されたものをすべてまとめることで、まだ遊んでいない方にも、手に取っていただきやすい作品になっていると思います。
We have rebuilt the game to be enjoyed on PC for the Windows Edition and as for the Royal Edition, it is the compiliation of all the updates up until now. By compiling all of the additional contents, we think it will be a product that is easy for first-time players to head into.

For the current FFXV users, there is an additional DLC ''Royal Pack'', which includes content only included in the Royal Edition correct?
田畑 はい。『ロイヤルエディション』では、最終マップの王都インソムニアを拡張したりと、追加要素を多数用意しています。いままで遊んでくださったユーザーの皆さんにとっても、価値のあるものになっていますよ。
Tabata - That's correct. In the Royal Edition, we have expanded the final map of Insomnia, not only that, we have also prepared numerous additional content. For everyone who continued to enjoy the game, it has become something that has a lot of worth.

In the expansion of Insomnia, does it also include additional events?
田畑 “オンライン拡張パック:戦友”からつながるストーリーイベントなどを収録しています。
Tabata - We have included story events that are connected with the Comrades DLC.
黒田 “オンライン拡張パック:戦友”で描いた10年間の後に、ノクトたちが帰ってくるところから話がつながっているんです。“オンライン拡張パック:戦友”にあった王の剣たちの拠点があります。クエストも追加していますし、それに伴ってシナリオも増えているんですよ。
Kuroda - After the 10 year skip as depicted in Comrades, it is connected from when Noct and his friends return. There is also the perspective of the Glaives from Comrades. There are additional quests and furthermore the story has also been expanded.

That is great news for the users of Comrades. Also, will the contents of the main story change with that?
黒田 アーデンに挑むというメインストーリーの大筋は変えずに、道中の遊びを増やしています。途中で、歴代王たちが立ちはだかってきたり。本来ノクトの味方であるはずの歴代王が、なぜ行く手を阻むのかというところが、ストーリーの中で描かれます。
Kuroda - Without changing the eventual confrontation with Ardyn, we are adding more content for during the journey. Like the Past Kings blocking the path for example. Originally the Past King of Lucis were suppose to aid Noctis, but why they are hindering ones path, will all be explained in the story.

Regarding the Past Kings of Lucis, will Noct's late King also appear?
寺田 レギスは出てきませんが、それぞれタイプの異なる3種類の歴代王が登場します。
Terada - Although Regis won't appear, there will be differing 3 types respectively of Past Kings.
黒田 メインストーリーとは異なるところで、ケルベロスやオメガといった新たなボスモンスターも出現します。こうしたモンスターは最終章に登場するということもあり、難度は高めに設定してあるので、戦いやすいよう“真・ファントムソード”というアクション性重視の機能もあわせて追加しました。
Kuroda - Differing from the main story, new boss monsters Cerberus and Omega will make an appearance. These kinds of monsters will be appearing in the last chapter, the difficulty has also been increased and as such we have also added the ''True Phantom Sword'' ability to aid players in battle.

''True Phantom Sword'' (Can't remember what it was called in English sorry) seems powerful just from the name (laughs).
黒田 はい(笑)。“真・ファントムソード”は、すべてのファントムソードを集めると使えるようになり、つねにファントム状態で戦えます。ボタンを長押ししているだけだと、これまでのファントムソードのほうが強いですが、タイミングよくボタンを入力すれば、段違いの強さを発揮する、という性能になっています。従来は仲間に指示を出すコマンドも、特別な技に割り当てていて、『ロイヤルエディション』でしか味わえないバトルが楽しめます。
Kuroda - Yes (laughs) You will be able to use the ''True Phantom Sword'' ability after collecting all the Phantom Swords and you will be able to constantly(?) fight in Phantom mode. If you just hold the attack button, then the current Phantom mode is stronger, but if you time your actions and attacks correctly, it will be very powerful. With the current ally the commands, combined with special abilities, you will be able to enjoy fights only found in the Royal Edition.

This seems great for those who want to enjoy technical combat with Noctis.
黒田 そうですね。それから『ロイヤルエディション』には“遊びの幅を広げる”というコンセプトがあるので、マップの拡張のほかにも、さまざまな要素を追加しています。
Kuroda - That's right. The concept for Royal Edition is ''expanding the freedom of play'', so we are expanding the maps and adding various other components.
田畑 その追加要素のひとつである海釣りは、オルティシエに渡る際に乗れるクルーザーで自由に海上を移動し、魚影を見ながら魚を釣るというもので、それに紐づいたクエストも用意しています。
Tabata - Among the additional components is boat fishing. While on the cruiser en route to Altissia, you can freely travel around the ocean and fish while looking at fish in the ocean. We also have prepared a quest that includes a fishing line.
黒田 海釣り中はノクトも大はしゃぎですよ(笑)。魚を釣ることで新しい料理のレシピが増えることもあります。
Kuroda - Noctis is also very cheerful when he is boat fishing (laughs) You can also get new recipehs by catching fish.

