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  • Are there any other bits of info you know about regarding the RE? Please let me know
    Well I don't have any specific script changes to anything. I am still trying to figure out how to access actual script files. The only things I have access to at the moment are voice prompts. I can say that there is a TON of new dialogue in Chapter 14 and Luna has her own voice lines.
    Voice prompts? What does that help you learn specifically?
    Voice Prompts are basically the lines of code that indicate where and when characters say lines of dialogue or when a cutscene happens, if I am understanding the how it all works.

    I've actually found the actual dialogue, but have made the decision to not spoil it out of respect for the original leaker who wants to leave it as a surprise.

    Trust me, you'll be happy I did.
    Hi Paperchampion23, you seem to be well informed of the content of the Royal Edition ... Is it known that there are 3 kings as bosses, do you know or do you have information if the other 10 kings will appear in some way?
    Sorry I guess I never saw this last week but no it's just the 3. They even confirmed in the recent Famitsu and Dangeki interviews its only 3 as well. Its possible that other updates could bring them as optional fights eventually. Who knows.
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