Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
13 years man *manly tears*

just think about the amount of discussions, expectations, theories, drama and salt this single game generated over the years. FFXV made part of our imaginary for so long.

I can say it was tiring at times, the wait, the not so optimal or questionable decisions, the uncertainty, will this feature be in the game or not? FFXV had the potential to be a fantastic game but despite the shortcomings it ended up a solid and unique entry nonetheless.

what a journey it has been, you guys are the best for being so reasonable, I´m proud of this community because its a place where we can truly discuss and trade ideas instead of descending to mindless whining or praising and most of the time there is mutual respect, but this is it, theres is no more recipehs; time to sleep and wait for a new fantasy.

Couldn't have said it better my friend :)
Same, FFXV is one of my favorite games of all time itself, despite it's flaws, but I'm happy to have been part of this journey.
I'm glad to have been able to share this journey with you and everyone else here. The game on its own means so much to me, the people I've met through it have made it that much more special.
Feb 19, 2018
Concept art they showed in the ATR for Aranea's DLC.
So I guess she was gonna get a giant crossbow modification to her lance in her episode? Don't how I feel about that since it doesn't really suit her imo and especially since there's no trace of it in the main game or Episode Prompto. If they were still making it I would've preferred them to keep the combat lance only but with more options like maybe throwing it for a powerful ranged move but you have to retrieve the lance afterwards and until you do your attacks become weaker as you only have your hands and legs to fight with. Dragoon jumping but with actual control over where you land would've been nice and lastly more aerial maneuverability in general would have been nice. Like maybe you could juggle enemies in the air, dodge and dash in the air freely, etc.

So basically I'd want them to keep the play style as close as possible to how Dragoons are typically depicted and I don't think a crossbow really screams "Dragoon." Dig the outfit though, kinda seems like she was off duty or something when shit hit the fan.
Likes: Storm


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
So I guess she was gonna get a giant crossbow modification to her lance in her episode? Don't how I feel about that since it doesn't really suit her imo and especially since there's no trace of it in the main game or Episode Prompto. If they were still making it I would've preferred them to keep the combat lance only but with more options like maybe throwing it for a powerful ranged move but you have to retrieve the lance afterwards and until you do your attacks become weaker as you only have your hands and legs to fight with. Dragoon jumping but with actual control over where you land would've been nice and lastly more aerial maneuverability in general would have been nice. Like maybe you could juggle enemies in the air, dodge and dash in the air freely, etc.

So basically I'd want them to keep the play style as close as possible to how Dragoons are typically depicted and I don't think a crossbow really screams "Dragoon." Dig the outfit though, kinda seems like she was off duty or something when shit hit the fan.
My assumption is that it would have been another option, like Ardyn getting Cerberus. Maybe the d-pad would have let you switch between various transformations/configurations of her lance.
Feb 19, 2018
My assumption is that it would have been another option, like Ardyn getting Cerberus. Maybe the d-pad would have let you switch between various transformations/configurations of her lance.
Ah, that does seem better than what I thought they might be going for. Either way we'll never really know how it was going to play now, all we can do is guess. I do like your idea though.

Edit: Man I can't wait for the massive info dump that's no doubt coming from Silva soon. It'll be interesting to finally learn how Dawn of The Future was going to play out too. All in all it's been a fun ride. Even though the reception to it may have been mixed and even if it may have stumbled FFXV still fueled my imagination and and gave me something to talk about/invest in for nearly 13 years. Feels weird moving on from such a constant fixture in my life but overall I'm content despite a sense of sentimental sadness washing over me at the same time. FFXV may not have been the best game but for me it was at least a memorable and unique one. Overall it was fun speculating and discussing with you guys about this game. Looking forward to seeing where the franchise goes next and the discussions that it will bring.
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Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
Well... it's been fun. I've really enjoyed XV however this will be the last time I invest into a "game as a service" product that hasn't already released as a fully realized experience, or is at the very least is close to achieving it because seeing how close this game got to being a real masterpiece only to have support cut off (I'm talking about support for the main game, not exactly the DLC's) so close to achieving it makes me feel abysmal. Oh, and rip Chocobo Festival & Black Chocobo for no reason I guess lol...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to FF7 now but it won't be a day 1 purchase like XV was until I know everything I'm getting, and everything I'm not.
Totally agree with you.
I actually always preordered the FF games, also FF XV, but after that I will just wait how the reviews, impressions are in FF 7Re ect.
I just don't like a game as a service, it feels so incomplete and not finished. Therefore Im just mad that Square Enix didn't at least expand the main game of FF XV, because it has such an interesting, epic story, cool characters ect. I want a game which is full of content and without missing features.


