Summons in the Final Fantasy series

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Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Eidolons, Espers, Guardian Forces... Whatever you wish to call them, they are definitely an integral element of the Final Fantasy series. Some of the FF stories focused on their existence as they played a significant role in the actuall scenario as in Final Fantasy IV, VI, IX, and X where they were summoned by the summoners.
Since Final Fantasy III, which is the entry where they were introduced, summons are there to fight them, to summon them thus assisting us in battle or even trigger an incident, as in Final Fantasy VIII with Odin's death and the appeareance of Gilgamesh.


So this thread is here to discuss anything about them... Their story-mythology and role in each FF game, their powers, their appearance, the hidden quests around them and in general the way to acquire them.
Here are some questions for you to get started...
What are your favorite summons? How did you like them in every game? How would you like them to be in the future FF entries? Would you prefer them only having the role of your assistants in battle or you would like them to have a more active role in the scenario? What are your favorite moments in the series with them?
Likes: Sapientia

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
My top favorites are Leviathan, Bahamut, followed by Shiva and Odin. I so want them playing a significant role in the scenario as in FFIX where there is one of my favorite moments, the battle between Alexander and Bahamut...

Alexander vs Bahamut.jpg
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Likes: Sapientia


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I came to post about FF9, but you've got it covered. FF9 and 10 use summons so effectively as a lot device as well as a cool battle thing. I love the detail! I love that Garnet has powerful summon spells right from the start of the game, but can't cast them because she's too low a level to have enough MP to do so.

That FF 25th Magazine we did actually has a page written by a friend of mine on the genius of FF9's use of summons!

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
So what about their role in the scenario and the gameplay? You think it is really something important and also interesting?
And what do you think was the most difficult summon to acquire? I would say that one of the most difficult to fight and get was Zodiark from FFXII. I managed to get him on my second attempt with 1 party member alive with low hp... He drove me crazy back then!
I also enjoyed so much Bahamut's fight and my limited in time exploration of Centra Ruins to get Odin, both in FFVIII.


Site Staff
Sep 24, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Final Fantasy X's implementation of summons (aeons) is easily my favorite. Being playable rather than a just super attack, and being able to modify their abilities and stats with items/spheres. I wish some of the animations weren't quite so long though (even when the short-animation option).
Likes: Leon Aether

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Final Fantasy X's implementation of summons (aeons) is easily my favorite. Being playable rather than a just super attack, and being able to modify their abilities and stats with items/spheres. I wish some of the animations weren't quite so long though (even when the short-animation option).
Indeed! And basically I would say that this "new" summoning features back then, made the already great combat system, just uncompetitive, and it still is in my opinion.
Would like to see something related to X or even the next step in FFXV? Like controling Bahamut for example during battle after he is being summoned?


Chocobo Knight
Sep 27, 2013
I read many times the name "Maduin"... I always thought it was "Madeen" and searching for it on the web I found out that both exist and they are one and the same. I didn't know that...
Maduin is an important Esper in FF6 and for some reason they named him Madeen in FF9
I played FF6 after FF9 so I didnt know that Madeen had his own backstory in Final Fantasy
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Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
Since Final Fantasy VII seeing Bahamut in action always sends chills down my spine. Back then in 1997 summons were all about flashy (and usually very long) animations and to me it was showcase of what PSX was capable of. Ireally hope that FFXV will somehow blend summons into gameplay - I remeber the thrill of obtaining Knights of the Round, and using it once just to get annoyed by how long the animation was. The option to skip it was a godsent in later FFs.

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Also, YES god damn Doomtrain what a stupid idea
Hahahaha! When I first acquired that I thought it would be a mechanical monster that somehow would ressemble a train. But when I saw Doomtrain's true nature... Oh well... I instantly wondered "why the hell did I do all this stuff to get this?" :rolleyes:

Nevertheless, I would say that FFVIII GF were all in all beautiful! Carbuncle, Ifrit, Quezacotl, Shiva, Siren, and the boss... Diablos!!! That dark messenger was a true dark masterpiece! :D
As for IX, well I fell instantly in love with Leviathan! He was never so damn beautiful before. Some of the other summons in IX were decent. My exceptions are Madeen, Bahamut, Ramuh and Fenrir which were astonishing for that gen.

EDIT: I would like to know why they were called GF in FFVIII. Ok they were used by the Gardens as an army yes, but is that the only reason? Plus I recall Irvine telling that using them makes their memories foggy. Is there a reason for that?
diablo_ffviii_by_candycanecroft-d4dtnh9.jpg Leviathan_FFIX_Art_1.jpg
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Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Since Final Fantasy VII seeing Bahamut in action always sends chills down my spine. Back then in 1997 summons were all about flashy (and usually very long) animations and to me it was showcase of what PSX was capable of. Ireally hope that FFXV will somehow blend summons into gameplay - I remeber the thrill of obtaining Knights of the Round, and using it once just to get annoyed by how long the animation was. The option to skip it was a godsent in later FFs.
I believe they understood that in Square back then, when they were creating FFIX, which is the main reason why the used skipped summoning animations from the second time an Eidolon was summoned... In VII and mainly in VIII it became a bit tiring after some period...


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
I believe they understood that in Square back then, when they were creating FFIX, which is the main reason why the used skipped summoning animations from the second time an Eidolon was summoned... In VII and mainly in VIII it became a bit tiring after some period...
This is the main reason why I would love to see summons fighting alongside the characters in FFXV - in an action-oriented game they should appear instantly and their animation should not interfere with what's happening on the field.

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
This is the main reason why I would love to see summons fighting alongside the characters in FFXV - in an action-oriented game they should appear instantly and their animation should not interfere with what's happening on the field.
Hmmm I agree! In FFXII summoning Espers didn't also take that long. In FFXIII the "skip" button was always there. Even if they would completely skip it though, I wouldn't mind. As long as they don't consume MP, which makes things limited, I don't mind for new features!