I have played a large chunk of FF15. AMA.

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Hey! So last week before the delay I got to play the first few chapters of FF15 - 0, 1, 2, 3 - and tool around in side quests a lot. I played for over four hours.

There'll be multiple articles from me about my experience over the next few hours and days, but amidst the leak kerfuffle the embargo moved forwards and they're not ready. I won't publish something that isn't 100%, so that is that.

However... While I prep those pieces, you can ask questions. When I get time (remember I'm in Germany for Gamescom) I'll answer.

Please keep in mind I remain under embargo for some things. I can comment on the general flow of the story etc but can't comment on specific stuff deeply. Also, given the delay consider that the performance (which was all over the place) is now far from final.

Ask away!


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Question 1: How was the pacing in ch 1-2-3 ?
Question 2: How many side quest were available in each chapter ?
Question 3: Did you come across a "boss" fight during your playthrough ?

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Not worried about performance - that can be ironed out.

1) How's the gameplay? AI seem reasonable? The core gameplay loop engaging? Can I customize the control layout?
2) Generally speaking, does the writing and the dialog seem reasonable? Are the characters believable?
3) How varied is the world in terms of enemies, things to do, etc. so far?


PSICOM Soldier
Aug 3, 2016
1. What is the inventory likes, is it comparable to another FF?
2. Weapons. Didn't you get to find some, did you get to buy some, is there upgrading?
3. Unless it's a story related thing, did you see Carbuncle at all?


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Question 1: How was the pacing in ch 1-2-3 ?
Question 2: How many side quest were available in each chapter ?
Question 3: Did you come across a "boss" fight during your playthrough ?
1: I think Chapter 0 is a bit of a bust (to me it had no impact whatsoever) but I love the slow burn of the early game. Things ramp up when the crew learn of events in Insomnia and then calm back down again when they realize that at least for now there's nothing they can do.

2: I only encountered a couple a chapter, but with limited play time I didn't go looking for them too much. Supposedly running dead-set through Chapter 1-3 would take around 3 hours and I wanted to see it all, so I didn't waste too much time.

3: I encountered a couple, yes, including a new Lucian general type character called Loqi.

Not worried about performance - that can be ironed out.

1) How's the gameplay? AI seem reasonable? The core gameplay loop engaging? Can I customize the control layout?
2) Generally speaking, does the writing and the dialog seem reasonable? Are the characters believable?
3) How varied is the world in terms of enemies, things to do, etc. so far?
1: I really enjoyed the gameplay, and I'm somebody who thought the Platinum demo was pretty pants and ripped on the game's E3 showing. I will say this: The game seems to be at its best when you're fighting more human enemies. Fast moving beasts lead to struggling with the camera and lock on (even though the combat is still fun there) but against soldiers you can really go to town and do some cool stuff. My favourite thing was quite possibly warp-striking snipers from a fair distance away. Feels good.

I think the action is as good a middle ground as you're going to get between a true action game and something more similar to ATB. It does its best to marry the two concepts. I'm less convinced about the RPG credentials, as the skill tree looked pretty meager, but it was backed up by other interesting things in the form of equipment, magic crafting, etc.

So, yeah - Combat is great. I have issues with other gameplay things though, like I think the car is rubbish.

I didn't see (or indeed look for) any control options other than to invert the camera control.

2: I think people's mileage will vary on this, but I really like the dub. I think they've thought carefully about the crew and I actually think this might end up being one of the better-localized FF games. I really enjoy the banter and the energy between the main four guys; they feel real, even if they speak in anime cliches.

3: Chapter 1 feels a lot like Duscae; a few different types of beast around an area. In later chapters a few types of Magitek soldiers show up. It's hard to judge based on what I've seen, but if I had to wager I bet a lot of the game's side quests boil down to hunts: Hunts are pretty easy to execute gameplay design wise as they don't really contain any big story hooks... just go here, kill a big monster. Hunts feel a lot like FF12 in this regard. I didn't see much in the way of other non-hunt side quests.

1) Did you find the gameplay fun? Is there some depth to it?
2) Is voice acting decent?
Think I covered both these above!

I'll answer more later.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Can you take the car off-road if not what's stopping you?

Did you see more of chapter 0 than what we saw?
Last edited:

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Thanks - sounds like this is the FF game we've wanted since the first Versus trailers. Personally, as long as the car is functional and not "in the way", I'll be more than okay with it.

Some more questions:
1) How many traditional "boss" battles did you get to play - marks notwithstanding?
2) Did you get to try any of the other mini-games, like fishing or chocobo racing?
3) Do you get the sense that the game is keeping the story very close to the vest these first chapters (excluding Chapter 0)
4) After playing it and encountering performance issues/crashes and talking with SE, do you get the sense that the additional 6-8 weeks will be enough time to fix and polish everything?
5) I guess, Chapter 0 notwithstanding, you can't tell us more about the sleeping motif (Noctis, Etro(?)) yet?


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 5, 2014
Chapter 0 feels like a complete dud for sure, and I think opening players to something that is slow and builds isn't a bad thing at all. Chapter 0 feels tacked on in the worst way.

I guess my question is, how do you feel bout the story so far? For me, after the first bit, it felt like the only point to the story was finding different tombs in different parts of the world. I thought Noctis was heading to Altissia still?


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I didn't play Duscae so I don't really have a comparison, but how are NPCs here? I assume you've only seen Hammerhead and the resort, so I don't expect much, but I'm interested in their conversations with you and between each other (if they have). Also their routines/animations.

Lastly, is the Chapter 0 you played all we saw in today's video or did your play an extended version of it? I assume it is edited in the video, as it was kind of an abrupt of a change after less than a context-less minute and I remember Tabata referrencing FF II for the beginning (so, a battle you can't really win?).

Can't wait to read your fleshed-out impressions!
Sep 26, 2013
My main question is this: Does Noctis himself have gameplay options outside of attacking and casting magic? I see that his friends have and can learn special abilities that Noctis can command them to use, but did you see indications of that for him in your time with the game?
Likes: AverageAfro


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 16, 2013
One of my worries for this game is how the story progresses. I worry it's the checklist design, where you go from point A to point B in story, where you just kill a selected number of enemies in some new area go back to the quest giver and finish the quest and move on the next area. It feels rather uninspired, is that actually how it plays out in the first three chapters? Because the very first thing you do in chapter 1 where you get control over your character is kill a bunch of scorpions... I worry that's how the majority of the story progresses.

Thank You
Likes: AnGer-dono
Sep 26, 2013
Building from the game's skill-tree system, is there a relationship with it and the levelling up of characters? I already know that you must earn AP to acquire the nodes on the tree, but do you obtain AP from levelling up or is it just exclusively earned from side-quests and main quests? Is there more (besides the obvious) to the overall skill-tree you feel? Any.... Particular expectations?

Speaking of levelling up, with every level gained, is it just increased stats?
I can already answer part of this. You can see that AP is gained by leveling in the 50 minute video at 19:15. It's a substantial amount.
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