I wasn't trying to, like, call you out on anything. You were just kind of separating the two like they're two different characters and I was reminding you that they're the same. It was really to set your mind at ease about your disappointment so far. I'd take the Kingsglaive impressions to heart.
As for her devotion to Noctis, and forgive me because I don't tend to go too in depth on the lore before a game is out, but from the previews for KG, she seems to be under the notion that saving Noctis is saving the world. That devotion may not just be her feelings for him, but rather her belief that he is very, very important to the fate of the world. I don't know why yet, obviously, but I am confident it will be more compelling than a schoolgirl crush. Everything they've said about her points to her being a strong person, and one devoted to her people.