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
The reason why Verstael is crazy is because he started off crazy. I was kind of confused about the timing of events of how Ifrit was daemonified. So Shiva was killed during the moment that Verstael took Ifrit from Ravatough? Because I thought Shiva was trying to save him... Wait... Um.... Was she trying to save him from dying the first time... Or save him from imprisonment from Verstael...
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Feb 18, 2018
By the way, ¿do anyone know who is the composer of this DLC? God damn, this song is so lovely and tragic, too!

Kenji Hiramatsu apparently, he made music for Xenoblade 1 & Xenoblade 2. Not X as mentionned above, X's soundtrack was made by Sawano.

Hiramatsu is an amazing composer, XC1 & XC2's ost are some of my favorite soundtracks ever.

The weird Insomnia theme in ep ardyn was composed by jojo's composer though


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
The whole Aera thing was a well kept secret. Only after Episode Ardyn do you realize what happened with her. I couldn't figure it out before. We finally find out what she had done.
This DLC answers so many questions.

You can't beat prophecy. It doesn't matter what you do. Everything is going to work out the way it should. The way it's been prophecied.
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Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
The reason Ardyn stabbed Luna is because nothing matters. It literally doesn't matter. Perfect ending. Who. cares.
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Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Hiramatsu is an amazing composer, XC1 & XC2's ost are some of my favorite soundtracks ever.
Knowing that the composer for Jojo Part 2 worked on Episode Ardyn makes me wish mod support didn't get dropped so maybe people could mod in the Pillar Men theme.
Hmm, I didn't like the music as much as I thought I would. Even with Lotus Juice of Persona fame providing the rapping for Iwasaka's track "Conditioned to Hate".

A summary article for the livestream popped up. Aranea artwork is confirmed to be from her cancelled DLC. Apparently, when the team decided to cancel the Dawn of the Future DLC project, they weren't even sure Episode Ardyn would be released or be part of the game's Second Anniversary celebrations. Plus, they even debated whether to tell people publicly about the cancellation, but decided it would be doing wrong by the fans to leave them in the dark. Luminous Productions will continue working, just not on XV or its DLC. Not much info on the novel Dawn of the Future, except that it does seem to be a novelization of the planned alternate narrative due to the way they're phrasing its story.

And, some thoughts of my own on the DLC. But I will be marking it in spoilers.

After going through it, it definitely feels like it was slightly rushed or cobbled together, given the lore dump aspects in the second chapter. The final multiple choice ending also seems out of place, given that they both lead to the same final sequence. From my perspective, the "Submit" ending fits in better with the final sequence, while the "Rebel" ending seems to want to lead into something else - the rest of The Dawn of the Future. I think that's where the alternate tale would've been told, perhaps with Ardyn regaining some sense of sanity when faced with this revelation and vowing to do something about it. Submitting and fully succumbing to his madness seems the canon line of events. Also, I highly doubt Aera would torture him like she did in the "Rebel" ending, destiny or no destiny. That sequences might've been put in to replace what might've led into Dawn of the Future, which explains why it doesn't fit in very well with other elements. On the whole, I commend the developers for making it work like it did and adding a beautiful degree of ambiguity to the narrative, but it's clearly been put together out of what pieces could be fitted and released so it could be out there.

You can't beat prophecy. It doesn't matter what you do. Everything is going to work out the way it should. The way it's been prophecied.
Oddly enough, that hearkens back directly to the game's roots in the FNC. The question there was about free will and destined paths, with XIII being about defying the divine and Type-0 being about those swept along by a grand scheme beyond their knowledge; in XV it's been taken in a more "tragic" direction by having destiny as something no-one can defy. Works in its context, and fulfils the dev's promises of this being the darkest mainline Final Fantasy to date.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
the gods, mainly Bahamut, simply used humans as tools to save Eos, it didnt matter how much they had to suffer if that goal was achieved.

its just the cold reality.

moral of the story: if fate fucks you up, the human bonds you make along the way are worth the pain, be it your family, friends or loved ones.
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