So basically, any FF fan who's ever finished Bloodborne and liked it won't find a problem with XV's not-always-so-obvious "storytelling." And if they do, well, Idk what to say.
Well, this being the internet, those same people will find a way to have a problem with it, lol. But yeah, there wouldn't be anything to say to them.
This isn't just FF that's doing this. This is the way games have been moving for as long as it's been possible to do so, and I don't think it's going away any time soon. The idea/goal here seems to be to have the most seemless and immersive world possible, and that includes having the story told dynamically via gameplay instead of stopping the action for cutscenes at every turn.
I think it's totally feasible to strike a balance between the two formats. It's mostly just people on the internet used to the old way that will complain about it.
Fun note, FF tried to do the exact opposite thing when FFVIII came out, though I imagine it's the same base idea/goal. They realized they could do this while working on FFVII and decided to feature it in FFVIII, and that's the ability to move your 3D polygon character around with the cutscene playing in the background. And that gave birth to scenes like the Galbadian attack with the QTE punching fight.
Apparently, it was ok then, but it's not OK now, lol