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I thought I'd make a compilation of my Final Fantasy Versus XV ideas(WIP)

Idea 1: Treat FFXV like Omen for example Noctis stays in Insomnia because he saw his father's death in a dream, but have very little connections to XV this is an alternate timeline treat it as such. Hell I would accept Versus XV being a result of a reset Omen Timeline that could work.
Idea 2: Keep the Fabula Nova Crystallis elements but rename them
I would rename Eidolons to Astrals, Cie'th to Daemons, fal'Cie and Etro to Crystallis Gods or something like that, l'Cie I'd choose either Warrior of Light or Chosen of the Crystal or just keep the name l'Cie. Though I would keep the name Etro or make a goddess that functions similarly to her role.

Also split it into 3 games

Final Fantasy Versus XV Chapter 1(Insomnia)
Final Fantasy Versus XV Chapter 2(Open World)
Final Fantasy Versus XV Chapter 3(Dark World)

Combat system
Take the Kingdom Heart esque menu combat of the Versus XIII 2011 Trailer, and take the stuff from the XV 2013 Trailer and merge them together. Or Just use the combat of the 2013 Trailer as long as the magic system isn't bombs.

You like Versus? Then sign this

Dec 16, 1997 (Age: 27)
Unknown, Unknown
