Your FFXV Release Date Guess

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May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
Well since i have not seen this at all i figured it would be fun for us to all share our predictions for the date in 2016 in which this game will be released. You are also free to post if you think the game will be delayed. In which case say so of course.

Also post why you think that if you want too. The person who is closest to the date gets major prop and a cookie of their choosing.

My guess: November 21st

I remember a few games releasing in the October-November time-frame and honestly think this might happen.


Apr 11, 2015
Matsuda said in the latest V-Jump (Japanese magazine) that XV's release date "shouldn't be that far away." Then again, SE's sense of "time" with this game has been a bit... strange, to put it nicely.

Given XV's special history, SE have probably considered carefully the game's release date and will announce a date that they know for sure they can meet. Delays, not counting the 7-year one, are improbable.

FF demos have usually been released approximately a year before the full games. Episode Duscae was released in mid-March 2015 and was updated in early June.

SE also have DQXI and KH3 coming. DQXI is likely a 2016 release since next year will be the series' 30th anniversary (or so I've been told). KH3 may be a late 2016 or 2017 release.

Considering the above, I'd say sometime before August 2016 sounds likely, but if I had to peg down a more specific timeframe, then possibly as early as April and as late as early August.
Likes: Infest


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
DQXI is planned to be release by the time of its 30th anniversary (May 27, 1986), which could be weeks before or after that date , SE would likely try to avoid putting FFXV near that date since DQ has always outsold FF in JP by a long shot.

Releaseing the game before DQXI, timing-wise i don't see it happening if Tabatas comments on the percents of completion for magic, maps, areas and battle system are anything to go by.

Releaseing FFXV between June and December 2016 is the most likely outcome and as for what date exactly, i'd say August 23rd (my birthday :rolleyes:). If delays were to happen, then i'd say it will a 2 months delay at most (hopefully), putting the game release at October 23rd.
Sep 26, 2013
I'm going for a wild card and say December 21st 2016.
Perfect time for those on a holiday. Perfect time for people who're buying and a perfect time for those who's willing to spend as much time as possible on video games..... And spend time with their families of course. :3
When it comes to the holidays, at least in North America, the perfect time to release a major title like that would be in November and before Black Friday. We don't typically see a lot of major stuff in December and right before Christmas. November tends to be when the big guns hit. And if they're going to miss 2016, March 2017 would be the next best bet to make as that would be the next busiest and important month for gaming.

And yes, I'm aware FFX came out in December in NA too. ;)
Nov 17, 2014
There are 365 days plus 1 in year 2016 since it's a leap year. That means it takes that many people to have their own date. But if we have to narrow down, like excluding the first quarter, then there are only 275 days. But I don't know how many of us are in this community. But a wild guess is possible.
Sep 26, 2013
Many of the mainline entries in North America are released in the month of September, October and November... Which is the fall season. ;)

And the holiday season too! ;)

Since FFXV is shooting for a simultaneously worldwide release, I'm guessing the western release is going to hold back the Japanese release for a little bit because of localization. November seems like a safe bet but who knows.
Likes: Crystal Power