With the upgrade for the Type-D, does this mean that freedom in travel has improved?
黒田 はい。これで陸海空すべての移動手段が実装されたので、移動はかなり快適になりました。
Kuroda - Yes. With this, travelling on the ground, air and sea has been implemented, so traveling has become very pleasant.

Also, first-person mode will be implemented, but is this feature only for Noctis?
田畑 ノクトのみです。好きなタイミングで三人称視点と切り換えられます。一人称視点の実装については、開発中から要望が多数きていて、当初は『ウィンドウズエディション』のみで予定していたんです。ただ、『ロイヤルエディション』にも実装すれば、すでに『FFXV』をプレイされた方も新鮮な気持ちで楽しんもらえると考え、両エディションに実装することが決まりました。一人称視点でプレイすると、世界の広さを体感できますし、仲間との距離も近く感じられるので、臨場感が増すんじゃないかなと。
Tabata - It's for Noctis only. You can change between first and third person at any time. In regards to the implementation of the first-person mode, we had many requests since development (of the game), we originally to implement the feature only in the Windows Edition. However, if we also implemented it into the Royal Edition, we thought that this could bring a fresh new experience for existing FFXV players, so we decided to implement it into both editions. If you play in first-person mode, you can experience the vastness of the world and experience the relationship with the bro's first-hand. We thought it could improve the immersion.
黒田 大きなモンスターと戦うときは、とくに迫力がありますね。
Kuroda - It especially has an impact when fighting against large monsters.
田畑 『FFXV』の美しい世界を、自分の肉眼で見ているような感覚で楽しめるはずです。ゲームとして楽しみかたの幅も広がっているので、一度は試していただきたいですね。
Tabata - I am sure that you will be able to experience the beauty of the FFXV's world like if it was seeing through your own naked eyes.

First-person mode and open world has a good affinity.
寺田 楽しみかたの幅というところでは、新聞や本など、作品の世界観について補足するものも、ゲーム内の各所に追加しているので、世界観や設定を見るのが好きという方にもお楽しみいただけます。
Terada - So as for the vast playability, there are supplemental additions in regards to the world of the game, such as newspapers and book that has been added in the games various locations. So even for those players who simply enjoy the world and the lore, they can enjoy the game.
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Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
The release of the Windows Edition demo is coming very close.
田畑 はい。基本的には『FFXV』の体験版『ジャッジメント ディスク』+αという感じで、チャプター0からチャプター1までの内容が遊べます。
Tabata - Yes. Fundamentally it's kind of like the FFXV demo ''Judgement Disc'' +α, you will be able to play from Chapter 0 Chapter 1.

――『ウィンドウズ エディション』は8K対応とのことですが、対応の意図を教えてください。
The Windows Edition will have 8K support, but please tell us the reason behind it.
田畑 せっかくやるなら、現状揃えることのできる、最高のスペックで楽しめるものを用意しようと思いまして。
Tabata - Since we are already doing this, we thought that we wanted to deliver something that could be enjoyed with the highest of specs at their fullest extent.
荒牧 『ウィンドウズエディション』ではネイティブ4Kでレンダリングを行っているので、全体的にテクスチャもシャープになりますし、斜めのポリゴンのエッジもすごくきれいに表現できます。また、プレイステーション4版と同様、HDR10にも対応しています。
Aramaki - The Windows Edition supports native 4K, so basically the textures become sharper and diagonal polygons become very clean as well. Also, same at the PS4 version, HDR10 will also be supported.

So that means you can enjoy the beauty of the game at the ultimate quality. Will 60FPS and beyond gameplay also be supported?
荒牧 PCのグラフィックボードによって変わるので一概には言えませんが、NVIDIAさんのグラフィックボードを搭載したPCでは、2Kで90fps、4Kで40fps、設定を軽くすれば、8Kでも20~30fpsに対応できます。さらに、ゲーム内のコンフィグでは、解像度の設定以外にも10個ほどの項目を新規で追加しているので、環境に合わせた調整が可能です。
Aramaki - It will be different depending on the GPU so I cannot say, but with a Nvidia GPU loaded PC you can achieve 90FPS at 2K and 40FPS at 4K. If you reduce the setting, 20-30FPS at 8K is also supported. Furthermore, in the games configuration settings, there are about 10 settings added recently besides the resolution setting, so you will be able to fine-tune depending on your specs.

In regards to the usage of the Nvidia tech, what does that mean for AMD hardware?
荒牧 AMDの環境下でもすべて動くように作っています。ただ、AMDでのパフォーマンスはNVIDIAの環境に比べると劣ってしまいます。
Aramaki - We are making it so that all AMD hardware including lower ends will work. However, AMD performance compared to Nvidia hardware will be inferior (when using Nvidia tech).

