And I am sure he will showcase the title extensively next year on E3 and TGS. But what SE cant do at all costs is to release the game as early as possible because of public pressure and expectations. Thats how you ruin a game. I dont want an unfinished FF XV thats full of bugs and freezes and needs a million patches to get fixed like so many games of this generation that came out too early. And I think SE should have learned their lesson with releasing games before they are properly finished with the original release of FF XIV.
People keep moaning about the long development time of XV. however I say let them develop this game as long as they need to, to give us a perfected and fully finished version of it. I dont care if they develop it for another 5 years or so. as long as the released version will not be buggy, unfinished, unpolished or will have to cut down on things because of time pressure as they did with FF XIII. If FF XIII would have been in development for another 3 years they could have implemented a lot of the stuff that people missed in it. But because people kept putting pressure on SE about the release and the prolonged development they released it earlier when they hadnt really fully explored and mastered the Crystal Tools engine yet. I dont want FF XV to do that. I want it the best, biggest, most polished and perfected game it can possibly be. And I dont care if that means waiting another 5 years. I prefer that over a game with drawbacks and technical flaws any day of the week.