FF12 HD Remaster. Where you at, brah? Homies be waitin' on you.

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Balamb Garden Freshman
Seriously, why is FF12 HD taking so long? Actually, scratch that. It makes sense why it's not announced yet, as Square Enix likely didn't want to announce it before FF10 HD was out, which only recently came to PS4.

FF12 HD is actually my most anticipated Square Enix game, as I know I will be getting a quality JRPG with it. FF15 being good or not is still up in the air, as recent news and info regarding that game has me thinking it won't be a great game. The development is a complete clusterfuck and Tabata is making seemingly endless cuts and changes to Nomura's original vision. Therefore, I'm keeping my expectation for it in check, as Type-0 HD was utter garbage and Tabata directed that filth. I had to clean my PS4 laser when I finally completed it. Never again will it go back in the disc tray unless I want to willingly give myself motion sickness.

Anyway, back to FF12. I hope we get this announced at E3 and I also hope it releases before FF15. In terms of platforms, I want it to be PS4 exclusive so it pushes the console to the limits. People can play it on Vita with Remote Play, anyway.

What I'd love to see:
  • All the International Zodiac Job System content.
  • You can change Job whenever you want like FF5.
  • Fully finished and complete scenario by Yasumi Matsuno.
  • New cutscenes for the second half of the game directed by Jun Akiyama.
  • 1080p/60 FPS.
  • Texture work and resolution as detailed as PS4 will allow. Push the console to the limits.
  • No changes to cutscene character faces, unlike FF10 HD.
  • Use the hi-polygon cutscene faces during actual gameplay.
  • HQ voice acting with no noticeable compression, unlike the PS2 original.
  • The actual OST version of the music, rather than poor quality music used in the PS2 original.
  • Hiroyuki Ito as both producer and director.
I hope all of these points end up happening, but I know most of them won't.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
What I'd love to see:
  • All the International Zodiac Job System content.
  • You can change Job whenever you want like FF5.
  • Fully finished and complete scenario by Yasumi Matsuno.
  • New cutscenes for the second half of the game directed by Jun Akiyama.
  • 1080p/60 FPS.
  • Texture work and resolution as detailed as PS4 will allow. Push the console to the limits.
  • No changes to cutscene character faces, unlike FF10 HD.
  • Use the hi-polygon cutscene faces during actual gameplay.
  • HQ voice acting with no noticeable compression, unlike the PS2 original.
  • The actual OST version of the music, rather than poor quality music used in the PS2 original.
  • Hiroyuki Ito as both producer and director.
I hope all of these points end up happening, but I know most of them won't.
As long as there's job choice I think it's okay to have it's inclusion. I was thinking if they could make it if you don't select a job then it won't constrict you in any way, instead of making you not able to gain any new abilities. I doubt that would happen though because it probably is too much work.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
FF12 HD is actually my most anticipated Square Enix game, as I know I will be getting a quality JRPG with it. FF15 being good or not is still up in the air, as recent news and info regarding that game has me thinking it won't be a great game. The development is a complete clusterfuck and Tabata is making seemingly endless cuts and changes to Nomura's original vision. Therefore, I'm keeping my expectation for it in check, as Type-0 HD was utter garbage and Tabata directed that filth. I had to clean my PS4 laser when I finally completed it. Never again will it go back in the disc tray unless I want to willingly give myself motion sickness.
Dear lord.


Balamb Garden Freshman
What part of Heavensward and Mobious wasn't clear ?
Those games are already announced, yo! I'm saying they can't be holding their first E3 Press Conference since way back in 2006 (where FF13 and FF15 were both announced) and not announce a new FF game. I expect FF12 HD Remaster to be that title. I hope I'm not wrong, as it not being there will make the FF presence at the show weaker than a dysfunctional, 80 year old penis.
As much as I'd want a remaster of FFXII, it is hardly a piece of software that will allure me to purchase a current gen system. And right now the thing this generation needs is another remaster because god forbid we do not have enough of these.

As far as your wishes go... no. Just no. There will be texture updates, maybe the Japanese dub and that will be it. I'd love for Matsuno to go back and rework the story of the game, but he quite likely will not.
Likes: LeonBlade


Network Boss-man
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Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
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