Then Nvidia hardware is recommended. Mods will also be supported in the Windows Edition, so you will be able to experience a unique experience not found in home consoles.
荒牧 MOD機能は配信後しばらく経ってから提供予定で、全員のモデルをケニー・クロウに変える、なんていうシュールな遊びもできます(笑)。ユーザー側でモデルのデータを用意して、自由に差し換えることもできるようになります。さらにゆくゆくは、マップをカスタマイズしたりして、クエストを追加できるような仕組みも公式として提供します。
Aramaki - We plan to release mod support shortly after release of the game. You will be able to have a surreal experience like changing the character model of everyone to Kenny Crow for example (laughs) You will also eventually be able to freely change things around with user-created model data. Also, eventually we will release an official platform where you can customize the map and add quests.

Are you also considering content exclusive to the Windows Edition?
田畑 いまは最初に予定していたものを作りきろうとしている段階なので明言はできませんが、MODやマルチプレイのクエストは強化していくかもしれません。ただ、ストーリーはプラットフォームで違いが生まれてしまうことはないです。
Tabata - At the moment, we are at the stage where we just want to finish what we set out to complete, so I cannot say with certainty. But mods and multiplayer quests may be improved. But story related content will not differ from the console version.

Lastly, please tell us about the future of FFXV.
田畑 PCに向けた『ウィンドウズ エディション』、そして、家庭向けプラットフォームの『ロイヤルエディション』を、ひとつの区切りとして発表することができました。さらに、スマートフォン向けに『FFXV ポケットエディション』も配信中です。これで、ようやく予定していた3つのプラットフォームそれぞれに最適化した『FFXV』がリリースされます。ここからはそれぞれを長く楽しんでいただけるようにしつつ、『FFXV』の完結について、改めて皆さんにご提案したいと考えています。先程触れた、4つの新エピソード含め、今後の『FFXV』の展開をどうかお楽しみに。
Tabata - Windows Edition for the PC and also the Royal Edition for the home consoles, we were able to announce them as a short pit-stop. Furthermore, FFXV Pocket Edition for mobile is also in distribution. With this, we have released FFXV, optimized for each of it's 3 different consoles as planned. From now on, so that each can be enjoyed for a long time, we plan to propose the conclusion of FFXV one more time. Along with the 4 additional Episodes, please look forward to the development of FFXV!
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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Thank you very much!

In the 'if' scenario, the final confrontation with Ardyn isn't depicted. How does Noct save the world without paying the price?
田畑 あー、そこね(笑)。それはですね、今後の展開のためです。
Tabata - Ahh... that (laughs) That, is for the development to come. (What? What?? WHAT!!!!??!!?)
寺田 そこは意図的にフワッとさせていたところで……(苦笑)。“if”のルートでも、世界を救うためにノクトの力が必要なことに変わりはないのですが、あのエンディングに焦点を当てるために、アーデンに関してはあえて語らなかったことがあるんです。それについては、今後配信する“エピソード アーデン”などの展開で、踏み込んでいこうと考えています。
Terada - We intentionally left that part ambiguous........ (bitter laugh) Even in the 'if' route, the fact that in order to save the world Noct's power is needed, hasn't changed. In order to focus on the theme of the episode, we purposely decided not to focus too much in regards to Ardyn. In that regards, we are thinking about furthering the development in that part around Episode Ardyn that will be released soon.
Here's a thought -- what if the nature of Ardyn's powers somehow elucidates what a refusal to accept the destiny proposed by the Crystal, the Lucii, and the Astrals looks like? Maybe the idea is that Noct used his powers the same way that Ardyn did, so seeing how Ardyn used his powers would explain how Noct could have used his own in the Ep. Ignis ending.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 25, 2018
Oh and I can't post at the FFXV Reddit, so someone else can share this there.
Why not?

also i think in this down bellow:

Tabata - Yes. If I were to say that the fans wanted more and beyond to fill the gaps of the main story, I don't think that would be the case. Even in the development point of view, I think if we did that, FFXV will never be able to come to a conclusion. So we are thinking about new developments that are different from the DLC's up until now. The spearhead of this goal is Episode Ardyn which was highly sought out for in the survey. And as so, as mentioned in the ATR, there might also be a Episode Luna. Continuing up to 2019, we have decided to make 4 episodes.

I think here he's referring to the scale of the previous DLC Episodes, and saying that if the next 4 had a similar scale they would never be able to properly finish the game. So they decided it increase the scale of the coming DLC from Episodes (5 hours roughly) to expansions.

Think the Old Hunters from Bloodborne and Knight Atrorius from Dark Souls, or even comperable to comrades in terms of content but singleplayer.

That could be what he means by "new developments that are different from the DLC's up until now."
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